function $parcel$interopDefault ( a ) {
return a && a . _ _esModule ? a . default : a ;
var $parcel$global =
typeof globalThis !== 'undefined'
? globalThis
: typeof self !== 'undefined'
? self
: typeof window !== 'undefined'
? window
: typeof global !== 'undefined'
? global
: { } ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$1470a914435ca933 = "POST" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$40a64a78065efa15 = "GET" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$d7fd7a62023314c5 = "PUT" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$664fc1dd454ea59a = "DELETE" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 = "json" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$d1a86f208bdcebe5 = "x-www-form-urlencoded" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$353cfe44191e6ed0 = "/api/v1/status" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$a5dc8f3c1ec8d90e = "/api/v1/settings/site" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$12171301ab2e754b = "/api/v1/settings/member" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$bcee0afc6bcb3973 = "/api/v1/page/create" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$56305c0c25c10608 = "/api/v1/page/write" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$af6f91c104f9c4c0 = "/api/v1/page/delete" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$1541f55cb44e7d14 = "/api/v1/settings/sync" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$42d16aa2cb1126e1 = "/api/v1/settings/publish" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$96c65021a69fd85 = "/api/v1/settings/nav-sync" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$94ef9ea0ce35d9d2 = "/api/v1/settings/reindex" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$8d81f3b3a5b91cea = "/api/v1/mailer" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$7193f1fd9d4c1e50 = "/api/v1/login" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$5a2be2bfb8c6b601 = "getAuthStatus" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$cf68b0779f5f031f = "writeSettings" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$6ddd598aa59a7ae3 = "publishSite" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$f06e28eb004ce525 = "createNewPage" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$a01fefcc831953fa = "editPage" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$f9aea0c55bfa15c9 = "deletePage" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$835e061c7098d585 = "sendMail" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$99e8e9f4661c0fb8 = "reIndexPages" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$ff4a0df6152bf850 = "syncSite" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$67799ce3e3352ee1 = "syncNav" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$303f528a8cb6a0ec = "getSiteSettings" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$497a6cff1b996002 = "getMemberInfo" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$67f2179ab94be531 = "apiUseAuthorized" ;
const $cbea55afea03b976$export$d46ee33f41c7e43d = "apiUseNotAuthorized" ;
/ * *
* A can of methods used to edit install settings , navigation pages and content pages
* / c l a s s $ c b e a 5 5 a f e a 0 3 b 9 7 6 $ e x p o r t $ 2 e 2 b c d 8 7 3 9 a e 0 3 9 {
/ * *
* @ constructor
* @ param { string } baseURL - url of site ; uses local when empty
* @ param { object } progressBar - element to be used to display upload progress
* / c o n s t r u c t o r ( b a s e U R L = n u l l , p r o g r e s s B a r = n u l l ) {
this . percentComplete = 0 ; //for later
this . baseURL = null ;
this . progressBar = progressBar ;
this . status = false ;
if ( baseURL ) this . baseURL = baseURL ;
//asks server if a session is active
this . _request ( this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + $cbea55afea03b976$export$353cfe44191e6ed0 : $cbea55afea03b976$export$353cfe44191e6ed0 ) . then ( ( response ) => {
if ( response . type === $cbea55afea03b976$export$67f2179ab94be531 ) this . token = response . token ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Promise method for authenticating and starting a session \
* * * POST * * ` /api/v1/login `
* @ param { Object [ ] } data - json object that contains data for set up
* @ param { string } data [ ] . handle - handle for site user
* @ param { string } data [ ] . password - password for site user
* @ example
* api . login ( data ) . then ( response => {
* console . log ( "RESPONSE" , response ) ;
* } )
* @ returns { object } json object that contains type and status of login request
` ` `
"message" : "Example Message of Affirmation or what you're missing!" ,
"type" : "exampleType" ,
` ` `
* / l o g i n ( d a t a ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . baseURL ? data . remote = true : data . remote = false ;
this . key ? data . key = this . key : data . key = null ;
this . _request ( this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + $cbea55afea03b976$export$7193f1fd9d4c1e50 : $cbea55afea03b976$export$7193f1fd9d4c1e50 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$5a2be2bfb8c6b601 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$1470a914435ca933 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Method for saving site and navigation settings \
* * * POST * * ` /api/v1/settings/:task `
* @ param { string } task - settings being synced ` config | navigation `
* @ param { object [ ] } data - json object that contains settings data for [ site ] or [ nav ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . global . base _url - base url for site [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . global . title - site title [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . global . descriptions - brief site summary [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . global . background - url for site feature image for header [ site ]
* @ param { boolean } data [ ] . global . private - privacy state for site [ disabled ] [ site ]
* @ param { boolean } data [ ] . global . renderOnSave - property for publishing site when page saved [ disabled ] [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . global . theme - current theme for site [ site ]
* @ param { boolean } data [ ] . global . externalAPI - toggle for external API access [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . member . handle - current member handle [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . member . email - current member email [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . email . active - current email protocol being used [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . email . smtp . domain - url of smtp service being [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . email . smtp . email - email account of smtp service [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . email . smtp . password - password for email of smtp service [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . email . mailgun . domain - mailgun domain url [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . email . mailgun . key - mailgun key [ site ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . item . title - page title [ nav ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . item . slug - url safe title [ nav ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . item . uuid - unique identifier [ nav ]
* @ param { string } data [ ] . item . path - directory path to associated markdown file [ nav ]
* @ example
* api . sync ( TASK , data ) . then ( response => {
* console . log ( "RESPONSE" , response ) ;
* } )
* @ returns { object } json object that contains type and status of sync request
` ` `
"message" : "Example Message of Affirmation!" ,
"type" : "exampleType" ,
` ` `
* / s y n c ( t a s k , d a t a ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
let url = "" ;
switch ( task ) {
case "syncSite" :
url = $cbea55afea03b976$export$1541f55cb44e7d14 ;
break ;
case "syncNav" :
url = $cbea55afea03b976$export$96c65021a69fd85 ;
break ;
this . _request ( this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + url : url , $cbea55afea03b976$export$cf68b0779f5f031f , $cbea55afea03b976$export$1470a914435ca933 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Method for retrieving user authorizing user login
* @ param { object [ ] } data - json object that contains task
* @ param { string } data [ ] . task - publishing task
* @ example
* api . publish ( TASK ) . then ( response => {
* console . log ( "RESPONSE" , response ) ;
* } )
* @ returns { object } json object that contains type and status of publis request
* ` ` `
"message" : "Example Message of Affirmation!" ,
"type" : "exampleType" ,
* ` ` `
* / p u b l i s h ( d a t a ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _request ( //API_PUBLISH_PAGES,
this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + $cbea55afea03b976$export$42d16aa2cb1126e1 : $cbea55afea03b976$export$42d16aa2cb1126e1 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$6ddd598aa59a7ae3 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$1470a914435ca933 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Method for handling page creating and editing \
* * * POST * * ` /api/v1/page/:task `
* @ param { string } task - current page action
* @ param { object [ ] } form - form object that contains info for current page being edited / created
* @ param { string } form [ ] . id - sequence id for page , leave empty for new page
* @ param { string } form [ ] . uuid - unique identifier for page , leave empty for new page
* @ param { string } form [ ] . layout - current page layout
* @ param { string } form [ ] . current _title - saved url save title for persistence when changing title , leave empty for new page
* @ param { string } form [ ] . content - markdown body of page
* @ param { string } form [ ] . title - current title of page
* @ param { string } form [ ] . created - date page was created , leave empty for new page
* @ param { string } form [ ] . slug - url safe string of page title
* @ param { string } form [ ] . tags - comma separated list of tags
* @ param { boolean } form [ ] . menu - property that indicates page is included in site menu
* @ param { boolean } form [ ] . featured - property that indicates page is featured
* @ param { boolean } form [ ] . published - property that indicates page is public
* @ param { string } form [ ] . form _token - hidden property to authenticate form submission
* @ param { input } form [ ] . feature _image - main image for page
* @ example
* api . pageActions ( TASK , data ) . then ( response => {
* console . log ( "RESPONSE" , response ) ;
* } )
* @ returns { object } json object that contains type and status of page edit request
` ` `
"message" : "Example Message of Affirmation!" ,
"type" : "exampleType" ,
` ` `
* / p a g e A c t i o n s ( t a s k , d a t a ) {
let url , event , content ;
switch ( task ) {
case $cbea55afea03b976$export$f06e28eb004ce525 :
url = $cbea55afea03b976$export$bcee0afc6bcb3973 ;
event = $cbea55afea03b976$export$f06e28eb004ce525 ;
content = $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 ;
break ;
case $cbea55afea03b976$export$a01fefcc831953fa :
url = $cbea55afea03b976$export$56305c0c25c10608 ;
event = $cbea55afea03b976$export$a01fefcc831953fa ;
content = $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 ;
break ;
case $cbea55afea03b976$export$f9aea0c55bfa15c9 :
url = $cbea55afea03b976$export$af6f91c104f9c4c0 ;
event = $cbea55afea03b976$export$f9aea0c55bfa15c9 ;
content = $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( this . baseURL ) //data.key = this.key;
data . remote = true ;
else data . remote = false ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _request ( this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + url : url , event , $cbea55afea03b976$export$1470a914435ca933 , content , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Method for sending mail ( if completed in settings ) \
* * * POST * * ` /api/v1/mailer `
* @ param { object [ ] } message - json object that contains items to be included in main site navigation
* @ param { string } message [ ] . content - message to send
* @ example
* api . sendMail ( message ) . then ( response => {
* console . log ( "RESPONSE" , response ) ;
* } )
* @ returns { object } json object that contains type and status of page edit request
` ` `
"message" : "Example Message of Affirmation!" ,
"type" : "exampleType"
` ` `
* / s e n d M a i l ( m e s s a g e ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _request ( this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + $cbea55afea03b976$export$8d81f3b3a5b91cea : $cbea55afea03b976$export$8d81f3b3a5b91cea , $cbea55afea03b976$export$835e061c7098d585 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$1470a914435ca933 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 , message ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* * Promise method for retrieving site and member info * \
* * * GET * * ` /api/v1/settings/:type `
* @ param { string } type - type of info requested [ 'site' | 'member' ] ;
* @ example
* api . getInfo ( "type" ) . then ( data => {
console . log ( "Info Object" , data ) ;
* } )
* @ returns { object } json object that contains data for requested information
* * info object example *
* ` ` `
"message" : "message of affirmation!" ,
"task" : "type of info request" ,
"data" : json - data - object ,
* ` ` `
* / g e t I n f o ( t y p e ) {
let url , task ;
if ( type == "site" ) {
url = $cbea55afea03b976$export$a5dc8f3c1ec8d90e ;
task = $cbea55afea03b976$export$303f528a8cb6a0ec ;
} else {
url = $cbea55afea03b976$export$12171301ab2e754b ;
task = $cbea55afea03b976$export$497a6cff1b996002 ;
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _request ( this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + url : url , task ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// private
_request ( requestURL , eventType , requestType = $cbea55afea03b976$export$40a64a78065efa15 , contentType = $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 , requestData = null ) {
var self = this ;
return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
request . upload . addEventListener ( "progress" , ( e ) => self . handleLoadProgress ( e , self . progressBar ) ) ;
request . open ( requestType , requestURL , true ) ;
request . onload = ( ) => {
if ( request . status == 200 ) {
let response = JSON . parse ( request [ "response" ] ) ;
resolve ( response ) ;
} else {
let error = JSON . parse ( request [ "response" ] ) ;
reject ( error ) ;
} ;
if ( requestType == $cbea55afea03b976$export$d7fd7a62023314c5 || requestType == $cbea55afea03b976$export$1470a914435ca933 ) {
if ( eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$cf68b0779f5f031f || eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$a01fefcc831953fa || eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$f06e28eb004ce525 || eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$f9aea0c55bfa15c9 || eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$6ddd598aa59a7ae3 || eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$99e8e9f4661c0fb8 ) request . setRequestHeader ( "fipamo-access-token" , self . token ) ;
switch ( contentType ) {
case $cbea55afea03b976$export$e133232680a85c80 :
request . setRequestHeader ( "Content-type" , "application/" + contentType ) ;
request . send ( JSON . stringify ( requestData ) ) ;
break ;
case $cbea55afea03b976$export$d1a86f208bdcebe5 :
request . send ( requestData ) ;
break ;
} else {
if ( eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$303f528a8cb6a0ec || eventType === $cbea55afea03b976$export$497a6cff1b996002 ) request . setRequestHeader ( "fipamo-access-token" , self . token ) ;
request . send ( ) ;
} ) ;
// event handlers
handleLoadProgress ( e , progressBar ) {
let percent = Math . ceil ( e . loaded / e . total * 100 ) ;
//if a progress bar element is present, talk to it
if ( progressBar != null ) progressBar . style . width = percent + "%" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 = "POST" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$40a64a78065efa15 = "GET" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$d7fd7a62023314c5 = "PUT" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$664fc1dd454ea59a = "DELETE" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$e133232680a85c80 = "json" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$d1a86f208bdcebe5 = "x-www-form-urlencoded" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$353cfe44191e6ed0 = "/api/v1/status" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$6010ab8005eea11c = "/api/v1/init" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$52ab125bf6b9623c = "/api/v1/restore" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$dbda7dc2e1902943 = "/api/v1/get-secret" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$6cb20b6a23a06e47 = "/api/v1/reset-password" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$7d346f7b882235dd = "/api/v1/backup" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$55b2e84262898562 = "/api/v1/backup/download" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$32b079f7fc0b26ca = "/api/v1/backup/restore" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$359fb9097c578f21 = "/api/v1/settings/add-avatar" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$739eebbd7d1f81a2 = "/api/v1/settings/add-feature-background" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$ee6257de8f8b01a2 = "/api/v1/page/add-entry-image" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$4d4b481c07056150 = "/api/v1/files" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2fb4d35b5b0eebb2 = "blogInit" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$525ebf8030c3a323 = "restoreBackup" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$fc0aff5026df5452 = "createBackup" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$adaa11ae547fcbcc = "retrieveSecret" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$8305e7d16f23e8bc = "resetPassword" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$f90c0f4ad2c7ac2b = "uploadFiles" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$67f2179ab94be531 = "apiUseAuthorized" ;
const $7e781a188206b2b3$export$d46ee33f41c7e43d = "apiUseNotAuthorized" ;
/ * *
* A tub of methods for creating / restoring installs , resetting passwords and uploading images .
* / c l a s s $ 7 e 7 8 1 a 1 8 8 2 0 6 b 2 b 3 $ e x p o r t $ 2 e 2 b c d 8 7 3 9 a e 0 3 9 {
/ * *
* @ constructor
* @ param { string } baseURL - url of site ; uses local when empty
* @ param { string } key - user api key
* / c o n s t r u c t o r ( b a s e U R L = n u l l , k e y = n u l l ) {
this . accetableFiles = [
"image/jpeg" ,
"image/gif" ,
"image/png" ,
"image/svg" ,
"audio/mpeg" ,
"video/mp4" ,
"application/pdf" ,
"text/plain" ,
] ;
this . percentComplete = 0 ; //for later
this . token = null ;
this . baseURL = null ;
this . key = null ;
if ( key ) this . key = key ;
if ( baseURL ) this . baseURL = baseURL ;
//if key is valid, checks to see if a session is active and returns
this . _request ( this . baseURL ? this . baseURL + $7e781a188206b2b3$export$353cfe44191e6ed0 + "?key=" + this . key : $7e781a188206b2b3$export$353cfe44191e6ed0 + "?key=" + this . key ) . then ( ( response ) => {
if ( response . type === $7e781a188206b2b3$export$67f2179ab94be531 ) this . token = response . token ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Promise method used create new site from scratch . For local use only .
* @ param { object } data - json object that contains data for set up
* @ property { string } new _member _handle - handle for new user
* @ property { string } new _member _email - email for new user
* @ property { string } new _member _pass - password for new user
* @ property { string } new _member _title - title for new user
* / c r e a t e ( d a t a ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _request ( $7e781a188206b2b3$export$6010ab8005eea11c , null , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2fb4d35b5b0eebb2 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$e133232680a85c80 , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Promise method for restoring site from a previous back up . For local use only .
* @ param { object } form - form object that contains restore data and files
* @ property { string } restore _member _handle - handle for site user
* @ property { string } restore _member _pass - password for site user
* @ property { file } backup - upload - backup zip file
* / r e s t o r e ( f o r m ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
var url , event , method , type , data ;
url = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$52ab125bf6b9623c ;
event = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$525ebf8030c3a323 ;
method = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 ;
type = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$d1a86f208bdcebe5 ;
data = new FormData ( form ) ;
this . _request ( url , null , event , method , type , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Promise method for creating a zip back up of current site . For local use only .
* / b a c k u p ( ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
var url , event , method , type , data ;
url = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$7d346f7b882235dd ;
event = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$fc0aff5026df5452 ;
method = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 ;
type = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$e133232680a85c80 ;
data = {
task : "create_backup"
} ;
this . _request ( url , null , event , method , type , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Promise method for retrieving user secret key . For local use only .
* @ param { object } data - json object that contains data for set up
* @ property { string } email - email for site user
* / s e c r e t ( d a t a ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _request ( $7e781a188206b2b3$export$dbda7dc2e1902943 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$adaa11ae547fcbcc , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$e133232680a85c80 , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Promise method for resetting password for user . For local use only .
* @ param { object } data - json object that contains data for set up
* @ property { string } new _password - password for user
* @ property { string } new _password2 - confirm password for user
* @ property { string } secret - secret key for user
* / n e w P a s s ( d a t a ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
this . _request ( $7e781a188206b2b3$export$6cb20b6a23a06e47 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$8305e7d16f23e8bc , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$e133232680a85c80 , data ) . then ( ( result ) => {
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Promise method for uploading files [ todo : change to uploading files ]
* @ param { string } type - type of upload
* @ param { input } files - form input containing files
* / f i l e s U p l o a d ( t y p e , f i l e s , p r o g r e s s = n u l l ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
let url = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$4d4b481c07056150 ;
if ( this . baseURL ) {
files . append ( "key" , this . key ) ;
files . append ( "remote" , true ) ;
} else files . append ( "remote" , false ) ;
this . _request ( url , progress , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$f90c0f4ad2c7ac2b , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$d1a86f208bdcebe5 , files ) . then ( ( r ) => {
resolve ( r ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// private
_request ( requestURL , progressBar = null , eventType , requestType = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$40a64a78065efa15 , contentType = $7e781a188206b2b3$export$e133232680a85c80 , requestData = null ) {
var self = this ;
return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
request . upload . addEventListener ( "progress" , ( e ) => self . handleLoadProgress ( e , progressBar ) ) ;
request . open ( requestType , requestURL , true ) ;
request . onload = ( ) => {
if ( request . status == 200 ) {
let response = JSON . parse ( request [ "response" ] ) ;
resolve ( response ) ;
} else {
let error = JSON . parse ( request [ "response" ] ) ;
reject ( error ) ;
} ;
if ( requestType == $7e781a188206b2b3$export$d7fd7a62023314c5 || requestType == $7e781a188206b2b3$export$1470a914435ca933 ) {
if ( eventType === $7e781a188206b2b3$export$f90c0f4ad2c7ac2b ) request . setRequestHeader ( "fipamo-access-token" , self . token ) ;
switch ( contentType ) {
case $7e781a188206b2b3$export$e133232680a85c80 :
request . setRequestHeader ( "Content-type" , "application/" + contentType ) ;
request . send ( JSON . stringify ( requestData ) ) ;
break ;
case $7e781a188206b2b3$export$d1a86f208bdcebe5 :
request . send ( requestData ) ;
break ;
} else request . send ( ) ;
} ) ;
// event handlers
handleLoadProgress ( e , progressBar ) {
let percent = Math . ceil ( e . loaded / e . total * 100 ) ;
//if a progress bar element is present, talk to it
if ( progressBar != null ) progressBar . style . width = percent + "%" ;
class $f177b50aa405d296$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) { }
// methods
imgLoad ( url ) {
"use strict" ;
// Create new promise with the Promise() constructor;
// This has as its argument a function with two parameters, resolve and reject
return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
// Standard XHR to load an image
var request = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
request . open ( "GET" , url ) ;
request . responseType = "blob" ;
// When the request loads, check whether it was successful
request . onload = function ( ) {
if ( request . status === 200 ) // If successful, resolve the promise by passing back the request response
resolve ( request . response ) ;
else // If it fails, reject the promise with a error message
reject ( new Error ( "Image didn't load successfully; error code: " + request . status + " " + request . statusText ) ) ;
} ;
request . onerror = function ( ) {
// Also deal with the case when the entire request fails to begin with
// This is probably a network error, so reject the promise with an appropriate message
reject ( new Error ( "There was a network error." ) ) ;
} ;
// Send the request
request . send ( ) ;
} ) ;
loadImage ( src ) {
"use strict" ;
let self = this ;
return new Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
// Get a reference to the body element, and create a new image object
var myImage = new Image ( ) ;
myImage . crossOrigin = "" ; // or "anonymous"
// Call the function with the URL we want to load, but then chain the
// promise then() method on to the end of it. This contains two callbacks
self . imgLoad ( src ) . then ( function ( response ) {
// The first runs when the promise resolves, with the request.reponse specified within the resolve() method.
var imageURL = window . URL . createObjectURL ( response ) ;
resolve ( imageURL ) ;
//$('background-content').setStyle('background-image', 'url('+imageURL+')') //myImage.src = imageURL;
// The second runs when the promise is rejected, and logs the Error specified with the reject() method.
