extends frame block main-content #dash-index #dash-index-wrapper .dash-init#dash-init br form#init-form h1 What up. p Just fill these in and it'll get you started. label What's your handle? br input.large(type='text', name='new_member_handle' id='new_member_handle', placeholder="What\'s your handle?") br label Let's get that email br input.large(type='text', name='new_member_email' id='new_member_email', placeholder="Email Please") br label Let's get a password br input.large(type='password', name='new_member_pass' id='new_member_pass', placeholder="Password Please") br label And let's confirm that password br input.large(type='password', name='new_member_pass2' id='new_member_pass2', placeholder="Email Confirm") br label And finally, a title br input.large(type='text', name='new_member_title' id='new_member_title', placeholder="Site Title Please") br button#init-blog(data-action='blog-init' type='submit') SET IT UP