extends frame block main-content section#index-content header.columns#header #float-bg img(src=theme+'/assets/images/eye-beamz.png') #header-one.column #header-two.column label#the-title a(href="/") thetwelfthhouse #the-intro | I'm Ro. I am a a(href='/work') freelancer |, a(href='/blog/page/1') thinker |, a(href='https://playvicious.social' target="_blank") masto admin |, a(href='/fipamo') a pack rat |, and I'm kinda trying to a(href="https://www.patreon.com/Are0h" target="_blank") save the world. #index-display #recent-title.index-block | "Boards do not hit back" © Bruce Lee //svg(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons") use(xlink:href='/'+theme+'/assets/images/sprite.svg#entypo-air') #works.index-block h3 Works -var index = 0; -for (index; index