} , function ( Error1 ) {
reject ( Error1 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a function to convert the serialize and convert the form data to JSON
* @ param : $ ( '#form_example' ) ;
* @ return a JSON Stringify
* / f o r m D a t a T o J S O N ( f o r m ) {
let object = { } ;
let formData = new FormData ( form ) ;
formData . forEach ( ( value , key ) => {
if ( ! object . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) {
object [ key ] = value ;
return ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( object [ key ] ) ) object [ key ] = [
object [ key ]
] ;
object [ key ] . push ( value ) ;
} ) ;
//let json = JSON.stringify(object);
return object ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$5a2be2bfb8c6b601 = "getAuthStatus" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$844339d01bfceea4 = "requestGood" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$f99ec790401d28da = "requestLame" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$5fb39232fef0eeff = "apiUseAuthorized" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$8829e15ac416fcee = "apiUseNotAuthorized" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$4bfe4aeac5ca1c9b = "imgRequestGood" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$b678e0874d52df91 = "imgRequestLame" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$f78d3105e9d98a5d = "settingsLoaded" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$c58a4ce4b93c5925 = "postImageAdded" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$26bdbac97359953d = "featureImageAdded" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$a9707c9559ca4612 = "postError" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$a2d54b707b6e22e1 = "postAdded" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$f88aea22a746eab = "postUpdated" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$92d3c9e452b188cc = "postImageAdded" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$9ab81161d8ad3297 = "pagesRendered" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$a447f8a3982d1ca8 = "pagesNotRendered" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$b47ada4663816e48 = "tagPagesRendered" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$14f1954724290577 = "tagPagesNotRendered" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$5dd76fd38bbe7841 = "settingsUpdated" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$5082b4f0403769e9 = "settingsNotUpdated" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$bd3b33ec4de8bf3 = "menuAddItem" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$dbd640577c4e5d0d = "menuDeleteItem" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$d4fd546d3456ff85 = "menuUpdated" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$9b65f586914397ef = "avatarUploaded" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$c3b6b85989e4a0a8 = "siteBackgroundUploaded" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$c51d011f6ede1aa5 = "uploadProgress" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$e0e6bcdbaa787779 = "writingItDown" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$ac8c24f9b72727c3 = "writingNewEntry" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$8ae3e28253adc030 = "erasingPage" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$16cc4df8146e89ab = "savingSettings" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$524c7f283d44a2c3 = "createBackup" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$ef2d8441bb01121d = "downloadBackup" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$8020812a0ef5b01d = "downloadBackup" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$bd723636cbbfa9dd = "uploadProfileImages" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$a5f1510cea1ffff9 = "renderPages" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$94ef9ea0ce35d9d2 = "reindexPages" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$6010ab8005eea11c = "blogInit" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$57f3dcd64790c65 = "blogInitGood" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$74a5c30fa9753d80 = "blogInitLame" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$dbda7dc2e1902943 = "retrieveSecret" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$6cb20b6a23a06e47 = "resetPassword" ;
const $995f55a4eccd256d$export$eeb056b4f9e6ce71 = "sendMail" ;
class $995f55a4eccd256d$var$DataEvent {
var $995f55a4eccd256d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = new $995f55a4eccd256d$var$DataEvent ( ) ;
class $224e88b348829f3a$var$StringUtils {
// constructor
constructor ( ) { }
// methods
cleanString ( string ) {
var clean = string . replace ( /(^\-+|[^a-zA-Z0-9\/_| -]+|\-+$)/g , "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /[\/_| -]+/g , "-" ) ;
return clean ;
decodeHTML ( string , quote _style ) {
var optTemp = 0 , i = 0 , noquotes = false ;
if ( typeof quote _style === "undefined" ) quote _style = 2 ;
string = string . toString ( ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( />/g , ">" ) ;
var OPTS = {
} ;
if ( quote _style === 0 ) noquotes = true ;
if ( typeof quote _style !== "number" ) {
// Allow for a single string or an array of string flags
quote _style = [ ] . concat ( quote _style ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < quote _style . length ; i ++ ) {
// Resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'PATHINFO_EXTENSION' becomes 4
if ( OPTS [ quote _style [ i ] ] === 0 ) noquotes = true ;
else if ( OPTS [ quote _style [ i ] ] ) optTemp = optTemp | OPTS [ quote _style [ i ] ] ;
quote _style = optTemp ;
if ( quote _style & OPTS . ENT _HTML _QUOTE _SINGLE ) string = string . replace ( /�*39;/g , "'" ) ; // PHP doesn't currently escape if more than one 0, but it should
if ( ! noquotes ) string = string . replace ( /"/g , '"' ) ;
// Put this in last place to avoid escape being double-decoded
string = string . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) ;
return string ;
var $224e88b348829f3a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $224e88b348829f3a$var$StringUtils ;
class $de01a7e5b1773530$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) { }
// methods
collectInfo ( files ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
let pageInfo = [ ] ;
let pageRef = document . querySelector ( '[role="file-manager"]' ) ;
//process html content for storage
let txt = document . createElement ( "textarea" ) ;
txt . innerHTML = document . getElementById ( "highlight-content" ) . innerHTML ;
let html = txt . value ;
html = html . replace ( /<\/?span[^>]*>/g , "" ) ; //removes prism styling
html = html . replace ( /<\/?br[^>]*>/g , "\n" ) ; //convert back to encoded line break for storage
//build data object
pageInfo = {
id : pageRef . getAttribute ( "data-index" ) ,
uuid : pageRef . getAttribute ( "data-uuid" ) ,
layout : document . getElementById ( "page-templates" ) . value ,
current _title : pageRef . getAttribute ( "data-slug" ) ,
content : html ,
title : document . getElementById ( "post-title-text" ) . value ,
created : document . getElementById ( "post-date" ) . getAttribute ( "data-raw" ) ,
slug : new ( 0 , $224e88b348829f3a$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) . cleanString ( document . getElementById ( "post-title-text" ) . value ) ,
tags : document . getElementById ( "post-tags" ) . value ,
menu : document . getElementById ( "option-menu-pin" ) . getAttribute ( "data-active" ) ,
featured : document . getElementById ( "option-feature" ) . getAttribute ( "data-active" ) ,
published : document . getElementById ( "option-published" ) . getAttribute ( "data-active" ) ,
form _token : document . getElementById ( "form_token" ) . value ,
imageList : files . images ,
fileList : files . files
} ;
resolve ( pageInfo ) ;
} ) ;
const $0d6abf40542266b3$export$e0c06b1ddd9992cc = "editorDelete" ;
const $0d6abf40542266b3$export$80082ca64f03d0e9 = "editorUploadImage" ;
const $0d6abf40542266b3$export$1844db352cf5aef3 = "editorSave" ;
const $0d6abf40542266b3$export$14580fc61246740 = "editorUpdate" ;
class $0d6abf40542266b3$var$EditorEvent {
var $0d6abf40542266b3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = new $0d6abf40542266b3$var$EditorEvent ( ) ;
class $68b475f2a0292491$var$EventEmitter {
// constructor
constructor ( ) {
this . listeners = new Map ( ) ;
// methods
addListener ( label , callback ) {
this . listeners . has ( label ) || this . listeners . set ( label , [ ] ) ;
this . listeners . get ( label ) . push ( callback ) ;
removeListener ( label , callback ) {
var isFunction = function ( obj ) {
return typeof obj == "function" || false ;
} ;
var listeners = this . listeners . get ( label ) , index ;
if ( listeners && listeners . length ) {
index = listeners . reduce ( ( i , listener , index ) => {
return isFunction ( listener ) && listener === callback ? i = index : i ;
} , - 1 ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) {
listeners . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
this . listeners . set ( label , listeners ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
emitEvent ( label , ... args ) {
var listeners = this . listeners . get ( label ) ;
if ( listeners && listeners . length ) {
listeners . forEach ( ( listener ) => {
listener ( ... args ) ;
} ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
var $68b475f2a0292491$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $68b475f2a0292491$var$EventEmitter ;
var $4b862aa2466a294d$exports = { } ;
/// <reference lib="WebWorker"/>
var $4b862aa2466a294d$var$ _self = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window // if in browser
: typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined" && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ? self // if in worker
: { } // if in node js
/ * *
* Prism : Lightweight , robust , elegant syntax highlighting
* @ license MIT < https : //>
* @ author Lea Verou < https : //>
* @ namespace
* @ public
* / v a r $ 4 b 8 6 2 a a 2 4 6 6 a 2 9 4 d $ v a r $ P r i s m = f u n c t i o n ( _ s e l f ) {
// Private helper vars
var lang = /(?:^|\s)lang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)(?=\s|$)/i ;
var uniqueId = 0 ;
// The grammar object for plaintext
var plainTextGrammar = { } ;
var _ = {
/ * *
* By default , Prism will attempt to highlight all code elements ( by calling { @ link Prism . highlightAll } ) on the
* current page after the page finished loading . This might be a problem if e . g . you wanted to asynchronously load
* additional languages or plugins yourself .
* By setting this value to ` true ` , Prism will not automatically highlight all code elements on the page .
* You obviously have to change this value before the automatic highlighting started . To do this , you can add an
* empty Prism object into the global scope before loading the Prism script like this :
* ` ` ` js
* window . Prism = window . Prism || { } ;
* Prism . manual = true ;
* // add a new <script> to load Prism's script
* ` ` `
* @ default false
* @ type { boolean }
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* / m a n u a l : _ s e l f . P r i s m & & _ s e l f . P r i s m . m a n u a l ,
/ * *
* By default , if Prism is in a web worker , it assumes that it is in a worker it created itself , so it uses
* ` addEventListener ` to communicate with its parent instance . However , if you ' re using Prism manually in your
* own worker , you don ' t want it to do this .
* By setting this value to ` true ` , Prism will not add its own listeners to the worker .
* You obviously have to change this value before Prism executes . To do this , you can add an
* empty Prism object into the global scope before loading the Prism script like this :
* ` ` ` js
* window . Prism = window . Prism || { } ;
* Prism . disableWorkerMessageHandler = true ;
* // Load Prism's script
* ` ` `
* @ default false
* @ type { boolean }
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* / d i s a b l e W o r k e r M e s s a g e H a n d l e r : _ s e l f . P r i s m & & _ s e l f . P r i s m . d i s a b l e W o r k e r M e s s a g e H a n d l e r ,
/ * *
* A namespace for utility methods .
* All function in this namespace that are not explicitly marked as _public _ are for _ _internal use only _ _ and may
* change or disappear at any time .
* @ namespace
* @ memberof Prism
* / u t i l : {
encode : function encode ( tokens ) {
if ( tokens instanceof Token ) return new Token ( tokens . type , encode ( tokens . content ) , tokens . alias ) ;
else if ( Array . isArray ( tokens ) ) return tokens . map ( encode ) ;
else return tokens . replace ( /&/g , "&" ) . replace ( /</g , "<" ) . replace ( /\u00a0/g , " " ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Returns the name of the type of the given value .
* @ param { any } o
* @ returns { string }
* @ example
* type ( null ) === 'Null'
* type ( undefined ) === 'Undefined'
* type ( 123 ) === 'Number'
* type ( 'foo' ) === 'String'
* type ( true ) === 'Boolean'
* type ( [ 1 , 2 ] ) === 'Array'
* type ( { } ) === 'Object'
* type ( String ) === 'Function'
* type ( /abc+/ ) === 'RegExp'
* / t y p e : f u n c t i o n ( o ) {
return Object . prototype . toString . call ( o ) . slice ( 8 , - 1 ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Returns a unique number for the given object . Later calls will still return the same number .
* @ param { Object } obj
* @ returns { number }
* / o b j I d : f u n c t i o n ( o b j ) {
if ( ! obj [ "__id" ] ) Object . defineProperty ( obj , "__id" , {
value : ++ uniqueId
} ) ;
return obj [ "__id" ] ;
} ,
/ * *
* Creates a deep clone of the given object .
* The main intended use of this function is to clone language definitions .
* @ param { T } o
* @ param { Record < number , any > } [ visited ]
* @ returns { T }
* @ template T
* / c l o n e : f u n c t i o n d e e p C l o n e ( o , v i s i t e d ) {
visited = visited || { } ;
var clone ;
var id ;
switch ( _ . util . type ( o ) ) {
case "Object" :
id = _ . util . objId ( o ) ;
if ( visited [ id ] ) return visited [ id ] ;
clone = /** @type {Record<string, any>} */ { } ;
visited [ id ] = clone ;
for ( var key in o ) if ( o . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) clone [ key ] = deepClone ( o [ key ] , visited ) ;
return /** @type {any} */ clone ;
case "Array" :
id = _ . util . objId ( o ) ;
if ( visited [ id ] ) return visited [ id ] ;
clone = [ ] ;
visited [ id ] = clone ;
/** @type {Array} */ /** @type {any} */ o . forEach ( function ( v , i ) {
clone [ i ] = deepClone ( v , visited ) ;
} ) ;
return /** @type {any} */ clone ;
default :
return o ;
} ,
/ * *
* Returns the Prism language of the given element set by a ` language-xxxx ` or ` lang-xxxx ` class .
* If no language is set for the element or the element is ` null ` or ` undefined ` , ` none ` will be returned .
* @ param { Element } element
* @ returns { string }
* / g e t L a n g u a g e : f u n c t i o n ( e l e m e n t ) {
while ( element ) {
var m = lang . exec ( element . className ) ;
if ( m ) return m [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
element = element . parentElement ;
return "none" ;
} ,
/ * *
* Sets the Prism ` language-xxxx ` class of the given element .
* @ param { Element } element
* @ param { string } language
* @ returns { void }
* / s e t L a n g u a g e : f u n c t i o n ( e l e m e n t , l a n g u a g e ) {
// remove all `language-xxxx` classes
// (this might leave behind a leading space)
element . className = element . className . replace ( RegExp ( lang , "gi" ) , "" ) ;
// add the new `language-xxxx` class
// (using `classList` will automatically clean up spaces for us)
element . classList . add ( "language-" + language ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Returns the script element that is currently executing .
* This does _ _not _ _ work for line script element .
* @ returns { HTMLScriptElement | null }
* / c u r r e n t S c r i p t : f u n c t i o n ( ) {
if ( typeof document === "undefined" ) return null ;
if ( "currentScript" in document && true /* hack to trip TS' flow analysis */ ) return /** @type {any} */ document . currentScript ;
// IE11 workaround
// we'll get the src of the current script by parsing IE11's error stack trace
// this will not work for inline scripts
try {
throw new Error ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
// Get file src url from stack. Specifically works with the format of stack traces in IE.
// A stack will look like this:
// Error
// at _.util.currentScript (http://localhost/components/prism-core.js:119:5)
// at Global code (http://localhost/components/prism-core.js:606:1)
var src = ( /at [^(\r\n]*\((.*):[^:]+:[^:]+\)$/i . exec ( err . stack ) || [ ] ) [ 1 ] ;
if ( src ) {
var scripts = document . getElementsByTagName ( "script" ) ;
for ( var i in scripts ) {
if ( scripts [ i ] . src == src ) return scripts [ i ] ;
return null ;
} ,
/ * *
* Returns whether a given class is active for ` element ` .
* The class can be activated if ` element ` or one of its ancestors has the given class and it can be deactivated
* if ` element ` or one of its ancestors has the negated version of the given class . The _negated version _ of the
* given class is just the given class with a ` no- ` prefix .
* Whether the class is active is determined by the closest ancestor of ` element ` ( where ` element ` itself is
* closest ancestor ) that has the given class or the negated version of it . If neither ` element ` nor any of its
* ancestors have the given class or the negated version of it , then the default activation will be returned .
* In the paradoxical situation where the closest ancestor contains _ _both _ _ the given class and the negated
* version of it , the class is considered active .
* @ param { Element } element
* @ param { string } className
* @ param { boolean } [ defaultActivation = false ]
* @ returns { boolean }
* / i s A c t i v e : f u n c t i o n ( e l e m e n t , c l a s s N a m e , d e f a u l t A c t i v a t i o n ) {
var no = "no-" + className ;
while ( element ) {
var classList = element . classList ;
if ( classList . contains ( className ) ) return true ;
if ( classList . contains ( no ) ) return false ;
element = element . parentElement ;
return ! ! defaultActivation ;
} ,
/ * *
* This namespace contains all currently loaded languages and the some helper functions to create and modify languages .
* @ namespace
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* / l a n g u a g e s : {
/ * *
* The grammar for plain , unformatted text .
* / p l a i n : p l a i n T e x t G r a m m a r ,
plaintext : plainTextGrammar ,
text : plainTextGrammar ,
txt : plainTextGrammar ,
/ * *
* Creates a deep copy of the language with the given id and appends the given tokens .
* If a token in ` redef ` also appears in the copied language , then the existing token in the copied language
* will be overwritten at its original position .
* # # Best practices
* Since the position of overwriting tokens ( token in ` redef ` that overwrite tokens in the copied language )
* doesn ' t matter , they can technically be in any order . However , this can be confusing to others that trying to
* understand the language definition because , normally , the order of tokens matters in Prism grammars .
* Therefore , it is encouraged to order overwriting tokens according to the positions of the overwritten tokens .
* Furthermore , all non - overwriting tokens should be placed after the overwriting ones .
* @ param { string } id The id of the language to extend . This has to be a key in ` Prism.languages ` .
* @ param { Grammar } redef The new tokens to append .
* @ returns { Grammar } The new language created .
* @ public
* @ example
* Prism . languages [ 'css-with-colors' ] = Prism . languages . extend ( 'css' , {
* // Prism.languages.css already has a 'comment' token, so this token will overwrite CSS' 'comment' token
* // at its original position
* 'comment' : { ... } ,
* // CSS doesn't have a 'color' token, so this token will be appended
* 'color' : /\b(?:red|green|blue)\b/
* } ) ;
* / e x t e n d : f u n c t i o n ( i d , r e d e f ) {
var lang = _ . util . clone ( _ . languages [ id ] ) ;
for ( var key in redef ) lang [ key ] = redef [ key ] ;
return lang ;
} ,
/ * *
* Inserts tokens _before _ another token in a language definition or any other grammar .
* # # Usage
* This helper method makes it easy to modify existing languages . For example , the CSS language definition
* not only defines CSS highlighting for CSS documents , but also needs to define highlighting for CSS embedded
* in HTML through ` <style> ` elements . To do this , it needs to modify ` Prism.languages.markup ` and add the
* appropriate tokens . However , ` Prism.languages.markup ` is a regular JavaScript object literal , so if you do
* this :
* ` ` ` js
* Prism . languages . markup . style = {
* // token
* } ;
* ` ` `
* then the ` style ` token will be added ( and processed ) at the end . ` insertBefore ` allows you to insert tokens
* before existing tokens . For the CSS example above , you would use it like this :
* ` ` ` js
* Prism . languages . insertBefore ( 'markup' , 'cdata' , {
* 'style' : {
* // token
* }
* } ) ;
* ` ` `
* # # Special cases
* If the grammars of ` inside ` and ` insert ` have tokens with the same name , the tokens in ` inside ` ' s grammar
* will be ignored .
