The Official Fipamo Repository
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Ro 327cb7a25d started removing all postgress dependencies
brain started removing all postgress dependencies
config moved config, nav updates on page status change in post editor
content clean up, upgraded node
public added new auth route, implemented token authentication, new static files folder for rendered pages
themes minor template edit
.babelrc initial commit in new repo
.eslintrc implemented admin post filtering
.gitignore added generic site setting file, removed actual setting file. oops
.prettierignore plugged in prettier and eslint, deep cleaned code base
.prettierrc plugged in prettier and eslint, deep cleaned code base
.sequelizerc added db migration functionality, added published and featured to post data model Initial commit
init.js started removing all postgress dependencies
package-lock.json added new auth route, implemented token authentication, new static files folder for rendered pages
package.json added new auth route, implemented token authentication, new static files folder for rendered pages


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