//** REQUEST TYPES **// export const REQUEST_TYPE_POST = "POST"; export const REQUEST_TYPE_GET = "GET"; export const REQUEST_TYPE_PUT = "PUT"; export const REQUEST_TYPE_DELETE = "DELETE"; //** POST CONTENT TYPES **// export const CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "json"; export const CONTENT_TYPE_FORM = "x-www-form-urlencoded"; //** API URLS **// export const API_GET_PAGES = "/api/v1/page/published"; export const API_GET_FEATURED = "/api/v1/page/featured"; export const API_GET_PAGE = "/api/v1/page/single"; export const API_GET_MENU = "/api/v1/page/menu"; export const API_GET_TAGS = "/api/v1/page/tags"; //** API TASKS **// export const TASK_GET_CONTENT = "retrieveContent"; /** * Fipamo Content API * A bag of methods for getting page info from an install. * To use remotely, include url of install and user key found in settings in the Dashboard. */ class FipamoContentAPI { /** * @constructor * @param {string} baseURL - url of site; uses local when empty * @param {string} key - user api key * @author Ro */ constructor(baseURL = null, key = null) { this.baseURL = null; this.key = null; if (key) this.key = key; if (baseURL) this.baseURL = baseURL; } /** * Promise method for retrieving page data * @param {string} type - type of pages being retrieved; null value defaults to published * @example * api.pages('published').then(pages=>{ * console.log("Pages Object", pages); * }) * @returns {object} json object that contains pages of requested type * */ pages(type = null) { //set url based on request type let requestURL = ""; switch (type) { default: case "published": requestURL = API_GET_PAGES + "?key=" + this.key; break; case "featured": requestURL = API_GET_FEATURED + "?key=" + this.key; break; case "menu": requestURL = API_GET_MENU + "?key=" + this.key; break; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._request( this.baseURL ? this.baseURL + requestURL : requestURL, TASK_GET_CONTENT ) .then((result) => { resolve(result); }) .catch((err) => { reject(err); }); }); } /** * Promise method for retrieving single page * @param {string} id - uuid of desired page * @example * api.page("a-uuid-for-a-page").then(page=>{ console.log("Page Object", page); * }) * @returns {object} json object that contains data for requested page */ page(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._request( this.baseURL ? this.baseURL + API_GET_PAGE + "/" + id + "?key=" + this.key : API_GET_PAGE + "/" + id + "?key=" + this.key, TASK_GET_CONTENT, REQUEST_TYPE_GET ) .then((result) => { resolve(result); }) .catch((err) => { reject(err); }); }); } /** * Promise method for retrieving all tags used by pages * @example * api.tags().then(tags=>{ console.log("Tags Object", tags); * }) * @returns {object} json object that contains tags used by pages */ tags() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._request( this.baseURL ? this.baseURL + API_GET_TAGS + "?key=" + this.key : API_GET_TAGS + "?key=" + this.key, TASK_GET_CONTENT, REQUEST_TYPE_GET ) .then((result) => { resolve(result); }) .catch((err) => { reject(err); }); }); } //-------------------------- // private //-------------------------- _request( requestURL, eventType, requestType = REQUEST_TYPE_GET, contentType = CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, requestData = null ) { var self = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.upload.onprogress = self.handleLoadProgress; request.open(requestType, requestURL, true); request.onload = () => { if (request.status == 200) { let response = JSON.parse(request["response"]); resolve(response); } else { let error = JSON.parse(request["response"]); reject(error); } }; if (requestType == REQUEST_TYPE_PUT || requestType == REQUEST_TYPE_POST) { switch (contentType) { case CONTENT_TYPE_JSON: request.setRequestHeader( "Content-type", "application/" + contentType ); request.send(JSON.stringify(requestData)); break; case CONTENT_TYPE_FORM: request.send(requestData); break; } } else { request.send(); } }); } //-------------------------- // event handlers //-------------------------- handleLoadProgress(e) { this.percentComplete = Math.ceil((e.loaded / e.total) * 100); //pass element to display request progress } } export { FipamoContentAPI as default };