* This behavior can be used to insert tokens after ` before ` :
* ` ` ` js
* Prism . languages . insertBefore ( 'markup' , 'comment' , {
* 'comment' : Prism . languages . markup . comment ,
* // tokens after 'comment'
* } ) ;
* ` ` `
* # # Limitations
* The main problem ` insertBefore ` has to solve is iteration order . Since ES2015 , the iteration order for object
* properties is guaranteed to be the insertion order ( except for integer keys ) but some browsers behave
* differently when keys are deleted and re - inserted . So ` insertBefore ` can ' t be implemented by temporarily
* deleting properties which is necessary to insert at arbitrary positions .
* To solve this problem , ` insertBefore ` doesn ' t actually insert the given tokens into the target object .
* Instead , it will create a new object and replace all references to the target object with the new one . This
* can be done without temporarily deleting properties , so the iteration order is well - defined .
* However , only references that can be reached from ` Prism.languages ` or ` insert ` will be replaced . I . e . if
* you hold the target object in a variable , then the value of the variable will not change .
* ` ` ` js
* var oldMarkup = Prism . languages . markup ;
* var newMarkup = Prism . languages . insertBefore ( 'markup' , 'comment' , { ... } ) ;
* assert ( oldMarkup !== Prism . languages . markup ) ;
* assert ( newMarkup === Prism . languages . markup ) ;
* ` ` `
* @ param { string } inside The property of ` root ` ( e . g . a language id in ` Prism.languages ` ) that contains the
* object to be modified .
* @ param { string } before The key to insert before .
* @ param { Grammar } insert An object containing the key - value pairs to be inserted .
* @ param { Object < string , any > } [ root ] The object containing ` inside ` , i . e . the object that contains the
* object to be modified .
* Defaults to ` Prism.languages ` .
* @ returns { Grammar } The new grammar object .
* @ public
* / i n s e r t B e f o r e : f u n c t i o n ( i n s i d e , b e f o r e , i n s e r t , r o o t ) {
root = root || /** @type {any} */ _ . languages ;
var grammar = root [ inside ] ;
/** @type {Grammar} */ var ret = { } ;
for ( var token in grammar ) if ( grammar . hasOwnProperty ( token ) ) {
if ( token == before ) {
for ( var newToken in insert ) if ( insert . hasOwnProperty ( newToken ) ) ret [ newToken ] = insert [ newToken ] ;
// Do not insert token which also occur in insert. See #1525
if ( ! insert . hasOwnProperty ( token ) ) ret [ token ] = grammar [ token ] ;
var old = root [ inside ] ;
root [ inside ] = ret ;
// Update references in other language definitions
_ . languages . DFS ( _ . languages , function ( key , value ) {
if ( value === old && key != inside ) this [ key ] = ret ;
} ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
// Traverse a language definition with Depth First Search
DFS : function DFS ( o , callback , type , visited ) {
visited = visited || { } ;
var objId = _ . util . objId ;
for ( var i in o ) if ( o . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
callback . call ( o , i , o [ i ] , type || i ) ;
var property = o [ i ] ;
var propertyType = _ . util . type ( property ) ;
if ( propertyType === "Object" && ! visited [ objId ( property ) ] ) {
visited [ objId ( property ) ] = true ;
DFS ( property , callback , null , visited ) ;
} else if ( propertyType === "Array" && ! visited [ objId ( property ) ] ) {
visited [ objId ( property ) ] = true ;
DFS ( property , callback , i , visited ) ;
} ,
plugins : { } ,
/ * *
* This is the most high - level function in Prism ’ s API .
* It fetches all the elements that have a ` .language-xxxx ` class and then calls { @ link Prism . highlightElement } on
* each one of them .
* This is equivalent to ` Prism.highlightAllUnder(document, async, callback) ` .
* @ param { boolean } [ async = false ] Same as in { @ link Prism . highlightAllUnder } .
* @ param { HighlightCallback } [ callback ] Same as in { @ link Prism . highlightAllUnder } .
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* / h i g h l i g h t A l l : f u n c t i o n ( a s y n c , c a l l b a c k ) {
_ . highlightAllUnder ( document , async , callback ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Fetches all the descendants of ` container ` that have a ` .language-xxxx ` class and then calls
* { @ link Prism . highlightElement } on each one of them .
* The following hooks will be run :
* 1. ` before-highlightall `
* 2. ` before-all-elements-highlight `
* 3. All hooks of { @ link Prism . highlightElement } for each element .
* @ param { ParentNode } container The root element , whose descendants that have a ` .language-xxxx ` class will be highlighted .
* @ param { boolean } [ async = false ] Whether each element is to be highlighted asynchronously using Web Workers .
* @ param { HighlightCallback } [ callback ] An optional callback to be invoked on each element after its highlighting is done .
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* / h i g h l i g h t A l l U n d e r : f u n c t i o n ( c o n t a i n e r , a s y n c , c a l l b a c k ) {
var env = {
callback : callback ,
container : container ,
selector : 'code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code'
} ;
_ . hooks . run ( "before-highlightall" , env ) ;
env . elements = Array . prototype . slice . apply ( env . container . querySelectorAll ( env . selector ) ) ;
_ . hooks . run ( "before-all-elements-highlight" , env ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , element ; element = env . elements [ i ++ ] ; ) _ . highlightElement ( element , async === true , env . callback ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Highlights the code inside a single element .
* The following hooks will be run :
* 1. ` before-sanity-check `
* 2. ` before-highlight `
* 3. All hooks of { @ link Prism . highlight } . These hooks will be run by an asynchronous worker if ` async ` is ` true ` .
* 4. ` before-insert `
* 5. ` after-highlight `
* 6. ` complete `
* Some the above hooks will be skipped if the element doesn ' t contain any text or there is no grammar loaded for
* the element ' s language .
* @ param { Element } element The element containing the code .
* It must have a class of ` language-xxxx ` to be processed , where ` xxxx ` is a valid language identifier .
* @ param { boolean } [ async = false ] Whether the element is to be highlighted asynchronously using Web Workers
* to improve performance and avoid blocking the UI when highlighting very large chunks of code . This option is
* [ disabled by default ] ( https : //
* Note : All language definitions required to highlight the code must be included in the main ` prism.js ` file for
* asynchronous highlighting to work . You can build your own bundle on the
* [ Download page ] ( https : //
* @ param { HighlightCallback } [ callback ] An optional callback to be invoked after the highlighting is done .
* Mostly useful when ` async ` is ` true ` , since in that case , the highlighting is done asynchronously .
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* / h i g h l i g h t E l e m e n t : f u n c t i o n ( e l e m e n t , a s y n c , c a l l b a c k ) {
// Find language
var language = _ . util . getLanguage ( element ) ;
var grammar = _ . languages [ language ] ;
// Set language on the element, if not present
_ . util . setLanguage ( element , language ) ;
// Set language on the parent, for styling
var parent = element . parentElement ;
if ( parent && parent . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === "pre" ) _ . util . setLanguage ( parent , language ) ;
var code = element . textContent ;
var env = {
element : element ,
language : language ,
grammar : grammar ,
code : code
} ;
function insertHighlightedCode ( highlightedCode ) {
env . highlightedCode = highlightedCode ;
_ . hooks . run ( "before-insert" , env ) ;
env . element . innerHTML = env . highlightedCode ;
_ . hooks . run ( "after-highlight" , env ) ;
_ . hooks . run ( "complete" , env ) ;
callback && callback . call ( env . element ) ;
_ . hooks . run ( "before-sanity-check" , env ) ;
// plugins may change/add the parent/element
parent = env . element . parentElement ;
if ( parent && parent . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === "pre" && ! parent . hasAttribute ( "tabindex" ) ) parent . setAttribute ( "tabindex" , "0" ) ;
if ( ! env . code ) {
_ . hooks . run ( "complete" , env ) ;
callback && callback . call ( env . element ) ;
return ;
_ . hooks . run ( "before-highlight" , env ) ;
if ( ! env . grammar ) {
insertHighlightedCode ( _ . util . encode ( env . code ) ) ;
return ;
if ( async && _self . Worker ) {
var worker = new Worker ( _ . filename ) ;
worker . onmessage = function ( evt ) {
insertHighlightedCode ( evt . data ) ;
} ;
worker . postMessage ( JSON . stringify ( {
language : env . language ,
code : env . code ,
immediateClose : true
} ) ) ;
} else insertHighlightedCode ( _ . highlight ( env . code , env . grammar , env . language ) ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Low - level function , only use if you know what you ’ re doing . It accepts a string of text as input
* and the language definitions to use , and returns a string with the HTML produced .
* The following hooks will be run :
* 1. ` before-tokenize `
* 2. ` after-tokenize `
* 3. ` wrap ` : On each { @ link Token } .
* @ param { string } text A string with the code to be highlighted .
* @ param { Grammar } grammar An object containing the tokens to use .
* Usually a language definition like ` Prism.languages.markup ` .
* @ param { string } language The name of the language definition passed to ` grammar ` .
* @ returns { string } The highlighted HTML .
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* @ example
* Prism . highlight ( 'var foo = true;' , Prism . languages . javascript , 'javascript' ) ;
* / h i g h l i g h t : f u n c t i o n ( t e x t , g r a m m a r , l a n g u a g e ) {
var env = {
code : text ,
grammar : grammar ,
language : language
} ;
_ . hooks . run ( "before-tokenize" , env ) ;
if ( ! env . grammar ) throw new Error ( 'The language "' + env . language + '" has no grammar.' ) ;
env . tokens = _ . tokenize ( env . code , env . grammar ) ;
_ . hooks . run ( "after-tokenize" , env ) ;
return Token . stringify ( _ . util . encode ( env . tokens ) , env . language ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* This is the heart of Prism , and the most low - level function you can use . It accepts a string of text as input
* and the language definitions to use , and returns an array with the tokenized code .
* When the language definition includes nested tokens , the function is called recursively on each of these tokens .
* This method could be useful in other contexts as well , as a very crude parser .
* @ param { string } text A string with the code to be highlighted .
* @ param { Grammar } grammar An object containing the tokens to use .
* Usually a language definition like ` Prism.languages.markup ` .
* @ returns { TokenStream } An array of strings and tokens , a token stream .
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* @ example
* let code = ` var foo = 0; ` ;
* let tokens = Prism . tokenize ( code , Prism . languages . javascript ) ;
* tokens . forEach ( token => {
* if ( token instanceof Prism . Token && token . type === 'number' ) {
* console . log ( ` Found numeric literal: ${ token . content } ` ) ;
* }
* } ) ;
* / t o k e n i z e : f u n c t i o n ( t e x t , g r a m m a r ) {
var rest = grammar . rest ;
if ( rest ) {
for ( var token in rest ) grammar [ token ] = rest [ token ] ;
delete grammar . rest ;
var tokenList = new LinkedList ( ) ;
addAfter ( tokenList , tokenList . head , text ) ;
matchGrammar ( text , tokenList , grammar , tokenList . head , 0 ) ;
return toArray ( tokenList ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ namespace
* @ memberof Prism
* @ public
* / h o o k s : {
all : { } ,
/ * *
* Adds the given callback to the list of callbacks for the given hook .
* The callback will be invoked when the hook it is registered for is run .
* Hooks are usually directly run by a highlight function but you can also run hooks yourself .
* One callback function can be registered to multiple hooks and the same hook multiple times .
* @ param { string } name The name of the hook .
* @ param { HookCallback } callback The callback function which is given environment variables .
* @ public
* / a d d : f u n c t i o n ( n a m e , c a l l b a c k ) {
var hooks = _ . hooks . all ;
hooks [ name ] = hooks [ name ] || [ ] ;
hooks [ name ] . push ( callback ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Runs a hook invoking all registered callbacks with the given environment variables .
* Callbacks will be invoked synchronously and in the order in which they were registered .
* @ param { string } name The name of the hook .
* @ param { Object < string , any > } env The environment variables of the hook passed to all callbacks registered .
* @ public
* / r u n : f u n c t i o n ( n a m e , e n v ) {
var callbacks = _ . hooks . all [ name ] ;
if ( ! callbacks || ! callbacks . length ) return ;
for ( var i = 0 , callback ; callback = callbacks [ i ++ ] ; ) callback ( env ) ;
} ,
Token : Token
} ;
_self . Prism = _ ;
// Typescript note:
// The following can be used to import the Token type in JSDoc:
// @typedef {InstanceType<import("./prism-core")["Token"]>} Token
/ * *
* Creates a new token .
* @ param { string } type See { @ link Token # type type }
* @ param { string | TokenStream } content See { @ link Token # content content }
* @ param { string | string [ ] } [ alias ] The alias ( es ) of the token .
* @ param { string } [ matchedStr = "" ] A copy of the full string this token was created from .
* @ class
* @ global
* @ public
* / f u n c t i o n T o k e n ( t y p e , c o n t e n t , a l i a s , m a t c h e d S t r ) {
/ * *
* The type of the token .
* This is usually the key of a pattern in a { @ link Grammar } .
* @ type { string }
* @ see GrammarToken
* @ public
* / t h i s . t y p e = t y p e ;
/ * *
* The strings or tokens contained by this token .
* This will be a token stream if the pattern matched also defined an ` inside ` grammar .
* @ type { string | TokenStream }
* @ public
* / t h i s . c o n t e n t = c o n t e n t ;
/ * *
* The alias ( es ) of the token .
* @ type { string | string [ ] }
* @ see GrammarToken
* @ public
* / t h i s . a l i a s = a l i a s ;
// Copy of the full string this token was created from
this . length = ( matchedStr || "" ) . length | 0 ;
/ * *
* A token stream is an array of strings and { @ link Token Token } objects .
* Token streams have to fulfill a few properties that are assumed by most functions ( mostly internal ones ) that process
* them .
* 1. No adjacent strings .
* 2. No empty strings .
* The only exception here is the token stream that only contains the empty string and nothing else .
* @ typedef { Array < string | Token > } TokenStream
* @ global
* @ public
* / / * *
* Converts the given token or token stream to an HTML representation .
* The following hooks will be run :
* 1. ` wrap ` : On each { @ link Token } .
* @ param { string | Token | TokenStream } o The token or token stream to be converted .
* @ param { string } language The name of current language .
* @ returns { string } The HTML representation of the token or token stream .
* @ memberof Token
* @ static
* / T o k e n . s t r i n g i f y = f u n c t i o n s t r i n g i f y ( o , l a n g u a g e ) {
if ( typeof o == "string" ) return o ;
if ( Array . isArray ( o ) ) {
var s = "" ;
o . forEach ( function ( e ) {
s += stringify ( e , language ) ;
} ) ;
return s ;
var env = {
type : o . type ,
content : stringify ( o . content , language ) ,
tag : "span" ,
classes : [
"token" ,
o . type
] ,
attributes : { } ,
language : language
} ;
var aliases = o . alias ;
if ( aliases ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( aliases ) ) Array . prototype . push . apply ( env . classes , aliases ) ;
else env . classes . push ( aliases ) ;
_ . hooks . run ( "wrap" , env ) ;
var attributes = "" ;
for ( var name in env . attributes ) attributes += " " + name + '="' + ( env . attributes [ name ] || "" ) . replace ( /"/g , """ ) + '"' ;
return "<" + env . tag + ' class="' + env . classes . join ( " " ) + '"' + attributes + ">" + env . content + "</" + env . tag + ">" ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ param { RegExp } pattern
* @ param { number } pos
* @ param { string } text
* @ param { boolean } lookbehind
* @ returns { RegExpExecArray | null }
* / f u n c t i o n m a t c h P a t t e r n ( p a t t e r n , p o s , t e x t , l o o k b e h i n d ) {
pattern . lastIndex = pos ;
var match = pattern . exec ( text ) ;
if ( match && lookbehind && match [ 1 ] ) {
// change the match to remove the text matched by the Prism lookbehind group
var lookbehindLength = match [ 1 ] . length ;
match . index += lookbehindLength ;
match [ 0 ] = match [ 0 ] . slice ( lookbehindLength ) ;
return match ;
/ * *
* @ param { string } text
* @ param { LinkedList < string | Token > } tokenList
* @ param { any } grammar
* @ param { LinkedListNode < string | Token > } startNode
* @ param { number } startPos
* @ param { RematchOptions } [ rematch ]
* @ returns { void }
* @ private
* @ typedef RematchOptions
* @ property { string } cause
* @ property { number } reach
* / f u n c t i o n m a t c h G r a m m a r ( t e x t , t o k e n L i s t , g r a m m a r , s t a r t N o d e , s t a r t P o s , r e m a t c h ) {
for ( var token in grammar ) {
if ( ! grammar . hasOwnProperty ( token ) || ! grammar [ token ] ) continue ;
var patterns = grammar [ token ] ;
patterns = Array . isArray ( patterns ) ? patterns : [
] ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < patterns . length ; ++ j ) {
if ( rematch && rematch . cause == token + "," + j ) return ;
var patternObj = patterns [ j ] ;
var inside = patternObj . inside ;
var lookbehind = ! ! patternObj . lookbehind ;
var greedy = ! ! patternObj . greedy ;
var alias = patternObj . alias ;
if ( greedy && ! patternObj . pattern . global ) {
// Without the global flag, lastIndex won't work
var flags = patternObj . pattern . toString ( ) . match ( /[imsuy]*$/ ) [ 0 ] ;
patternObj . pattern = RegExp ( patternObj . pattern . source , flags + "g" ) ;
/** @type {RegExp} */ var pattern = patternObj . pattern || patternObj ;
for ( var currentNode = startNode . next , pos = startPos ; currentNode !== tokenList . tail ; pos += currentNode . value . length , currentNode = currentNode . next ) {
if ( rematch && pos >= rematch . reach ) break ;
var str = currentNode . value ;
if ( tokenList . length > text . length ) // Something went terribly wrong, ABORT, ABORT!
return ;
if ( str instanceof Token ) continue ;
var removeCount = 1 ; // this is the to parameter of removeBetween
var match ;
if ( greedy ) {
match = matchPattern ( pattern , pos , text , lookbehind ) ;
if ( ! match || match . index >= text . length ) break ;
var from = match . index ;
var to = match . index + match [ 0 ] . length ;
var p = pos ;
// find the node that contains the match
p += currentNode . value . length ;
while ( from >= p ) {
currentNode = currentNode . next ;
p += currentNode . value . length ;
// adjust pos (and p)
p -= currentNode . value . length ;
pos = p ;
// the current node is a Token, then the match starts inside another Token, which is invalid
if ( currentNode . value instanceof Token ) continue ;
// find the last node which is affected by this match
for ( var k = currentNode ; k !== tokenList . tail && ( p < to || typeof k . value === "string" ) ; k = k . next ) {
removeCount ++ ;
p += k . value . length ;
removeCount -- ;
// replace with the new match
str = text . slice ( pos , p ) ;
match . index -= pos ;
} else {
match = matchPattern ( pattern , 0 , str , lookbehind ) ;
if ( ! match ) continue ;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
var from = match . index ;
var matchStr = match [ 0 ] ;
var before = str . slice ( 0 , from ) ;
var after = str . slice ( from + matchStr . length ) ;
var reach = pos + str . length ;
if ( rematch && reach > rematch . reach ) rematch . reach = reach ;
var removeFrom = currentNode . prev ;
if ( before ) {
removeFrom = addAfter ( tokenList , removeFrom , before ) ;
pos += before . length ;
removeRange ( tokenList , removeFrom , removeCount ) ;
var wrapped = new Token ( token , inside ? _ . tokenize ( matchStr , inside ) : matchStr , alias , matchStr ) ;
currentNode = addAfter ( tokenList , removeFrom , wrapped ) ;
if ( after ) addAfter ( tokenList , currentNode , after ) ;
if ( removeCount > 1 ) {
// at least one Token object was removed, so we have to do some rematching
// this can only happen if the current pattern is greedy
/** @type {RematchOptions} */ var nestedRematch = {
cause : token + "," + j ,
reach : reach
} ;
matchGrammar ( text , tokenList , grammar , currentNode . prev , pos , nestedRematch ) ;
// the reach might have been extended because of the rematching
if ( rematch && nestedRematch . reach > rematch . reach ) rematch . reach = nestedRematch . reach ;
/ * *
* @ typedef LinkedListNode
* @ property { T } value
* @ property { LinkedListNode < T > | null } prev The previous node .
* @ property { LinkedListNode < T > | null } next The next node .
* @ template T
* @ private
* / / * *
* @ template T
* @ private
* / f u n c t i o n L i n k e d L i s t ( ) {
/** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */ var head = {
value : null ,
prev : null ,
next : null
} ;
/** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */ var tail = {
value : null ,
prev : head ,
next : null
} ;
head . next = tail ;
/** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */ this . head = head ;
/** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */ this . tail = tail ;
this . length = 0 ;
/ * *
* Adds a new node with the given value to the list .
* @ param { LinkedList < T > } list
* @ param { LinkedListNode < T > } node
* @ param { T } value
* @ returns { LinkedListNode < T > } The added node .
* @ template T
* / f u n c t i o n a d d A f t e r ( l i s t , n o d e , v a l u e ) {
// assumes that node != list.tail && values.length >= 0
var next = node . next ;
var newNode = {
value : value ,
prev : node ,
next : next
} ;
node . next = newNode ;
next . prev = newNode ;
list . length ++ ;
return newNode ;
/ * *
* Removes ` count ` nodes after the given node . The given node will not be removed .
* @ param { LinkedList < T > } list
* @ param { LinkedListNode < T > } node
* @ param { number } count
* @ template T
* / f u n c t i o n r e m o v e R a n g e ( l i s t , n o d e , c o u n t ) {
var next = node . next ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < count && next !== list . tail ; i ++ ) next = next . next ;
node . next = next ;
next . prev = node ;
list . length -= i ;
/ * *
* @ param { LinkedList < T > } list
* @ returns { T [ ] }
* @ template T
* / f u n c t i o n t o A r r a y ( l i s t ) {
var array = [ ] ;
var node = list . head . next ;
while ( node !== list . tail ) {
array . push ( node . value ) ;
node = node . next ;
return array ;
if ( ! _self . document ) {
if ( ! _self . addEventListener ) // in Node.js
return _ ;
if ( ! _ . disableWorkerMessageHandler ) // In worker
_self . addEventListener ( "message" , function ( evt ) {
var message = JSON . parse ( evt . data ) ;
var lang = message . language ;
var code = message . code ;
var immediateClose = message . immediateClose ;
_self . postMessage ( _ . highlight ( code , _ . languages [ lang ] , lang ) ) ;
if ( immediateClose ) _self . close ( ) ;
} , false ) ;
return _ ;
// Get current script and highlight
var script = _ . util . currentScript ( ) ;
if ( script ) {
_ . filename = script . src ;
if ( script . hasAttribute ( "data-manual" ) ) _ . manual = true ;
function highlightAutomaticallyCallback ( ) {
if ( ! _ . manual ) _ . highlightAll ( ) ;
if ( ! _ . manual ) {
// If the document state is "loading", then we'll use DOMContentLoaded.
// If the document state is "interactive" and the prism.js script is deferred, then we'll also use the
// DOMContentLoaded event because there might be some plugins or languages which have also been deferred and they
// might take longer one animation frame to execute which can create a race condition where only some plugins have
// been loaded when Prism.highlightAll() is executed, depending on how fast resources are loaded.
// See
var readyState = document . readyState ;
if ( readyState === "loading" || readyState === "interactive" && script && script . defer ) document . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , highlightAutomaticallyCallback ) ;
else if ( window . requestAnimationFrame ) window . requestAnimationFrame ( highlightAutomaticallyCallback ) ;
else window . setTimeout ( highlightAutomaticallyCallback , 16 ) ;
return _ ;
} ( $4b862aa2466a294d$var$ _self ) ;
if ( 0 , $4b862aa2466a294d$exports ) $4b862aa2466a294d$exports = $4b862aa2466a294d$var$Prism ;
// hack for components to work correctly in node.js
if ( typeof $parcel$global !== "undefined" ) $parcel$global . Prism = $4b862aa2466a294d$var$Prism ;
// some additional documentation/types
/ * *
* The expansion of a simple ` RegExp ` literal to support additional properties .
* @ typedef GrammarToken
* @ property { RegExp } pattern The regular expression of the token .
* @ property { boolean } [ lookbehind = false ] If ` true ` , then the first capturing group of ` pattern ` will ( effectively )
* behave as a lookbehind group meaning that the captured text will not be part of the matched text of the new token .
* @ property { boolean } [ greedy = false ] Whether the token is greedy .
* @ property { string | string [ ] } [ alias ] An optional alias or list of aliases .
* @ property { Grammar } [ inside ] The nested grammar of this token .
* The ` inside ` grammar will be used to tokenize the text value of each token of this kind .
* This can be used to make nested and even recursive language definitions .
* Note : This can cause infinite recursion . Be careful when you embed different languages or even the same language into
* each another .
* @ global
* @ public
* / / * *
* @ typedef Grammar
* @ type { Object < string , RegExp | GrammarToken | Array < RegExp | GrammarToken >> }
* @ property { Grammar } [ rest ] An optional grammar object that will be appended to this grammar .
* @ global
* @ public
* / / * *
* A function which will invoked after an element was successfully highlighted .
* @ callback HighlightCallback
* @ param { Element } element The element successfully highlighted .
* @ returns { void }
* @ global
* @ public
* / / * *
* @ callback HookCallback
* @ param { Object < string , any > } env The environment variables of the hook .
* @ returns { void }
* @ global
* @ public
* /
Prism . languages . markup = {
"comment" : {
pattern : /<!--(?:(?!<!--)[\s\S])*?-->/ ,
greedy : true
} ,
"prolog" : {
pattern : /<\?[\s\S]+?\?>/ ,
greedy : true
} ,
"doctype" : {
pattern : /<!DOCTYPE(?:[^>"'[\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+(?:\[(?:[^<"'\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|<(?!!--)|<!--(?:[^-]|-(?!->))*-->)*\]\s*)?>/i ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"internal-subset" : {
pattern : /(^[^\[]*\[)[\s\S]+(?=\]>$)/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
inside : null // see below
} ,
"string" : {
pattern : /"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/ ,
greedy : true
} ,
"punctuation" : /^<!|>$|[[\]]/ ,
"doctype-tag" : /^DOCTYPE/i ,
"name" : /[^\s<>'"]+/
} ,
"cdata" : {
pattern : /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i ,
greedy : true
} ,
"tag" : {
pattern : /<\/?(?!\d)[^\s>\/=$<%]+(?:\s(?:\s*[^\s>\/=]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))|(?=[\s/>])))+)?\s*\/?>/ ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"tag" : {
pattern : /^<\/?[^\s>\/]+/ ,
inside : {
"punctuation" : /^<\/?/ ,
"namespace" : /^[^\s>\/:]+:/
} ,
"special-attr" : [ ] ,
"attr-value" : {
pattern : /=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+)/ ,
inside : {
"punctuation" : [
pattern : /^=/ ,
alias : "attr-equals"
} ,
pattern : /^(\s*)["']|["']$/ ,
lookbehind : true
} ,
"punctuation" : /\/?>/ ,
"attr-name" : {
pattern : /[^\s>\/]+/ ,
inside : {
"namespace" : /^[^\s>\/:]+:/
} ,
"entity" : [
pattern : /&[\da-z]{1,8};/i ,
alias : "named-entity"
} ,
} ;
Prism . languages . markup [ "tag" ] . inside [ "attr-value" ] . inside [ "entity" ] = Prism . languages . markup [ "entity" ] ;
Prism . languages . markup [ "doctype" ] . inside [ "internal-subset" ] . inside = Prism . languages . markup ;
// Plugin to make entity title show the real entity, idea by Roman Komarov
Prism . hooks . add ( "wrap" , function ( env ) {
if ( env . type === "entity" ) env . attributes [ "title" ] = env . content . replace ( /&/ , "&" ) ;
} ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( Prism . languages . markup . tag , "addInlined" , {
/ * *
* Adds an inlined language to markup .
* An example of an inlined language is CSS with ` <style> ` tags .
* @ param { string } tagName The name of the tag that contains the inlined language . This name will be treated as
* case insensitive .
* @ param { string } lang The language key .
* @ example
* addInlined ( 'style' , 'css' ) ;
* / v a l u e : f u n c t i o n a d d I n l i n e d ( t a g N a m e , l a n g ) {
var includedCdataInside = { } ;
includedCdataInside [ "language-" + lang ] = {
pattern : /(^<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S]+?(?=\]\]>$)/i ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : Prism . languages [ lang ]
} ;
includedCdataInside [ "cdata" ] = /^<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>$/i ;
var inside = {
"included-cdata" : {
pattern : /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i ,
inside : includedCdataInside
} ;
inside [ "language-" + lang ] = {
pattern : /[\s\S]+/ ,
inside : Prism . languages [ lang ]
} ;
var def = { } ;
def [ tagName ] = {
pattern : RegExp ( /(<__[^>]*>)(?:<!\[CDATA\[(?:[^\]]|\](?!\]>))*\]\]>|(?!<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S])*?(?=<\/__>)/ . source . replace ( /__/g , function ( ) {
return tagName ;
} ) , "i" ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
inside : inside
} ;
Prism . languages . insertBefore ( "markup" , "cdata" , def ) ;
} ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( Prism . languages . markup . tag , "addAttribute" , {
/ * *
* Adds an pattern to highlight languages embedded in HTML attributes .
* An example of an inlined language is CSS with ` style ` attributes .
* @ param { string } attrName The name of the tag that contains the inlined language . This name will be treated as
* case insensitive .
* @ param { string } lang The language key .
* @ example
* addAttribute ( 'style' , 'css' ) ;
* / v a l u e : f u n c t i o n ( a t t r N a m e , l a n g ) {
Prism . languages . markup . tag . inside [ "special-attr" ] . push ( {
pattern : RegExp ( /(^|["'\s])/ . source + "(?:" + attrName + ")" + /\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))/ . source , "i" ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : {
"attr-name" : /^[^\s=]+/ ,
"attr-value" : {
pattern : /=[\s\S]+/ ,
inside : {
"value" : {
pattern : /(^=\s*(["']|(?!["'])))\S[\s\S]*(?=\2$)/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
alias : [
lang ,
"language-" + lang
] ,
inside : Prism . languages [ lang ]
} ,
"punctuation" : [
pattern : /^=/ ,
alias : "attr-equals"
} ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
Prism . languages . html = Prism . languages . markup ;
Prism . languages . mathml = Prism . languages . markup ;
Prism . languages . svg = Prism . languages . markup ;
Prism . languages . xml = Prism . languages . extend ( "markup" , { } ) ;
Prism . languages . ssml = Prism . languages . xml ;
Prism . languages . atom = Prism . languages . xml ;
Prism . languages . rss = Prism . languages . xml ;
( function ( Prism1 ) {
// Allow only one line break
var inner = /(?:\\.|[^\\\n\r]|(?:\n|\r\n?)(?![\r\n]))/ . source ;
/ * *
* This function is intended for the creation of the bold or italic pattern .
* This also adds a lookbehind group to the given pattern to ensure that the pattern is not backslash - escaped .
* _Note : _ Keep in mind that this adds a capturing group .
* @ param { string } pattern
* @ returns { RegExp }
* / f u n c t i o n c r e a t e I n l i n e ( p a t t e r n ) {
pattern = pattern . replace ( /<inner>/g , function ( ) {
return inner ;
} ) ;
return RegExp ( /((?:^|[^\\])(?:\\{2})*)/ . source + "(?:" + pattern + ")" ) ;
var tableCell = /(?:\\.|``(?:[^`\r\n]|`(?!`))+``|`[^`\r\n]+`|[^\\|\r\n`])+/ . source ;
var tableRow = /\|?__(?:\|__)+\|?(?:(?:\n|\r\n?)|(?![\s\S]))/ . source . replace ( /__/g , function ( ) {
return tableCell ;
} ) ;
var tableLine = /\|?[ \t]*:?-{3,}:?[ \t]*(?:\|[ \t]*:?-{3,}:?[ \t]*)+\|?(?:\n|\r\n?)/ . source ;
Prism1 . languages . markdown = Prism1 . languages . extend ( "markup" , { } ) ;
Prism1 . languages . insertBefore ( "markdown" , "prolog" , {
"front-matter-block" : {
pattern : /(^(?:\s*[\r\n])?)---(?!.)[\s\S]*?[\r\n]---(?!.)/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"punctuation" : /^---|---$/ ,
"front-matter" : {
pattern : /\S+(?:\s+\S+)*/ ,
alias : [
"yaml" ,
] ,
inside : Prism1 . languages . yaml
} ,
"blockquote" : {
// > ...
pattern : /^>(?:[\t ]*>)*/m ,
alias : "punctuation"
} ,
"table" : {
pattern : RegExp ( "^" + tableRow + tableLine + "(?:" + tableRow + ")*" , "m" ) ,
inside : {
"table-data-rows" : {
pattern : RegExp ( "^(" + tableRow + tableLine + ")(?:" + tableRow + ")*$" ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : {
"table-data" : {
pattern : RegExp ( tableCell ) ,
inside : Prism1 . languages . markdown
} ,
"punctuation" : /\|/
} ,
"table-line" : {
pattern : RegExp ( "^(" + tableRow + ")" + tableLine + "$" ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : {
"punctuation" : /\||:?-{3,}:?/
} ,
"table-header-row" : {
pattern : RegExp ( "^" + tableRow + "$" ) ,
inside : {
"table-header" : {
pattern : RegExp ( tableCell ) ,
alias : "important" ,
inside : Prism1 . languages . markdown
} ,
"punctuation" : /\|/
} ,
"code" : [
// Prefixed by 4 spaces or 1 tab and preceded by an empty line
pattern : /((?:^|\n)[ \t]*\n|(?:^|\r\n?)[ \t]*\r\n?)(?: {4}|\t).+(?:(?:\n|\r\n?)(?: {4}|\t).+)*/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
alias : "keyword"
} ,
// ```optional language
// code block
// ```
pattern : /^```[\s\S]*?^```$/m ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"code-block" : {
pattern : /^(```.*(?:\n|\r\n?))[\s\S]+?(?=(?:\n|\r\n?)^```$)/m ,
lookbehind : true
} ,
"code-language" : {
pattern : /^(```).+/ ,
lookbehind : true
} ,
"punctuation" : /```/
] ,
"title" : [
// title 1
// =======
// title 2
// -------
pattern : /\S.*(?:\n|\r\n?)(?:==+|--+)(?=[ \t]*$)/m ,
alias : "important" ,
inside : {
punctuation : /==+$|--+$/
} ,
// # title 1
// ###### title 6
pattern : /(^\s*)#.+/m ,
lookbehind : true ,
alias : "important" ,
inside : {
punctuation : /^#+|#+$/
] ,
"hr" : {
// ***
// ---
// * * *
// -----------
pattern : /(^\s*)([*-])(?:[\t ]*\2){2,}(?=\s*$)/m ,
lookbehind : true ,
alias : "punctuation"
} ,
"list" : {
// * item
// + item
// - item
// 1. item
pattern : /(^\s*)(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)(?=[\t ].)/m ,
lookbehind : true ,
alias : "punctuation"
} ,
"url-reference" : {
// [id]: "Optional title"
// [id]: 'Optional title'
// [id]: (Optional title)
// [id]: <> "Optional title"
pattern : /!?\[[^\]]+\]:[\t ]+(?:\S+|<(?:\\.|[^>\\])+>)(?:[\t ]+(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\)))?/ ,
inside : {
"variable" : {
pattern : /^(!?\[)[^\]]+/ ,
lookbehind : true
} ,
"string" : /(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\.|[^)\\])*\))$/ ,
"punctuation" : /^[\[\]!:]|[<>]/
} ,
alias : "url"
} ,
"bold" : {
// **strong**
// __strong__
// allow one nested instance of italic text using the same delimiter
pattern : createInline ( /\b__(?:(?!_)<inner>|_(?:(?!_)<inner>)+_)+__\b|\*\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>|\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>)+\*)+\*\*/ . source ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"content" : {
pattern : /(^..)[\s\S]+(?=..$)/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : { } // see below
} ,
"punctuation" : /\*\*|__/
} ,
"italic" : {
// *em*
// _em_
// allow one nested instance of bold text using the same delimiter
pattern : createInline ( /\b_(?:(?!_)<inner>|__(?:(?!_)<inner>)+__)+_\b|\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>|\*\*(?:(?!\*)<inner>)+\*\*)+\*/ . source ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"content" : {
pattern : /(^.)[\s\S]+(?=.$)/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : { } // see below
} ,
"punctuation" : /[*_]/
} ,
"strike" : {
// ~~strike through~~
// ~strike~
// eslint-disable-next-line regexp/strict
pattern : createInline ( /(~~?)(?:(?!~)<inner>)+\2/ . source ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"content" : {
pattern : /(^~~?)[\s\S]+(?=\1$)/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : { } // see below
} ,
"punctuation" : /~~?/
} ,
"code-snippet" : {
// `code`
// ``code``
pattern : /(^|[^\\`])(?:``[^`\r\n]+(?:`[^`\r\n]+)*``(?!`)|`[^`\r\n]+`(?!`))/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
alias : [
"code" ,
} ,
"url" : {
// [example]( "Optional title")
// [example][id]
// [example] [id]
pattern : createInline ( /!?\[(?:(?!\])<inner>)+\](?:\([^\s)]+(?:[\t ]+"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*")?\)|[ \t]?\[(?:(?!\])<inner>)+\])/ . source ) ,
lookbehind : true ,
greedy : true ,
inside : {
"operator" : /^!/ ,
"content" : {
pattern : /(^\[)[^\]]+(?=\])/ ,
lookbehind : true ,
inside : { } // see below
} ,
"variable" : {
pattern : /(^\][ \t]?\[)[^\]]+(?=\]$)/ ,
lookbehind : true
} ,
"url" : {
pattern : /(^\]\()[^\s)]+/ ,
lookbehind : true
} ,
"string" : {
pattern : /(^[ \t]+)"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"(?=\)$)/ ,
lookbehind : true
} ) ;
"url" ,
"bold" ,
"italic" ,
] . forEach ( function ( token ) {
"url" ,
"bold" ,
"italic" ,
"strike" ,
] . forEach ( function ( inside ) {
if ( token !== inside ) Prism1 . languages . markdown [ token ] . inside . content . inside [ inside ] = Prism1 . languages . markdown [ inside ] ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
Prism1 . hooks . add ( "after-tokenize" , function ( env ) {
if ( env . language !== "markdown" && env . language !== "md" ) return ;
function walkTokens ( tokens ) {
if ( ! tokens || typeof tokens === "string" ) return ;
for ( var i = 0 , l = tokens . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) {
var token = tokens [ i ] ;
if ( token . type !== "code" ) {
walkTokens ( token . content ) ;
continue ;
/ *
* Add the correct ` language-xxxx ` class to this code block . Keep in mind that the ` code-language ` token
* is optional . But the grammar is defined so that there is only one case we have to handle :
* token . content = [
* < span class = "punctuation" > ` ` ` </span>,
* < span class = "code-language" > xxxx < / s p a n > ,
* '\n' , // exactly one new lines (\r or \n or \r\n)
* < span class = "code-block" > ... < / s p a n > ,
* '\n' , // exactly one new lines again
* < span class = "punctuation" > ` ` ` </span>
* ] ;
* / v a r c o d e L a n g = t o k e n . c o n t e n t [ 1 ] ;
var codeBlock = token . content [ 3 ] ;
if ( codeLang && codeBlock && codeLang . type === "code-language" && codeBlock . type === "code-block" && typeof codeLang . content === "string" ) {
// this might be a language that Prism does not support
// do some replacements to support C++, C#, and F#
var lang = codeLang . content . replace ( /\b#/g , "sharp" ) . replace ( /\b\+\+/g , "pp" ) ;
// only use the first word
lang = ( /[a-z][\w-]*/i . exec ( lang ) || [
] ) [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var alias = "language-" + lang ;
// add alias
if ( ! codeBlock . alias ) codeBlock . alias = [
] ;
else if ( typeof codeBlock . alias === "string" ) codeBlock . alias = [
codeBlock . alias ,
] ;
else codeBlock . alias . push ( alias ) ;
walkTokens ( env . tokens ) ;
} ) ;
Prism1 . hooks . add ( "wrap" , function ( env ) {
if ( env . type !== "code-block" ) return ;
var codeLang = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 , l = env . classes . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) {
var cls = env . classes [ i ] ;
var match = /language-(.+)/ . exec ( cls ) ;
if ( match ) {
codeLang = match [ 1 ] ;
break ;
var grammar = Prism1 . languages [ codeLang ] ;
if ( ! grammar ) {
if ( codeLang && codeLang !== "none" && Prism1 . plugins . autoloader ) {
var id = "md-" + new Date ( ) . valueOf ( ) + "-" + Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 1e16 ) ;
env . attributes [ "id" ] = id ;
Prism1 . plugins . autoloader . loadLanguages ( codeLang , function ( ) {
var ele = document . getElementById ( id ) ;
if ( ele ) ele . innerHTML = Prism1 . highlight ( ele . textContent , Prism1 . languages [ codeLang ] , codeLang ) ;
} ) ;
} else env . content = Prism1 . highlight ( textContent ( env . content ) , grammar , codeLang ) ;
} ) ;
var tagPattern = RegExp ( Prism1 . languages . markup . tag . pattern . source , "gi" ) ;
/ * *
* A list of known entity names .
* This will always be incomplete to save space . The current list is the one used by lowdash ' s unescape function .
* @ see { @ link https : //}
* / v a r K N O W N _ E N T I T Y _ N A M E S = {
"amp" : "&" ,
"lt" : "<" ,
"gt" : ">" ,
"quot" : '"'
} ;
// IE 11 doesn't support `String.fromCodePoint`
var fromCodePoint = String . fromCodePoint || String . fromCharCode ;
/ * *
* Returns the text content of a given HTML source code string .
* @ param { string } html
* @ returns { string }
* / f u n c t i o n t e x t C o n t e n t ( h t m l ) {
// remove all tags
var text = html . replace ( tagPattern , "" ) ;
// decode known entities
text = text . replace ( /&(\w{1,8}|#x?[\da-f]{1,8});/gi , function ( m , code ) {
code = code . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( code [ 0 ] === "#" ) {
var value ;
if ( code [ 1 ] === "x" ) value = parseInt ( code . slice ( 2 ) , 16 ) ;
else value = Number ( code . slice ( 1 ) ) ;
return fromCodePoint ( value ) ;
} else {
var known = KNOWN _ENTITY _NAMES [ code ] ;
if ( known ) return known ;
// unable to decode
return m ;
} ) ;
return text ;
Prism1 . languages . md = Prism1 . languages . markdown ;
} ) ( Prism ) ;
class $e6c02983873e6cdf$var$TextEditor extends ( 0 , $68b475f2a0292491$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) {
/ * *
* Text Editor UI Component
* @ constructor
* @ param { object } textEditor - Text area that will edit text
* @ param { number } scrollLimit - YPos where editor position will become fixed
* / / / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
// constructor
constructor ( textEditor , scrollLimit ) {
super ( ) ;
document . querySelector ( '[role="text-editor-control"]' ) . addEventListener ( "scroll" , ( e ) => {
console . log ( "HERE" ) ;
} ) ;
document . body . addEventListener ( "scroll" , ( e ) => {
var fixLimit = scrollLimit ;
console . log ( "POSITION" , document . body . scrollTop + " : " + fixLimit ) ;
if ( document . body . scrollTop + 5 >= fixLimit ) document . querySelector ( '[role="text-editor-control"]' ) . classList . add ( "control-freeze" ) ;
else document . querySelector ( '[role="text-editor-control"]' ) . classList . remove ( "control-freeze" ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit" ) . addEventListener ( "input" , ( e ) => {
let result _element = document . querySelector ( "#highlight-content" ) ;
this . textEditor = textEditor ;
// Update code
let text = e . target . value ;
result _element . innerHTML = text . replace ( new RegExp ( "&" , "g" ) , "&" ) . replace ( new RegExp ( "<" , "g" ) , "<" ) ;
let editorHeight = document . getElementById ( "highlight" ) . offsetHeight ;
document . querySelector ( '[role="edit-post-wrapper"]' ) . style . height = editorHeight + "px" ;
e . target . style . height = editorHeight + 30 + "px" ; //TODO: yeah, it's ugly but it works for now, fix soon
// Syntax Highlight
( 0 , ( /*@__PURE__*/ $parcel$interopDefault ( $4b862aa2466a294d$exports ) ) ) . highlightElement ( result _element ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit" ) . addEventListener ( "scroll" , ( e ) => {
/* Scroll result to scroll coords of event - sync with textarea */ let result _element = document . querySelector ( "#highlight" ) ;
// Get and set x and y
result _element . scrollTop = e . scrollTop ;
result _element . scrollLeft = e . scrollLeft ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit" ) . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
this . setInputs ( ) ;
//freeze editor formatting so it doesn't scroll off screen
// methods
setInputs ( ) {
var editorButtons = document . querySelectorAll ( ".editor-button" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = editorButtons . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) editorButtons [ i ] . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleEditorOption ( e ) , false ) ;
notify ( type , data ) {
switch ( type ) {
case $995f55a4eccd256d$export$f88aea22a746eab :
document . getElementById ( "submit-update" ) . classList . add ( "icon-hide" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "submit-good" ) . classList . remove ( "icon-hide" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit-update" ) . classList . remove ( "submit-start" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit-update" ) . classList . add ( "submit-cool" ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
document . getElementById ( "submit-update" ) . classList . remove ( "icon-hide" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "submit-good" ) . classList . add ( "icon-hide" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit-update" ) . classList . add ( "submit-start" ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit-update" ) . classList . remove ( "submit-cool" ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
break ;
case $995f55a4eccd256d$export$a2d54b707b6e22e1 :
break ;
case $0d6abf40542266b3$export$80082ca64f03d0e9 :
let len = this . textEditor . value . length ;
let start = this . textEditor . selectionStart ;
let end = this . textEditor . selectionEnd ;
let insert = "![image alt text](" + data + ")" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
document . getElementById ( "edit" ) . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
break ;
// event handlers
handleEditorOption ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let len = this . textEditor . value . length ;
let start = this . textEditor . selectionStart ;
let end = this . textEditor . selectionEnd ;
let selectedText = this . textEditor . value . substring ( start , end ) ;
let insert = "" ;
switch ( e . target . id ) {
case "edit-bold" :
insert = "**" + selectedText + "**" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
break ;
case "edit-italic" :
insert = "*" + selectedText + "*" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
break ;
case "edit-strikethrough" :
insert = "~~" + selectedText + "~~" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
break ;
case "edit-header1" :
insert = "# " + selectedText + "\n" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
break ;
case "edit-header2" :
insert = "## " + selectedText + "\n" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
break ;
case "edit-header3" :
insert = "### " + selectedText + "\n" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
break ;
case "edit-link" :
let url = prompt ( "Let's get that url, boss" ) ;
let link = url . toLowerCase ( ) ;
insert = "[" + selectedText + "](" + link + ")" ;
this . textEditor . value = this . textEditor . value . substring ( 0 , start ) + insert + this . textEditor . value . substring ( end , len ) ;
break ;
case "edit-image" :
//this.caretPos = position(this.textEditor).pos;
this . emitEvent ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$80082ca64f03d0e9 ) ;
break ;
case "submit-save" :
case "edit-save" :
this . emitEvent ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$1844db352cf5aef3 ) ;
break ;
case "submit-update" :
case "edit-update" :
this . emitEvent ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$14580fc61246740 ) ;
break ;
case "edit-delete" :
this . emitEvent ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$e0c06b1ddd9992cc ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
document . getElementById ( "edit" ) . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ;
var $e6c02983873e6cdf$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $e6c02983873e6cdf$var$TextEditor ;
/ *
* anime . js v3 . 2.1
* ( c ) 2020 Julian Garnier
* Released under the MIT license
* animejs . com
* / / / Defaults
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$defaultInstanceSettings = {
update : null ,
begin : null ,
loopBegin : null ,
changeBegin : null ,
change : null ,
changeComplete : null ,
loopComplete : null ,
complete : null ,
loop : 1 ,
direction : "normal" ,
autoplay : true ,
timelineOffset : 0
} ;
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$defaultTweenSettings = {
duration : 1000 ,
delay : 0 ,
endDelay : 0 ,
easing : "easeOutElastic(1, .5)" ,
round : 0
} ;
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$validTransforms = [
"translateX" ,
"translateY" ,
"translateZ" ,
"rotate" ,
"rotateX" ,
"rotateY" ,
"rotateZ" ,
"scale" ,
"scaleX" ,
"scaleY" ,
"scaleZ" ,
"skew" ,
"skewX" ,
"skewY" ,
"perspective" ,
"matrix" ,
] ;
// Caching
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cache = {
CSS : { } ,
springs : { }
} ;
// Utils
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( val , min , max ) {
return Math . min ( Math . max ( val , min ) , max ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stringContains ( str , text ) {
return str . indexOf ( text ) > - 1 ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$applyArguments ( func , args ) {
return func . apply ( null , args ) ;
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is = {
arr : function ( a ) {
return Array . isArray ( a ) ;
} ,
obj : function ( a ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stringContains ( Object . prototype . toString . call ( a ) , "Object" ) ;
} ,
pth : function ( a ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . obj ( a ) && a . hasOwnProperty ( "totalLength" ) ;
} ,
svg : function ( a ) {
return a instanceof SVGElement ;
} ,
inp : function ( a ) {
return a instanceof HTMLInputElement ;
} ,
dom : function ( a ) {
return a . nodeType || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . svg ( a ) ;
} ,
str : function ( a ) {
return typeof a === "string" ;
} ,
fnc : function ( a ) {
return typeof a === "function" ;
} ,
und : function ( a ) {
return typeof a === "undefined" ;
} ,
nil : function ( a ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( a ) || a === null ;
} ,
hex : function ( a ) {
return /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i . test ( a ) ;
} ,
rgb : function ( a ) {
return /^rgb/ . test ( a ) ;
} ,
hsl : function ( a ) {
return /^hsl/ . test ( a ) ;
} ,
col : function ( a ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . hex ( a ) || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . rgb ( a ) || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . hsl ( a ) ;
} ,
key : function ( a ) {
return ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$defaultInstanceSettings . hasOwnProperty ( a ) && ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$defaultTweenSettings . hasOwnProperty ( a ) && a !== "targets" && a !== "keyframes" ;
} ;
// Easings
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseEasingParameters ( string ) {
var match = /\(([^)]+)\)/ . exec ( string ) ;
return match ? match [ 1 ] . split ( "," ) . map ( function ( p ) {
return parseFloat ( p ) ;
} ) : [ ] ;
// Spring solver inspired by Webkit Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$spring ( string , duration ) {
var params = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseEasingParameters ( string ) ;
var mass = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( params [ 0 ] ) ? 1 : params [ 0 ] , . 1 , 100 ) ;
var stiffness = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( params [ 1 ] ) ? 100 : params [ 1 ] , . 1 , 100 ) ;
var damping = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( params [ 2 ] ) ? 10 : params [ 2 ] , . 1 , 100 ) ;
var velocity = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( params [ 3 ] ) ? 0 : params [ 3 ] , . 1 , 100 ) ;
var w0 = Math . sqrt ( stiffness / mass ) ;
var zeta = damping / ( 2 * Math . sqrt ( stiffness * mass ) ) ;
var wd = zeta < 1 ? w0 * Math . sqrt ( 1 - zeta * zeta ) : 0 ;
var a = 1 ;
var b = zeta < 1 ? ( zeta * w0 + - velocity ) / wd : - velocity + w0 ;
function solver ( t ) {
var progress = duration ? duration * t / 1000 : t ;
if ( zeta < 1 ) progress = Math . exp ( - progress * zeta * w0 ) * ( a * Math . cos ( wd * progress ) + b * Math . sin ( wd * progress ) ) ;
else progress = ( a + b * progress ) * Math . exp ( - progress * w0 ) ;
if ( t === 0 || t === 1 ) return t ;
return 1 - progress ;
function getDuration ( ) {
var cached = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cache . springs [ string ] ;
if ( cached ) return cached ;
var frame = 1 / 6 ;
var elapsed = 0 ;
var rest = 0 ;
while ( true ) {
elapsed += frame ;
if ( solver ( elapsed ) === 1 ) {
rest ++ ;
if ( rest >= 16 ) break ;
} else rest = 0 ;
var duration = elapsed * frame * 1000 ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cache . springs [ string ] = duration ;
return duration ;
return duration ? solver : getDuration ;
// Basic steps easing implementation
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$steps ( steps ) {
if ( steps === void 0 ) steps = 10 ;
return function ( t ) {
return Math . ceil ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( t , 0.000001 , 1 ) * steps ) * ( 1 / steps ) ;
} ;
// BezierEasing
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$bezier = function ( ) {
var kSplineTableSize = 11 ;
var kSampleStepSize = 1.0 / ( kSplineTableSize - 1.0 ) ;
function A ( aA1 , aA2 ) {
return 1.0 - 3.0 * aA2 + 3.0 * aA1 ;
function B ( aA1 , aA2 ) {
return 3.0 * aA2 - 6.0 * aA1 ;
function C ( aA1 ) {
return 3.0 * aA1 ;
function calcBezier ( aT , aA1 , aA2 ) {
return ( ( A ( aA1 , aA2 ) * aT + B ( aA1 , aA2 ) ) * aT + C ( aA1 ) ) * aT ;
function getSlope ( aT , aA1 , aA2 ) {
return 3.0 * A ( aA1 , aA2 ) * aT * aT + 2.0 * B ( aA1 , aA2 ) * aT + C ( aA1 ) ;
function binarySubdivide ( aX , aA , aB , mX1 , mX2 ) {
var currentX , currentT , i = 0 ;
do {
currentT = aA + ( aB - aA ) / 2.0 ;
currentX = calcBezier ( currentT , mX1 , mX2 ) - aX ;
if ( currentX > 0.0 ) aB = currentT ;
else aA = currentT ;
} while ( Math . abs ( currentX ) > 0.0000001 && ++ i < 10 ) ;
return currentT ;
function newtonRaphsonIterate ( aX , aGuessT , mX1 , mX2 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++ i ) {
var currentSlope = getSlope ( aGuessT , mX1 , mX2 ) ;
if ( currentSlope === 0.0 ) return aGuessT ;
var currentX = calcBezier ( aGuessT , mX1 , mX2 ) - aX ;
aGuessT -= currentX / currentSlope ;
return aGuessT ;
function bezier ( mX1 , mY1 , mX2 , mY2 ) {
if ( ! ( 0 <= mX1 && mX1 <= 1 && 0 <= mX2 && mX2 <= 1 ) ) return ;
var sampleValues = new Float32Array ( kSplineTableSize ) ;
if ( mX1 !== mY1 || mX2 !== mY2 ) for ( var i = 0 ; i < kSplineTableSize ; ++ i ) sampleValues [ i ] = calcBezier ( i * kSampleStepSize , mX1 , mX2 ) ;
function getTForX ( aX ) {
var intervalStart = 0 ;
var currentSample = 1 ;
var lastSample = kSplineTableSize - 1 ;
for ( ; currentSample !== lastSample && sampleValues [ currentSample ] <= aX ; ++ currentSample ) intervalStart += kSampleStepSize ;
-- currentSample ;
var dist = ( aX - sampleValues [ currentSample ] ) / ( sampleValues [ currentSample + 1 ] - sampleValues [ currentSample ] ) ;
var guessForT = intervalStart + dist * kSampleStepSize ;
var initialSlope = getSlope ( guessForT , mX1 , mX2 ) ;
if ( initialSlope >= 0.001 ) return newtonRaphsonIterate ( aX , guessForT , mX1 , mX2 ) ;
else if ( initialSlope === 0.0 ) return guessForT ;
else return binarySubdivide ( aX , intervalStart , intervalStart + kSampleStepSize , mX1 , mX2 ) ;
return function ( x ) {
if ( mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2 ) return x ;
if ( x === 0 || x === 1 ) return x ;
return calcBezier ( getTForX ( x ) , mY1 , mY2 ) ;
} ;
return bezier ;
} ( ) ;
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$penner = function ( ) {
// Based on jQuery UI's implemenation of easing equations from Robert Penner (
var eases = {
linear : function ( ) {
return function ( t ) {
return t ;
} ;
} ;
var functionEasings = {
Sine : function ( ) {
return function ( t ) {
return 1 - Math . cos ( t * Math . PI / 2 ) ;
} ;
} ,
Circ : function ( ) {
return function ( t ) {
return 1 - Math . sqrt ( 1 - t * t ) ;
} ;
} ,
Back : function ( ) {
return function ( t ) {
return t * t * ( 3 * t - 2 ) ;
} ;
} ,
Bounce : function ( ) {
return function ( t ) {
var pow2 , b = 4 ;
while ( t < ( ( pow2 = Math . pow ( 2 , -- b ) ) - 1 ) / 11 ) ;
return 1 / Math . pow ( 4 , 3 - b ) - 7.5625 * Math . pow ( ( pow2 * 3 - 2 ) / 22 - t , 2 ) ;
} ;
} ,
Elastic : function ( amplitude , period ) {
if ( amplitude === void 0 ) amplitude = 1 ;
if ( period === void 0 ) period = . 5 ;
var a = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( amplitude , 1 , 10 ) ;
var p = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( period , . 1 , 2 ) ;
return function ( t ) {
return t === 0 || t === 1 ? t : - a * Math . pow ( 2 , 10 * ( t - 1 ) ) * Math . sin ( ( t - 1 - p / ( Math . PI * 2 ) * Math . asin ( 1 / a ) ) * ( Math . PI * 2 ) / p ) ;
} ;
} ;
var baseEasings = [
"Quad" ,
"Cubic" ,
"Quart" ,
"Quint" ,
] ;
baseEasings . forEach ( function ( name , i ) {
functionEasings [ name ] = function ( ) {
return function ( t ) {
return Math . pow ( t , i + 2 ) ;
} ;
} ;
} ) ;
Object . keys ( functionEasings ) . forEach ( function ( name ) {
var easeIn = functionEasings [ name ] ;
eases [ "easeIn" + name ] = easeIn ;
eases [ "easeOut" + name ] = function ( a , b ) {
return function ( t ) {
return 1 - easeIn ( a , b ) ( 1 - t ) ;
} ;
} ;
eases [ "easeInOut" + name ] = function ( a , b ) {
return function ( t ) {
return t < 0.5 ? easeIn ( a , b ) ( t * 2 ) / 2 : 1 - easeIn ( a , b ) ( t * - 2 + 2 ) / 2 ;
} ;
} ;
eases [ "easeOutIn" + name ] = function ( a , b ) {
return function ( t ) {
return t < 0.5 ? ( 1 - easeIn ( a , b ) ( 1 - t * 2 ) ) / 2 : ( easeIn ( a , b ) ( t * 2 - 1 ) + 1 ) / 2 ;
} ;
} ;
} ) ;
return eases ;
} ( ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseEasings ( easing , duration ) {
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . fnc ( easing ) ) return easing ;
var name = easing . split ( "(" ) [ 0 ] ;
var ease = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$penner [ name ] ;
var args = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseEasingParameters ( easing ) ;
switch ( name ) {
case "spring" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$spring ( easing , duration ) ;
case "cubicBezier" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$applyArguments ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$bezier , args ) ;
case "steps" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$applyArguments ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$steps , args ) ;
default :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$applyArguments ( ease , args ) ;
// Strings
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$selectString ( str ) {
try {
var nodes = document . querySelectorAll ( str ) ;
return nodes ;
} catch ( e ) {
return ;
// Arrays
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$filterArray ( arr , callback ) {
var len = arr . length ;
var thisArg = arguments . length >= 2 ? arguments [ 1 ] : void 0 ;
var result = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) if ( i in arr ) {
var val = arr [ i ] ;
if ( callback . call ( thisArg , val , i , arr ) ) result . push ( val ) ;
return result ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$flattenArray ( arr ) {
return arr . reduce ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . concat ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( b ) ? $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$flattenArray ( b ) : b ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$toArray ( o ) {
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( o ) ) return o ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . str ( o ) ) o = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$selectString ( o ) || o ;
if ( o instanceof NodeList || o instanceof HTMLCollection ) return [ ] . slice . call ( o ) ;
return [
] ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$arrayContains ( arr , val ) {
return arr . some ( function ( a ) {
return a === val ;
} ) ;
// Objects
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cloneObject ( o ) {
var clone = { } ;
for ( var p in o ) clone [ p ] = o [ p ] ;
return clone ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$replaceObjectProps ( o1 , o2 ) {
var o = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cloneObject ( o1 ) ;
for ( var p in o1 ) o [ p ] = o2 . hasOwnProperty ( p ) ? o2 [ p ] : o1 [ p ] ;
return o ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$mergeObjects ( o1 , o2 ) {
var o = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cloneObject ( o1 ) ;
for ( var p in o2 ) o [ p ] = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( o1 [ p ] ) ? o2 [ p ] : o1 [ p ] ;
return o ;
// Colors
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$rgbToRgba ( rgbValue ) {
var rgb = /rgb\((\d+,\s*[\d]+,\s*[\d]+)\)/g . exec ( rgbValue ) ;
return rgb ? "rgba(" + rgb [ 1 ] + ",1)" : rgbValue ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$hexToRgba ( hexValue ) {
var rgx = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i ;
var hex = hexValue . replace ( rgx , function ( m , r , g , b ) {
return r + r + g + g + b + b ;
} ) ;
var rgb = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i . exec ( hex ) ;
var r = parseInt ( rgb [ 1 ] , 16 ) ;
var g = parseInt ( rgb [ 2 ] , 16 ) ;
var b = parseInt ( rgb [ 3 ] , 16 ) ;
return "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ",1)" ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$hslToRgba ( hslValue ) {
var hsl = /hsl\((\d+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%\)/g . exec ( hslValue ) || /hsla\((\d+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)\)/g . exec ( hslValue ) ;
var h = parseInt ( hsl [ 1 ] , 10 ) / 360 ;
var s = parseInt ( hsl [ 2 ] , 10 ) / 100 ;
var l = parseInt ( hsl [ 3 ] , 10 ) / 100 ;
var a = hsl [ 4 ] || 1 ;
function hue2rgb ( p , q , t ) {
if ( t < 0 ) t += 1 ;
if ( t > 1 ) t -= 1 ;
if ( t < 1 / 6 ) return p + ( q - p ) * 6 * t ;
if ( t < 0.5 ) return q ;
if ( t < 2 / 3 ) return p + ( q - p ) * ( 2 / 3 - t ) * 6 ;
return p ;
var r , g , b ;
if ( s == 0 ) r = g = b = l ;
else {
var q = l < 0.5 ? l * ( 1 + s ) : l + s - l * s ;
var p = 2 * l - q ;
r = hue2rgb ( p , q , h + 1 / 3 ) ;
g = hue2rgb ( p , q , h ) ;
b = hue2rgb ( p , q , h - 1 / 3 ) ;
return "rgba(" + r * 255 + "," + g * 255 + "," + b * 255 + "," + a + ")" ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$colorToRgb ( val ) {
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . rgb ( val ) ) return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$rgbToRgba ( val ) ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . hex ( val ) ) return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$hexToRgba ( val ) ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . hsl ( val ) ) return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$hslToRgba ( val ) ;
// Units
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( val ) {
var split = /[+-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?(%|px|pt|em|rem|in|cm|mm|ex|ch|pc|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|deg|rad|turn)?$/ . exec ( val ) ;
if ( split ) return split [ 1 ] ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getTransformUnit ( propName ) {
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stringContains ( propName , "translate" ) || propName === "perspective" ) return "px" ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stringContains ( propName , "rotate" ) || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stringContains ( propName , "skew" ) ) return "deg" ;
// Values
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getFunctionValue ( val , animatable ) {
if ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . fnc ( val ) ) return val ;
return val ( animatable . target , animatable . id , animatable . total ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , prop ) {
return el . getAttribute ( prop ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$convertPxToUnit ( el , value , unit ) {
var valueUnit = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( value ) ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$arrayContains ( [
unit ,
"deg" ,
"rad" ,
] , valueUnit ) ) return value ;
var cached = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cache . CSS [ value + unit ] ;
if ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( cached ) ) return cached ;
var baseline = 100 ;
var tempEl = document . createElement ( el . tagName ) ;
var parentEl = el . parentNode && el . parentNode !== document ? el . parentNode : document . body ;
parentEl . appendChild ( tempEl ) ;
tempEl . style . position = "absolute" ;
tempEl . style . width = baseline + unit ;
var factor = baseline / tempEl . offsetWidth ;
parentEl . removeChild ( tempEl ) ;
var convertedUnit = factor * parseFloat ( value ) ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cache . CSS [ value + unit ] = convertedUnit ;
return convertedUnit ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getCSSValue ( el , prop , unit ) {
if ( prop in el . style ) {
var uppercasePropName = prop . replace ( /([a-z])([A-Z])/g , "$1-$2" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var value = el . style [ prop ] || getComputedStyle ( el ) . getPropertyValue ( uppercasePropName ) || "0" ;
return unit ? $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$convertPxToUnit ( el , value , unit ) : value ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimationType ( el , prop ) {
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . dom ( el ) && ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . inp ( el ) && ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . nil ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , prop ) ) || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . svg ( el ) && el [ prop ] ) ) return "attribute" ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . dom ( el ) && $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$arrayContains ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$validTransforms , prop ) ) return "transform" ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . dom ( el ) && prop !== "transform" && $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getCSSValue ( el , prop ) ) return "css" ;
if ( el [ prop ] != null ) return "object" ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getElementTransforms ( el ) {
if ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . dom ( el ) ) return ;
var str = el . style . transform || "" ;
var reg = /(\w+)\(([^)]*)\)/g ;
var transforms = new Map ( ) ;
var m ;
while ( m = reg . exec ( str ) ) transforms . set ( m [ 1 ] , m [ 2 ] ) ;
return transforms ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getTransformValue ( el , propName , animatable , unit ) {
var defaultVal = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stringContains ( propName , "scale" ) ? 1 : 0 + $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getTransformUnit ( propName ) ;
var value = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getElementTransforms ( el ) . get ( propName ) || defaultVal ;
if ( animatable ) {
animatable . transforms . list . set ( propName , value ) ;
animatable . transforms [ "last" ] = propName ;
return unit ? $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$convertPxToUnit ( el , value , unit ) : value ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getOriginalTargetValue ( target , propName , unit , animatable ) {
switch ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimationType ( target , propName ) ) {
case "transform" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getTransformValue ( target , propName , animatable , unit ) ;
case "css" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getCSSValue ( target , propName , unit ) ;
case "attribute" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( target , propName ) ;
default :
return target [ propName ] || 0 ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getRelativeValue ( to , from ) {
var operator = /^(\*=|\+=|-=)/ . exec ( to ) ;
if ( ! operator ) return to ;
var u = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( to ) || 0 ;
var x = parseFloat ( from ) ;
var y = parseFloat ( to . replace ( operator [ 0 ] , "" ) ) ;
switch ( operator [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) {
case "+" :
return x + y + u ;
case "-" :
return x - y + u ;
case "*" :
return x * y + u ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$validateValue ( val , unit ) {
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . col ( val ) ) return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$colorToRgb ( val ) ;
if ( /\s/g . test ( val ) ) return val ;
var originalUnit = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( val ) ;
var unitLess = originalUnit ? val . substr ( 0 , val . length - originalUnit . length ) : val ;
if ( unit ) return unitLess + unit ;
return unitLess ;
// getTotalLength() equivalent for circle, rect, polyline, polygon and line shapes
// adapted from
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getDistance ( p1 , p2 ) {
return Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( p2 . x - p1 . x , 2 ) + Math . pow ( p2 . y - p1 . y , 2 ) ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getCircleLength ( el ) {
return Math . PI * 2 * $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , "r" ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getRectLength ( el ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , "width" ) * 2 + $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , "height" ) * 2 ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getLineLength ( el ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getDistance ( {
x : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , "x1" ) ,
y : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , "y1" )
} , {
x : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , "x2" ) ,
y : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( el , "y2" )
} ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPolylineLength ( el ) {
var points = el . points ;
var totalLength = 0 ;
var previousPos ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < points . numberOfItems ; i ++ ) {
var currentPos = points . getItem ( i ) ;
if ( i > 0 ) totalLength += $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getDistance ( previousPos , currentPos ) ;
previousPos = currentPos ;
return totalLength ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPolygonLength ( el ) {
var points = el . points ;
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPolylineLength ( el ) + $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getDistance ( points . getItem ( points . numberOfItems - 1 ) , points . getItem ( 0 ) ) ;
// Path animation
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getTotalLength ( el ) {
if ( el . getTotalLength ) return el . getTotalLength ( ) ;
switch ( el . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
case "circle" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getCircleLength ( el ) ;
case "rect" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getRectLength ( el ) ;
case "line" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getLineLength ( el ) ;
case "polyline" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPolylineLength ( el ) ;
case "polygon" :
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPolygonLength ( el ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setDashoffset ( el ) {
var pathLength = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getTotalLength ( el ) ;
el . setAttribute ( "stroke-dasharray" , pathLength ) ;
return pathLength ;
// Motion path
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getParentSvgEl ( el ) {
var parentEl = el . parentNode ;
while ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . svg ( parentEl ) ) {
if ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . svg ( parentEl . parentNode ) ) break ;
parentEl = parentEl . parentNode ;
return parentEl ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getParentSvg ( pathEl , svgData ) {
var svg = svgData || { } ;
var parentSvgEl = svg . el || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getParentSvgEl ( pathEl ) ;
var rect = parentSvgEl . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
var viewBoxAttr = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAttribute ( parentSvgEl , "viewBox" ) ;
var width = rect . width ;
var height = rect . height ;
var viewBox = svg . viewBox || ( viewBoxAttr ? viewBoxAttr . split ( " " ) : [
0 ,
0 ,
width ,
] ) ;
return {
el : parentSvgEl ,
viewBox : viewBox ,
x : viewBox [ 0 ] / 1 ,
y : viewBox [ 1 ] / 1 ,
w : width ,
h : height ,
vW : viewBox [ 2 ] ,
vH : viewBox [ 3 ]
} ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPath ( path , percent ) {
var pathEl = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . str ( path ) ? $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$selectString ( path ) [ 0 ] : path ;
var p = percent || 100 ;
return function ( property ) {
return {
property : property ,
el : pathEl ,
svg : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getParentSvg ( pathEl ) ,
totalLength : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getTotalLength ( pathEl ) * ( p / 100 )
} ;
} ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPathProgress ( path , progress , isPathTargetInsideSVG ) {
function point ( offset ) {
if ( offset === void 0 ) offset = 0 ;
var l = progress + offset >= 1 ? progress + offset : 0 ;
return path . el . getPointAtLength ( l ) ;
var svg = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getParentSvg ( path . el , path . svg ) ;
var p = point ( ) ;
var p0 = point ( - 1 ) ;
var p1 = point ( 1 ) ;
var scaleX = isPathTargetInsideSVG ? 1 : svg . w / svg . vW ;
var scaleY = isPathTargetInsideSVG ? 1 : svg . h / svg . vH ;
switch ( path . property ) {
case "x" :
return ( p . x - svg . x ) * scaleX ;
case "y" :
return ( p . y - svg . y ) * scaleY ;
case "angle" :
return Math . atan2 ( p1 . y - p0 . y , p1 . x - p0 . x ) * 180 / Math . PI ;
// Decompose value
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$decomposeValue ( val , unit ) {
// const rgx = /-?\d*\.?\d+/g; // handles basic numbers
// const rgx = /[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/g; // handles exponents notation
var rgx = /[+-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/g ; // handles exponents notation
var value = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$validateValue ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . pth ( val ) ? val . totalLength : val , unit ) + "" ;
return {
original : value ,
numbers : value . match ( rgx ) ? value . match ( rgx ) . map ( Number ) : [
] ,
strings : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . str ( val ) || unit ? value . split ( rgx ) : [ ]
} ;
// Animatables
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseTargets ( targets ) {
var targetsArray = targets ? $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$flattenArray ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( targets ) ? targets . map ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$toArray ) : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$toArray ( targets ) ) : [ ] ;
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$filterArray ( targetsArray , function ( item , pos , self ) {
return self . indexOf ( item ) === pos ;
} ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimatables ( targets ) {
var parsed = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseTargets ( targets ) ;
return parsed . map ( function ( t , i ) {
return {
target : t ,
id : i ,
total : parsed . length ,
transforms : {
list : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getElementTransforms ( t )
} ;
} ) ;
// Properties
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$normalizePropertyTweens ( prop , tweenSettings ) {
var settings = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$cloneObject ( tweenSettings ) ;
// Override duration if easing is a spring
if ( /^spring/ . test ( settings . easing ) ) settings . duration = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$spring ( settings . easing ) ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( prop ) ) {
var l = prop . length ;
var isFromTo = l === 2 && ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . obj ( prop [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( ! isFromTo ) // Duration divided by the number of tweens
if ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . fnc ( tweenSettings . duration ) ) settings . duration = tweenSettings . duration / l ;
} else // Transform [from, to] values shorthand to a valid tween value
prop = {
value : prop
} ;
var propArray = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( prop ) ? prop : [
] ;
return propArray . map ( function ( v , i ) {
var obj = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . obj ( v ) && ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . pth ( v ) ? v : {
value : v
} ;
// Default delay value should only be applied to the first tween
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( obj . delay ) ) obj . delay = ! i ? tweenSettings . delay : 0 ;
// Default endDelay value should only be applied to the last tween
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( obj . endDelay ) ) obj . endDelay = i === propArray . length - 1 ? tweenSettings . endDelay : 0 ;
return obj ;
} ) . map ( function ( k ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$mergeObjects ( k , settings ) ;
} ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$flattenKeyframes ( keyframes ) {
var propertyNames = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$filterArray ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$flattenArray ( keyframes . map ( function ( key ) {
return Object . keys ( key ) ;
} ) ) , function ( p ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . key ( p ) ;
} ) . reduce ( function ( a , b ) {
if ( a . indexOf ( b ) < 0 ) a . push ( b ) ;
return a ;
} , [ ] ) ;
var properties = { } ;
var loop = function ( i ) {
var propName = propertyNames [ i ] ;
properties [ propName ] = keyframes . map ( function ( key ) {
var newKey = { } ;
for ( var p in key ) {
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . key ( p ) ) {
if ( p == propName ) newKey . value = key [ p ] ;
} else newKey [ p ] = key [ p ] ;
return newKey ;
} ) ;
} ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < propertyNames . length ; i ++ ) loop ( i ) ;
return properties ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getProperties ( tweenSettings , params ) {
var properties = [ ] ;
var keyframes = params . keyframes ;
if ( keyframes ) params = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$mergeObjects ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$flattenKeyframes ( keyframes ) , params ) ;
for ( var p in params ) if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . key ( p ) ) properties . push ( {
name : p ,
tweens : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$normalizePropertyTweens ( params [ p ] , tweenSettings )
} ) ;
return properties ;
// Tweens
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$normalizeTweenValues ( tween , animatable ) {
var t = { } ;
for ( var p in tween ) {
var value = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getFunctionValue ( tween [ p ] , animatable ) ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( value ) ) {
value = value . map ( function ( v ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getFunctionValue ( v , animatable ) ;
} ) ;
if ( value . length === 1 ) value = value [ 0 ] ;
t [ p ] = value ;
t . duration = parseFloat ( t . duration ) ;
t . delay = parseFloat ( t . delay ) ;
return t ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$normalizeTweens ( prop , animatable ) {
var previousTween ;
return prop . tweens . map ( function ( t ) {
var tween = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$normalizeTweenValues ( t , animatable ) ;
var tweenValue = tween . value ;
var to = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( tweenValue ) ? tweenValue [ 1 ] : tweenValue ;
var toUnit = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( to ) ;
var originalValue = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getOriginalTargetValue ( animatable . target , prop . name , toUnit , animatable ) ;
var previousValue = previousTween ? previousTween . to . original : originalValue ;
var from = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( tweenValue ) ? tweenValue [ 0 ] : previousValue ;
var fromUnit = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( from ) || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( originalValue ) ;
var unit = toUnit || fromUnit ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( to ) ) to = previousValue ;
tween . from = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$decomposeValue ( from , unit ) ;
tween . to = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$decomposeValue ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getRelativeValue ( to , from ) , unit ) ;
tween . start = previousTween ? previousTween . end : 0 ;
tween . end = tween . start + tween . delay + tween . duration + tween . endDelay ;
tween . easing = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseEasings ( tween . easing , tween . duration ) ;
tween . isPath = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . pth ( tweenValue ) ;
tween . isPathTargetInsideSVG = tween . isPath && $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . svg ( animatable . target ) ;
tween . isColor = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . col ( tween . from . original ) ;
if ( tween . isColor ) tween . round = 1 ;
previousTween = tween ;
return tween ;
} ) ;
// Tween progress
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setProgressValue = {
css : function ( t , p , v ) {
return t . style [ p ] = v ;
} ,
attribute : function ( t , p , v ) {
return t . setAttribute ( p , v ) ;
} ,
object : function ( t , p , v ) {
return t [ p ] = v ;
} ,
transform : function ( t , p , v , transforms , manual ) {
transforms . list . set ( p , v ) ;
if ( p === transforms . last || manual ) {
var str = "" ;
transforms . list . forEach ( function ( value , prop ) {
str += prop + "(" + value + ") " ;
} ) ;
t . style . transform = str ;
} ;
// Set Value helper
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setTargetsValue ( targets , properties ) {
var animatables = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimatables ( targets ) ;
animatables . forEach ( function ( animatable ) {
for ( var property in properties ) {
var value = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getFunctionValue ( properties [ property ] , animatable ) ;
var target = animatable . target ;
var valueUnit = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( value ) ;
var originalValue = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getOriginalTargetValue ( target , property , valueUnit , animatable ) ;
var unit = valueUnit || $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( originalValue ) ;
var to = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getRelativeValue ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$validateValue ( value , unit ) , originalValue ) ;
var animType = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimationType ( target , property ) ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setProgressValue [ animType ] ( target , property , to , animatable . transforms , true ) ;
} ) ;
// Animations
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$createAnimation ( animatable , prop ) {
var animType = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimationType ( animatable . target , prop . name ) ;
if ( animType ) {
var tweens = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$normalizeTweens ( prop , animatable ) ;
var lastTween = tweens [ tweens . length - 1 ] ;
return {
type : animType ,
property : prop . name ,
animatable : animatable ,
tweens : tweens ,
duration : lastTween . end ,
delay : tweens [ 0 ] . delay ,
endDelay : lastTween . endDelay
} ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimations ( animatables , properties ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$filterArray ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$flattenArray ( animatables . map ( function ( animatable ) {
return properties . map ( function ( prop ) {
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$createAnimation ( animatable , prop ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ) , function ( a ) {
return ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( a ) ;
} ) ;
// Create Instance
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getInstanceTimings ( animations , tweenSettings ) {
var animLength = animations . length ;
var getTlOffset = function ( anim ) {
return anim . timelineOffset ? anim . timelineOffset : 0 ;
} ;
var timings = { } ;
timings . duration = animLength ? Math . max . apply ( Math , animations . map ( function ( anim ) {
return getTlOffset ( anim ) + anim . duration ;
} ) ) : tweenSettings . duration ;
timings . delay = animLength ? Math . min . apply ( Math , animations . map ( function ( anim ) {
return getTlOffset ( anim ) + anim . delay ;
} ) ) : tweenSettings . delay ;
timings . endDelay = animLength ? timings . duration - Math . max . apply ( Math , animations . map ( function ( anim ) {
return getTlOffset ( anim ) + anim . duration - anim . endDelay ;
} ) ) : tweenSettings . endDelay ;
return timings ;
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$instanceID = 0 ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$createNewInstance ( params ) {
var instanceSettings = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$replaceObjectProps ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$defaultInstanceSettings , params ) ;
var tweenSettings = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$replaceObjectProps ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$defaultTweenSettings , params ) ;
var properties = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getProperties ( tweenSettings , params ) ;
var animatables = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimatables ( params . targets ) ;
var animations = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getAnimations ( animatables , properties ) ;
var timings = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getInstanceTimings ( animations , tweenSettings ) ;
var id = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$instanceID ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$instanceID ++ ;
return $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$mergeObjects ( instanceSettings , {
id : id ,
children : [ ] ,
animatables : animatables ,
animations : animations ,
duration : timings . duration ,
delay : timings . delay ,
endDelay : timings . endDelay
} ) ;
// Core
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances = [ ] ;
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$engine = function ( ) {
var raf ;
function play ( ) {
if ( ! raf && ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$isDocumentHidden ( ) || ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . suspendWhenDocumentHidden ) && $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . length > 0 ) raf = requestAnimationFrame ( step ) ;
function step ( t ) {
// memo on algorithm issue:
// dangerous iteration over mutable `activeInstances`
// (that collection may be updated from within callbacks of `tick`-ed animation instances)
var activeInstancesLength = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . length ;
var i = 0 ;
while ( i < activeInstancesLength ) {
var activeInstance = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances [ i ] ;
if ( ! activeInstance . paused ) {
activeInstance . tick ( t ) ;
i ++ ;
} else {
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
activeInstancesLength -- ;
raf = i > 0 ? requestAnimationFrame ( step ) : undefined ;
function handleVisibilityChange ( ) {
if ( ! $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . suspendWhenDocumentHidden ) return ;
if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$isDocumentHidden ( ) ) // suspend ticks
raf = cancelAnimationFrame ( raf ) ;
else {
// first adjust animations to consider the time that ticks were suspended
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . forEach ( function ( instance ) {
return instance . _onDocumentVisibility ( ) ;
} ) ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$engine ( ) ;
if ( typeof document !== "undefined" ) document . addEventListener ( "visibilitychange" , handleVisibilityChange ) ;
return play ;
} ( ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$isDocumentHidden ( ) {
return ! ! document && document . hidden ;
// Public Instance
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime ( params ) {
if ( params === void 0 ) params = { } ;
var startTime = 0 , lastTime = 0 , now = 0 ;
var children , childrenLength = 0 ;
var resolve = null ;
function makePromise ( instance ) {
var promise = window . Promise && new Promise ( function ( _resolve ) {
return resolve = _resolve ;
} ) ;
instance . finished = promise ;
return promise ;
var instance = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$createNewInstance ( params ) ;
var promise = makePromise ( instance ) ;
function toggleInstanceDirection ( ) {
var direction = instance . direction ;
if ( direction !== "alternate" ) instance . direction = direction !== "normal" ? "normal" : "reverse" ;
instance . reversed = ! instance . reversed ;
children . forEach ( function ( child ) {
return child . reversed = instance . reversed ;
} ) ;
function adjustTime ( time ) {
return instance . reversed ? instance . duration - time : time ;
function resetTime ( ) {
startTime = 0 ;
lastTime = adjustTime ( instance . currentTime ) * ( 1 / $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . speed ) ;
function seekChild ( time , child ) {
if ( child ) child . seek ( time - child . timelineOffset ) ;
function syncInstanceChildren ( time ) {
if ( ! instance . reversePlayback ) for ( var i = 0 ; i < childrenLength ; i ++ ) seekChild ( time , children [ i ] ) ;
else for ( var i$1 = childrenLength ; i$1 -- ; ) seekChild ( time , children [ i$1 ] ) ;
function setAnimationsProgress ( insTime ) {
var i = 0 ;
var animations = instance . animations ;
var animationsLength = animations . length ;
while ( i < animationsLength ) {
var anim = animations [ i ] ;
var animatable = anim . animatable ;
var tweens = anim . tweens ;
var tweenLength = tweens . length - 1 ;
var tween = tweens [ tweenLength ] ;
// Only check for keyframes if there is more than one tween
if ( tweenLength ) tween = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$filterArray ( tweens , function ( t ) {
return insTime < t . end ;
} ) [ 0 ] || tween ;
var elapsed = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( insTime - tween . start - tween . delay , 0 , tween . duration ) / tween . duration ;
var eased = isNaN ( elapsed ) ? 1 : tween . easing ( elapsed ) ;
var strings = tween . to . strings ;
var round = tween . round ;
var numbers = [ ] ;
var toNumbersLength = tween . to . numbers . length ;
var progress = void 0 ;
for ( var n = 0 ; n < toNumbersLength ; n ++ ) {
var value = void 0 ;
var toNumber = tween . to . numbers [ n ] ;
var fromNumber = tween . from . numbers [ n ] || 0 ;
if ( ! tween . isPath ) value = fromNumber + eased * ( toNumber - fromNumber ) ;
else value = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPathProgress ( tween . value , eased * toNumber , tween . isPathTargetInsideSVG ) ;
if ( round ) {
if ( ! ( tween . isColor && n > 2 ) ) value = Math . round ( value * round ) / round ;
numbers . push ( value ) ;
// Manual Array.reduce for better performances
var stringsLength = strings . length ;
if ( ! stringsLength ) progress = numbers [ 0 ] ;
else {
progress = strings [ 0 ] ;
for ( var s = 0 ; s < stringsLength ; s ++ ) {
var a = strings [ s ] ;
var b = strings [ s + 1 ] ;
var n$1 = numbers [ s ] ;
if ( ! isNaN ( n$1 ) ) {
if ( ! b ) progress += n$1 + " " ;
else progress += n$1 + b ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setProgressValue [ anim . type ] ( animatable . target , anim . property , progress , animatable . transforms ) ;
anim . currentValue = progress ;
i ++ ;
function setCallback ( cb ) {
if ( instance [ cb ] && ! instance . passThrough ) instance [ cb ] ( instance ) ;
function countIteration ( ) {
if ( instance . remaining && instance . remaining !== true ) instance . remaining -- ;
function setInstanceProgress ( engineTime ) {
var insDuration = instance . duration ;
var insDelay = instance . delay ;
var insEndDelay = insDuration - instance . endDelay ;
var insTime = adjustTime ( engineTime ) ;
instance . progress = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( insTime / insDuration * 100 , 0 , 100 ) ;
instance . reversePlayback = insTime < instance . currentTime ;
if ( children ) syncInstanceChildren ( insTime ) ;
if ( ! instance . began && instance . currentTime > 0 ) {
instance . began = true ;
setCallback ( "begin" ) ;
if ( ! instance . loopBegan && instance . currentTime > 0 ) {
instance . loopBegan = true ;
setCallback ( "loopBegin" ) ;
if ( insTime <= insDelay && instance . currentTime !== 0 ) setAnimationsProgress ( 0 ) ;
if ( insTime >= insEndDelay && instance . currentTime !== insDuration || ! insDuration ) setAnimationsProgress ( insDuration ) ;
if ( insTime > insDelay && insTime < insEndDelay ) {
if ( ! instance . changeBegan ) {
instance . changeBegan = true ;
instance . changeCompleted = false ;
setCallback ( "changeBegin" ) ;
setCallback ( "change" ) ;
setAnimationsProgress ( insTime ) ;
} else if ( instance . changeBegan ) {
instance . changeCompleted = true ;
instance . changeBegan = false ;
setCallback ( "changeComplete" ) ;
instance . currentTime = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$minMax ( insTime , 0 , insDuration ) ;
if ( instance . began ) setCallback ( "update" ) ;
if ( engineTime >= insDuration ) {
lastTime = 0 ;
countIteration ( ) ;
if ( ! instance . remaining ) {
instance . paused = true ;
if ( ! instance . completed ) {
instance . completed = true ;
setCallback ( "loopComplete" ) ;
setCallback ( "complete" ) ;
if ( ! instance . passThrough && "Promise" in window ) {
resolve ( ) ;
promise = makePromise ( instance ) ;
} else {
startTime = now ;
setCallback ( "loopComplete" ) ;
instance . loopBegan = false ;
if ( instance . direction === "alternate" ) toggleInstanceDirection ( ) ;
instance . reset = function ( ) {
var direction = instance . direction ;
instance . passThrough = false ;
instance . currentTime = 0 ;
instance . progress = 0 ;
instance . paused = true ;
instance . began = false ;
instance . loopBegan = false ;
instance . changeBegan = false ;
instance . completed = false ;
instance . changeCompleted = false ;
instance . reversePlayback = false ;
instance . reversed = direction === "reverse" ;
instance . remaining = instance . loop ;
children = instance . children ;
childrenLength = children . length ;
for ( var i = childrenLength ; i -- ; ) instance . children [ i ] . reset ( ) ;
if ( instance . reversed && instance . loop !== true || direction === "alternate" && instance . loop === 1 ) instance . remaining ++ ;
setAnimationsProgress ( instance . reversed ? instance . duration : 0 ) ;
} ;
// internal method (for engine) to adjust animation timings before restoring engine ticks (rAF)
instance . _onDocumentVisibility = resetTime ;
// Set Value helper
instance . set = function ( targets , properties ) {
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setTargetsValue ( targets , properties ) ;
return instance ;
} ;
instance . tick = function ( t ) {
now = t ;
if ( ! startTime ) startTime = now ;
setInstanceProgress ( ( now + ( lastTime - startTime ) ) * $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . speed ) ;
} ;
instance . seek = function ( time ) {
setInstanceProgress ( adjustTime ( time ) ) ;
} ;
instance . pause = function ( ) {
instance . paused = true ;
resetTime ( ) ;
} ;
instance . play = function ( ) {
if ( ! instance . paused ) return ;
if ( instance . completed ) instance . reset ( ) ;
instance . paused = false ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . push ( instance ) ;
resetTime ( ) ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$engine ( ) ;
} ;
instance . reverse = function ( ) {
toggleInstanceDirection ( ) ;
instance . completed = instance . reversed ? false : true ;
resetTime ( ) ;
} ;
instance . restart = function ( ) {
instance . reset ( ) ;
instance . play ( ) ;
} ;
instance . remove = function ( targets ) {
var targetsArray = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseTargets ( targets ) ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromInstance ( targetsArray , instance ) ;
} ;
instance . reset ( ) ;
if ( instance . autoplay ) instance . play ( ) ;
return instance ;
// Remove targets from animation
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromAnimations ( targetsArray , animations ) {
for ( var a = animations . length ; a -- ; ) if ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$arrayContains ( targetsArray , animations [ a ] . animatable . target ) ) animations . splice ( a , 1 ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromInstance ( targetsArray , instance ) {
var animations = instance . animations ;
var children = instance . children ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromAnimations ( targetsArray , animations ) ;
for ( var c = children . length ; c -- ; ) {
var child = children [ c ] ;
var childAnimations = child . animations ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromAnimations ( targetsArray , childAnimations ) ;
if ( ! childAnimations . length && ! child . children . length ) children . splice ( c , 1 ) ;
if ( ! animations . length && ! children . length ) instance . pause ( ) ;
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromActiveInstances ( targets ) {
var targetsArray = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseTargets ( targets ) ;
for ( var i = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . length ; i -- ; ) {
var instance = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances [ i ] ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromInstance ( targetsArray , instance ) ;
// Stagger helpers
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stagger ( val , params ) {
if ( params === void 0 ) params = { } ;
var direction = params . direction || "normal" ;
var easing = params . easing ? $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseEasings ( params . easing ) : null ;
var grid = params . grid ;
var axis = params . axis ;
var fromIndex = params . from || 0 ;
var fromFirst = fromIndex === "first" ;
var fromCenter = fromIndex === "center" ;
var fromLast = fromIndex === "last" ;
var isRange = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . arr ( val ) ;
var val1 = isRange ? parseFloat ( val [ 0 ] ) : parseFloat ( val ) ;
var val2 = isRange ? parseFloat ( val [ 1 ] ) : 0 ;
var unit = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getUnit ( isRange ? val [ 1 ] : val ) || 0 ;
var start = params . start || 0 + ( isRange ? val1 : 0 ) ;
var values = [ ] ;
var maxValue = 0 ;
return function ( el , i , t ) {
if ( fromFirst ) fromIndex = 0 ;
if ( fromCenter ) fromIndex = ( t - 1 ) / 2 ;
if ( fromLast ) fromIndex = t - 1 ;
if ( ! values . length ) {
for ( var index = 0 ; index < t ; index ++ ) {
if ( ! grid ) values . push ( Math . abs ( fromIndex - index ) ) ;
else {
var fromX = ! fromCenter ? fromIndex % grid [ 0 ] : ( grid [ 0 ] - 1 ) / 2 ;
var fromY = ! fromCenter ? Math . floor ( fromIndex / grid [ 0 ] ) : ( grid [ 1 ] - 1 ) / 2 ;
var toX = index % grid [ 0 ] ;
var toY = Math . floor ( index / grid [ 0 ] ) ;
var distanceX = fromX - toX ;
var distanceY = fromY - toY ;
var value = Math . sqrt ( distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY ) ;
if ( axis === "x" ) value = - distanceX ;
if ( axis === "y" ) value = - distanceY ;
values . push ( value ) ;
maxValue = Math . max . apply ( Math , values ) ;
if ( easing ) values = values . map ( function ( val ) {
return easing ( val / maxValue ) * maxValue ;
} ) ;
if ( direction === "reverse" ) values = values . map ( function ( val ) {
return axis ? val < 0 ? val * - 1 : - val : Math . abs ( maxValue - val ) ;
} ) ;
var spacing = isRange ? ( val2 - val1 ) / maxValue : val1 ;
return start + spacing * ( Math . round ( values [ i ] * 100 ) / 100 ) + unit ;
} ;
// Timeline
function $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$timeline ( params ) {
if ( params === void 0 ) params = { } ;
var tl = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime ( params ) ;
tl . duration = 0 ;
tl . add = function ( instanceParams , timelineOffset ) {
var tlIndex = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . indexOf ( tl ) ;
var children = tl . children ;
if ( tlIndex > - 1 ) $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances . splice ( tlIndex , 1 ) ;
function passThrough ( ins ) {
ins . passThrough = true ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < children . length ; i ++ ) passThrough ( children [ i ] ) ;
var insParams = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$mergeObjects ( instanceParams , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$replaceObjectProps ( $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$defaultTweenSettings , params ) ) ;
insParams . targets = insParams . targets || params . targets ;
var tlDuration = tl . duration ;
insParams . autoplay = false ;
insParams . direction = tl . direction ;
insParams . timelineOffset = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$is . und ( timelineOffset ) ? tlDuration : $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getRelativeValue ( timelineOffset , tlDuration ) ;
passThrough ( tl ) ;
tl . seek ( insParams . timelineOffset ) ;
var ins = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime ( insParams ) ;
passThrough ( ins ) ;
children . push ( ins ) ;
var timings = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getInstanceTimings ( children , params ) ;
tl . delay = timings . delay ;
tl . endDelay = timings . endDelay ;
tl . duration = timings . duration ;
tl . seek ( 0 ) ;
tl . reset ( ) ;
if ( tl . autoplay ) tl . play ( ) ;
return tl ;
} ;
return tl ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . version = "3.2.1" ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . speed = 1 ;
// TODO:#review: naming, documentation
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . suspendWhenDocumentHidden = true ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . running = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$activeInstances ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . remove = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$removeTargetsFromActiveInstances ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . get = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getOriginalTargetValue ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . set = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setTargetsValue ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . convertPx = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$convertPxToUnit ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . path = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$getPath ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . setDashoffset = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$setDashoffset ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . stagger = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$stagger ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . timeline = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$timeline ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . easing = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$parseEasings ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . penner = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$penner ;
$8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime . random = function ( min , max ) {
return Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * ( max - min + 1 ) ) + min ;
} ;
var $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $8b9e2899b2e82f52$var$anime ;
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$notifcation = document . querySelector ( ".notify-message" ) ;
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$notify = document . getElementById ( "notify-message" ) ;
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$responseText = document . querySelector ( ".response-text" ) ;
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$notifyText = document . querySelector ( ".notify-text" ) ;
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$notifyIcons = document . querySelector ( ".notify-icons" ) ;
//const notifyProgress = document.getElementById('notify-progress');
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$iconGood = document . querySelector ( ".notify-good" ) ;
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$iconNotGood = document . querySelector ( ".notify-notgood" ) ;
const $accfb6154319a04b$var$iconWorking = document . querySelector ( ".notify-working" ) ;
class $accfb6154319a04b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) { }
// methods
alert ( text , status ) {
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconWorking . style . display = "none" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconGood . style . display = "none" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconNotGood . style . display = "none" ;
var color = "" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$responseText . innerHTML = text ;
if ( status !== null ) {
if ( status ) {
color = "#32cd32" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconWorking . style . display = "none" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconGood . style . display = "block" ;
} else {
color = "#F64747" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconWorking . style . display = "none" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconNotGood . style . display = "block" ;
} else {
color = "#200317" ;
$accfb6154319a04b$var$iconWorking . style . display = "block" ;
new ( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : document . querySelector ( ".top-nav" ) ,
rotateX : "180deg" ,
easing : "easeOutQuint"
} ) ;
new ( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : document . querySelector ( ".notify" ) ,
rotateX : "10deg" ,
easing : "easeOutQuint" ,
complete : ( ) => {
new ( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : $accfb6154319a04b$var$notifyIcons ,
width : 39 ,
opacity : 1 ,
easing : "easeInQuint" ,
duration : 300
} ) ;
new ( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : $accfb6154319a04b$var$notifyText ,
backgroundColor : color ,
opacity : 1 ,
easing : "easeInOutQuad" ,
duration : 400 ,
complete : ( ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
if ( status !== null ) {
( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : $accfb6154319a04b$var$notifyText ,
backgroundColor : color ,
opacity : 0 ,
easing : "easeInOutQuad" ,
duration : 400
} ) ;
( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : $accfb6154319a04b$var$notifyIcons ,
width : 0 ,
opacity : 0 ,
easing : "easeOutQuint" ,
duration : 350
} ) ;
new ( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : document . querySelector ( ".top-nav" ) ,
rotateX : "0deg" ,
easing : "easeOutQuint"
} ) ;
new ( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : document . querySelector ( ".notify" ) ,
rotateX : "180deg" ,
easing : "easeOutQuint"
} ) ;
} , 2500 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * * !
* Sortable 1.15 . 0
* @ author RubaXa < trash @ rubaxa . org >
* @ author owenm < owen23355 @ gmail . com >
* @ license MIT
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ o w n K e y s ( o b j e c t , e n u m e r a b l e O n l y ) {
var keys = Object . keys ( object ) ;
if ( Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ) {
var symbols = Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ( object ) ;
if ( enumerableOnly ) symbols = symbols . filter ( function ( sym ) {
return Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( object , sym ) . enumerable ;
} ) ;
keys . push . apply ( keys , symbols ) ;
return keys ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( target ) {
for ( var i = 1 ; i < arguments . length ; i ++ ) {
var source = arguments [ i ] != null ? arguments [ i ] : { } ;
if ( i % 2 ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ownKeys ( Object ( source ) , true ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _defineProperty ( target , key , source [ key ] ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors ) Object . defineProperties ( target , Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors ( source ) ) ;
else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ownKeys ( Object ( source ) ) . forEach ( function ( key ) {
Object . defineProperty ( target , key , Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( source , key ) ) ;
} ) ;
return target ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _typeof ( obj ) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof" ;
if ( typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol . iterator === "symbol" ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _typeof = function ( obj ) {
return typeof obj ;
} ;
else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _typeof = function ( obj ) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj . constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol . prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj ;
} ;
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _typeof ( obj ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _defineProperty ( obj , key , value ) {
if ( key in obj ) Object . defineProperty ( obj , key , {
value : value ,
enumerable : true ,
configurable : true ,
writable : true
} ) ;
else obj [ key ] = value ;
return obj ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends = Object . assign || function ( target ) {
for ( var i = 1 ; i < arguments . length ; i ++ ) {
var source = arguments [ i ] ;
for ( var key in source ) if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( source , key ) ) target [ key ] = source [ key ] ;
return target ;
} ;
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose ( source , excluded ) {
if ( source == null ) return { } ;
var target = { } ;
var sourceKeys = Object . keys ( source ) ;
var key , i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sourceKeys . length ; i ++ ) {
key = sourceKeys [ i ] ;
if ( excluded . indexOf ( key ) >= 0 ) continue ;
target [ key ] = source [ key ] ;
return target ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectWithoutProperties ( source , excluded ) {
if ( source == null ) return { } ;
var target = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose ( source , excluded ) ;
var key , i ;
if ( Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ) {
var sourceSymbolKeys = Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ( source ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sourceSymbolKeys . length ; i ++ ) {
key = sourceSymbolKeys [ i ] ;
if ( excluded . indexOf ( key ) >= 0 ) continue ;
if ( ! Object . prototype . propertyIsEnumerable . call ( source , key ) ) continue ;
target [ key ] = source [ key ] ;
return target ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _toConsumableArray ( arr ) {
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _arrayWithoutHoles ( arr ) || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _iterableToArray ( arr ) || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _unsupportedIterableToArray ( arr ) || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _nonIterableSpread ( ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _arrayWithoutHoles ( arr ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( arr ) ) return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _arrayLikeToArray ( arr ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _iterableToArray ( iter ) {
if ( typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter [ Symbol . iterator ] != null || iter [ "@@iterator" ] != null ) return Array . from ( iter ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _unsupportedIterableToArray ( o , minLen ) {
if ( ! o ) return ;
if ( typeof o === "string" ) return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _arrayLikeToArray ( o , minLen ) ;
var n = Object . prototype . toString . call ( o ) . slice ( 8 , - 1 ) ;
if ( n === "Object" && o . constructor ) n = o . constructor . name ;
if ( n === "Map" || n === "Set" ) return Array . from ( o ) ;
if ( n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/ . test ( n ) ) return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _arrayLikeToArray ( o , minLen ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _arrayLikeToArray ( arr , len ) {
if ( len == null || len > arr . length ) len = arr . length ;
for ( var i = 0 , arr2 = new Array ( len ) ; i < len ; i ++ ) arr2 [ i ] = arr [ i ] ;
return arr2 ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _nonIterableSpread ( ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method." ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$version = "1.15.0" ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( pattern ) {
if ( typeof window !== "undefined" && window . navigator ) return ! ! /*@__PURE__*/ navigator . userAgent . match ( pattern ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /(?:Trident.*rv[ :]?11\.|msie|iemobile|Windows Phone)/i ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Edge = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /Edge/i ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$FireFox = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /firefox/i ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Safari = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /safari/i ) && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /chrome/i ) && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /android/i ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IOS = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /iP(ad|od|hone)/i ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ChromeForAndroid = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /chrome/i ) && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$userAgent ( /android/i ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$captureMode = {
capture : false ,
passive : false
} ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( el , event , fn ) {
el . addEventListener ( event , fn , ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$captureMode ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( el , event , fn ) {
el . removeEventListener ( event , fn , ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$captureMode ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matches ( /**HTMLElement*/ el , /**String*/ selector ) {
if ( ! selector ) return ;
selector [ 0 ] === ">" && ( selector = selector . substring ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( el ) try {
if ( el . matches ) return el . matches ( selector ) ;
else if ( el . msMatchesSelector ) return el . msMatchesSelector ( selector ) ;
else if ( el . webkitMatchesSelector ) return el . webkitMatchesSelector ( selector ) ;
} catch ( _ ) {
return false ;
return false ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentOrHost ( el ) {
return el . host && el !== document && el . host . nodeType ? el . host : el . parentNode ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( /**HTMLElement*/ el , /**String*/ selector , /**HTMLElement*/ ctx , includeCTX ) {
if ( el ) {
ctx = ctx || document ;
do {
if ( selector != null && ( selector [ 0 ] === ">" ? el . parentNode === ctx && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matches ( el , selector ) : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matches ( el , selector ) ) || includeCTX && el === ctx ) return el ;
if ( el === ctx ) break ;
/* jshint boss:true */ } while ( el = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentOrHost ( el ) ) ;
return null ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$R _SPACE = /\s+/g ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( el , name , state ) {
if ( el && name ) {
if ( el . classList ) el . classList [ state ? "add" : "remove" ] ( name ) ;
else {
var className = ( " " + el . className + " " ) . replace ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$R _SPACE , " " ) . replace ( " " + name + " " , " " ) ;
el . className = ( className + ( state ? " " + name : "" ) ) . replace ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$R _SPACE , " " ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , prop , val ) {
var style = el && el . style ;
if ( style ) {
if ( val === void 0 ) {
if ( document . defaultView && document . defaultView . getComputedStyle ) val = document . defaultView . getComputedStyle ( el , "" ) ;
else if ( el . currentStyle ) val = el . currentStyle ;
return prop === void 0 ? val : val [ prop ] ;
} else {
if ( ! ( prop in style ) && prop . indexOf ( "webkit" ) === - 1 ) prop = "-webkit-" + prop ;
style [ prop ] = val + ( typeof val === "string" ? "" : "px" ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( el , selfOnly ) {
var appliedTransforms = "" ;
if ( typeof el === "string" ) appliedTransforms = el ;
else do {
var transform = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "transform" ) ;
if ( transform && transform !== "none" ) appliedTransforms = transform + " " + appliedTransforms ;
/* jshint boss:true */ } while ( ! selfOnly && ( el = el . parentNode ) ) ;
var matrixFn = window . DOMMatrix || window . WebKitCSSMatrix || window . CSSMatrix || window . MSCSSMatrix ;
/*jshint -W056 */ return matrixFn && new matrixFn ( appliedTransforms ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$find ( ctx , tagName , iterator ) {
if ( ctx ) {
var list = ctx . getElementsByTagName ( tagName ) , i = 0 , n = list . length ;
if ( iterator ) for ( ; i < n ; i ++ ) iterator ( list [ i ] , i ) ;
return list ;
return [ ] ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) {
var scrollingElement = document . scrollingElement ;
if ( scrollingElement ) return scrollingElement ;
else return document . documentElement ;
/ * *
* Returns the "bounding client rect" of given element
* @ param { HTMLElement } el The element whose boundingClientRect is wanted
* @ param { [ Boolean ] } relativeToContainingBlock Whether the rect should be relative to the containing block of ( including ) the container
* @ param { [ Boolean ] } relativeToNonStaticParent Whether the rect should be relative to the relative parent of ( including ) the contaienr
* @ param { [ Boolean ] } undoScale Whether the container ' s scale ( ) should be undone
* @ param { [ HTMLElement ] } container The parent the element will be placed in
* @ return { Object } The boundingClientRect of el , with specified adjustments
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ g e t R e c t ( e l , r e l a t i v e T o C o n t a i n i n g B l o c k , r e l a t i v e T o N o n S t a t i c P a r e n t , u n d o S c a l e , c o n t a i n e r ) {
if ( ! el . getBoundingClientRect && el !== window ) return ;
var elRect , top , left , bottom , right , height , width ;
if ( el !== window && el . parentNode && el !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ) {
elRect = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
top = elRect . top ;
left = elRect . left ;
bottom = elRect . bottom ;
right = elRect . right ;
height = elRect . height ;
width = elRect . width ;
} else {
top = 0 ;
left = 0 ;
bottom = window . innerHeight ;
right = window . innerWidth ;
height = window . innerHeight ;
width = window . innerWidth ;
if ( ( relativeToContainingBlock || relativeToNonStaticParent ) && el !== window ) {
// Adjust for translate()
container = container || el . parentNode ; // solves #1123 (see:
// Not needed on <= IE11
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess ) {
do if ( container && container . getBoundingClientRect && ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( container , "transform" ) !== "none" || relativeToNonStaticParent && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( container , "position" ) !== "static" ) ) {
var containerRect = container . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; // Set relative to edges of padding box of container
top -= containerRect . top + parseInt ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( container , "border-top-width" ) ) ;
left -= containerRect . left + parseInt ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( container , "border-left-width" ) ) ;
bottom = top + elRect . height ;
right = left + elRect . width ;
break ;
while ( container = container . parentNode ) ;
if ( undoScale && el !== window ) {
// Adjust for scale()
var elMatrix = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( container || el ) , scaleX = elMatrix && elMatrix . a , scaleY = elMatrix && elMatrix . d ;
if ( elMatrix ) {
top /= scaleY ;
left /= scaleX ;
width /= scaleX ;
height /= scaleY ;
bottom = top + height ;
right = left + width ;
return {
top : top ,
left : left ,
bottom : bottom ,
right : right ,
width : width ,
height : height
} ;
/ * *
* Checks if a side of an element is scrolled past a side of its parents
* @ param { HTMLElement } el The element who ' s side being scrolled out of view is in question
* @ param { String } elSide Side of the element in question ( 'top' , 'left' , 'right' , 'bottom' )
* @ param { String } parentSide Side of the parent in question ( 'top' , 'left' , 'right' , 'bottom' )
* @ return { HTMLElement } The parent scroll element that the el ' s side is scrolled past , or null if there is no such element
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ i s S c r o l l e d P a s t ( e l , e l S i d e , p a r e n t S i d e ) {
var parent = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( el , true ) , elSideVal = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( el ) [ elSide ] ;
/* jshint boss:true */ while ( parent ) {
var parentSideVal = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( parent ) [ parentSide ] , visible = void 0 ;
if ( parentSide === "top" || parentSide === "left" ) visible = elSideVal >= parentSideVal ;
else visible = elSideVal <= parentSideVal ;
if ( ! visible ) return parent ;
if ( parent === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ) break ;
parent = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( parent , false ) ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Gets nth child of el , ignoring hidden children , sortable 's elements (does not ignore clone if it' s visible )
* and non - draggable elements
* @ param { HTMLElement } el The parent element
* @ param { Number } childNum The index of the child
* @ param { Object } options Parent Sortable ' s options
* @ return { HTMLElement } The child at index childNum , or null if not found
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ g e t C h i l d ( e l , c h i l d N u m , o p t i o n s , i n c l u d e D r a g E l ) {
var currentChild = 0 , i = 0 , children = el . children ;
while ( i < children . length ) {
if ( children [ i ] . style . display !== "none" && children [ i ] !== $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . ghost && ( includeDragEl || children [ i ] !== $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . dragged ) && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( children [ i ] , options . draggable , el , false ) ) {
if ( currentChild === childNum ) return children [ i ] ;
currentChild ++ ;
i ++ ;
return null ;
/ * *
* Gets the last child in the el , ignoring ghostEl or invisible elements ( clones )
* @ param { HTMLElement } el Parent element
* @ param { selector } selector Any other elements that should be ignored
* @ return { HTMLElement } The last child , ignoring ghostEl
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ l a s t C h i l d ( e l , s e l e c t o r ) {
var last = el . lastElementChild ;
while ( last && ( last === $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . ghost || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( last , "display" ) === "none" || selector && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matches ( last , selector ) ) ) last = last . previousElementSibling ;
return last || null ;
/ * *
* Returns the index of an element within its parent for a selected set of
* elements
* @ param { HTMLElement } el
* @ param { selector } selector
* @ return { number }
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ i n d e x ( e l , s e l e c t o r ) {
var index = 0 ;
if ( ! el || ! el . parentNode ) return - 1 ;
/* jshint boss:true */ while ( el = el . previousElementSibling ) if ( el . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) !== "TEMPLATE" && el !== $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . clone && ( ! selector || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matches ( el , selector ) ) ) index ++ ;
return index ;
/ * *
* Returns the scroll offset of the given element , added with all the scroll offsets of parent elements .
* The value is returned in real pixels .
* @ param { HTMLElement } el
* @ return { Array } Offsets in the format of [ left , top ]
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ g e t R e l a t i v e S c r o l l O f f s e t ( e l ) {
var offsetLeft = 0 , offsetTop = 0 , winScroller = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ;
if ( el ) do {
var elMatrix = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( el ) , scaleX = elMatrix . a , scaleY = elMatrix . d ;
offsetLeft += el . scrollLeft * scaleX ;
offsetTop += el . scrollTop * scaleY ;
} while ( el !== winScroller && ( el = el . parentNode ) ) ;
return [
offsetLeft ,
] ;
/ * *
* Returns the index of the object within the given array
* @ param { Array } arr Array that may or may not hold the object
* @ param { Object } obj An object that has a key - value pair unique to and identical to a key - value pair in the object you want to find
* @ return { Number } The index of the object in the array , or - 1
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ i n d e x O f O b j e c t ( a r r , o b j ) {
for ( var i in arr ) {
if ( ! arr . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) continue ;
for ( var key in obj ) {
if ( obj . hasOwnProperty ( key ) && obj [ key ] === arr [ i ] [ key ] ) return Number ( i ) ;
return - 1 ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( el , includeSelf ) {
// skip to window
if ( ! el || ! el . getBoundingClientRect ) return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ;
var elem = el ;
var gotSelf = false ;
do // we don't need to get elem css if it isn't even overflowing in the first place (performance)
if ( elem . clientWidth < elem . scrollWidth || elem . clientHeight < elem . scrollHeight ) {
var elemCSS = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( elem ) ;
if ( elem . clientWidth < elem . scrollWidth && ( elemCSS . overflowX == "auto" || elemCSS . overflowX == "scroll" ) || elem . clientHeight < elem . scrollHeight && ( elemCSS . overflowY == "auto" || elemCSS . overflowY == "scroll" ) ) {
if ( ! elem . getBoundingClientRect || elem === document . body ) return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ;
if ( gotSelf || includeSelf ) return elem ;
gotSelf = true ;
while ( elem = elem . parentNode ) ;
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$extend ( dst , src ) {
if ( dst && src ) {
for ( var key in src ) if ( src . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) dst [ key ] = src [ key ] ;
return dst ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isRectEqual ( rect1 , rect2 ) {
return Math . round ( rect1 . top ) === Math . round ( rect2 . top ) && Math . round ( rect1 . left ) === Math . round ( rect2 . left ) && Math . round ( rect1 . height ) === Math . round ( rect2 . height ) && Math . round ( rect1 . width ) === Math . round ( rect2 . width ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _throttleTimeout ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$throttle ( callback , ms ) {
return function ( ) {
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _throttleTimeout ) {
var args = arguments , _this = this ;
if ( args . length === 1 ) callback . call ( _this , args [ 0 ] ) ;
else callback . apply ( _this , args ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _throttleTimeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _throttleTimeout = void 0 ;
} , ms ) ;
} ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cancelThrottle ( ) {
clearTimeout ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _throttleTimeout ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _throttleTimeout = void 0 ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollBy ( el , x , y ) {
el . scrollLeft += x ;
el . scrollTop += y ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clone ( el ) {
var Polymer = window . Polymer ;
var $ = window . jQuery || window . Zepto ;
if ( Polymer && Polymer . dom ) return Polymer . dom ( el ) . cloneNode ( true ) ;
else if ( $ ) return $ ( el ) . clone ( true ) [ 0 ] ;
else return el . cloneNode ( true ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$setRect ( el , rect ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "position" , "absolute" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "top" , rect . top ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "left" , rect . left ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "width" , rect . width ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "height" , rect . height ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$unsetRect ( el ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "position" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "top" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "left" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "width" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el , "height" , "" ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando = "Sortable" + new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$AnimationStateManager ( ) {
var animationStates = [ ] , animationCallbackId ;
return {
captureAnimationState : function captureAnimationState ( ) {
animationStates = [ ] ;
if ( ! this . options . animation ) return ;
var children = [ ] . slice . call ( this . el . children ) ;
children . forEach ( function ( child ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( child , "display" ) === "none" || child === $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . ghost ) return ;
animationStates . push ( {
target : child ,
rect : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( child )
} ) ;
var fromRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( { } , animationStates [ animationStates . length - 1 ] . rect ) ; // If animating: compensate for current animation
if ( child . thisAnimationDuration ) {
var childMatrix = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( child , true ) ;
if ( childMatrix ) {
fromRect . top -= childMatrix . f ;
fromRect . left -= childMatrix . e ;
child . fromRect = fromRect ;
} ) ;
} ,
addAnimationState : function addAnimationState ( state ) {
animationStates . push ( state ) ;
} ,
removeAnimationState : function removeAnimationState ( target ) {
animationStates . splice ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$indexOfObject ( animationStates , {
target : target
} ) , 1 ) ;
} ,
animateAll : function animateAll ( callback ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( ! this . options . animation ) {
clearTimeout ( animationCallbackId ) ;
if ( typeof callback === "function" ) callback ( ) ;
return ;
var animating = false , animationTime = 0 ;
animationStates . forEach ( function ( state ) {
var time = 0 , target = state . target , fromRect = target . fromRect , toRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( target ) , prevFromRect = target . prevFromRect , prevToRect = target . prevToRect , animatingRect = state . rect , targetMatrix = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( target , true ) ;
if ( targetMatrix ) {
// Compensate for current animation
toRect . top -= targetMatrix . f ;
toRect . left -= targetMatrix . e ;
target . toRect = toRect ;
if ( target . thisAnimationDuration ) // Could also check if animatingRect is between fromRect and toRect
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isRectEqual ( prevFromRect , toRect ) && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isRectEqual ( fromRect , toRect ) && // Make sure animatingRect is on line between toRect & fromRect
( animatingRect . top - toRect . top ) / ( animatingRect . left - toRect . left ) === ( fromRect . top - toRect . top ) / ( fromRect . left - toRect . left ) ) // If returning to same place as started from animation and on same axis
time = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$calculateRealTime ( animatingRect , prevFromRect , prevToRect , _this . options ) ;
} // if fromRect != toRect: animate
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isRectEqual ( toRect , fromRect ) ) {
target . prevFromRect = fromRect ;
target . prevToRect = toRect ;
if ( ! time ) time = _this . options . animation ;
_this . animate ( target , animatingRect , toRect , time ) ;
if ( time ) {
animating = true ;
animationTime = Math . max ( animationTime , time ) ;
clearTimeout ( target . animationResetTimer ) ;
target . animationResetTimer = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
target . animationTime = 0 ;
target . prevFromRect = null ;
target . fromRect = null ;
target . prevToRect = null ;
target . thisAnimationDuration = null ;
} , time ) ;
target . thisAnimationDuration = time ;
} ) ;
clearTimeout ( animationCallbackId ) ;
if ( ! animating ) {
if ( typeof callback === "function" ) callback ( ) ;
} else animationCallbackId = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( typeof callback === "function" ) callback ( ) ;
} , animationTime ) ;
animationStates = [ ] ;
} ,
animate : function animate ( target , currentRect , toRect , duration ) {
if ( duration ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( target , "transition" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( target , "transform" , "" ) ;
var elMatrix = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( this . el ) , scaleX = elMatrix && elMatrix . a , scaleY = elMatrix && elMatrix . d , translateX = ( currentRect . left - toRect . left ) / ( scaleX || 1 ) , translateY = ( currentRect . top - toRect . top ) / ( scaleY || 1 ) ;
target . animatingX = ! ! translateX ;
target . animatingY = ! ! translateY ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( target , "transform" , "translate3d(" + translateX + "px," + translateY + "px,0)" ) ;
this . forRepaintDummy = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$repaint ( target ) ; // repaint
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( target , "transition" , "transform " + duration + "ms" + ( this . options . easing ? " " + this . options . easing : "" ) ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( target , "transform" , "translate3d(0,0,0)" ) ;
typeof target . animated === "number" && clearTimeout ( target . animated ) ;
target . animated = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( target , "transition" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( target , "transform" , "" ) ;
target . animated = false ;
target . animatingX = false ;
target . animatingY = false ;
} , duration ) ;
} ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$repaint ( target ) {
return target . offsetWidth ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$calculateRealTime ( animatingRect , fromRect , toRect , options ) {
return Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( fromRect . top - animatingRect . top , 2 ) + Math . pow ( fromRect . left - animatingRect . left , 2 ) ) / Math . sqrt ( Math . pow ( fromRect . top - toRect . top , 2 ) + Math . pow ( fromRect . left - toRect . left , 2 ) ) * options . animation ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$plugins = [ ] ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$defaults = {
initializeByDefault : true
} ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PluginManager = {
mount : function mount ( plugin ) {
// Set default static properties
for ( var option in $64afbd09cd65a300$var$defaults ) if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$defaults . hasOwnProperty ( option ) && ! ( option in plugin ) ) plugin [ option ] = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$defaults [ option ] ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$plugins . forEach ( function ( p ) {
if ( p . pluginName === plugin . pluginName ) throw "Sortable: Cannot mount plugin " . concat ( plugin . pluginName , " more than once" ) ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$plugins . push ( plugin ) ;
} ,
pluginEvent : function pluginEvent ( eventName , sortable , evt ) {
var _this = this ;
this . eventCanceled = false ;
evt . cancel = function ( ) {
_this . eventCanceled = true ;
} ;
var eventNameGlobal = eventName + "Global" ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$plugins . forEach ( function ( plugin ) {
if ( ! sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] ) return ; // Fire global events if it exists in this sortable
if ( sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] [ eventNameGlobal ] ) sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] [ eventNameGlobal ] ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( {
sortable : sortable
} , evt ) ) ;
// Only fire plugin event if plugin is enabled in this sortable,
// and plugin has event defined
if ( sortable . options [ plugin . pluginName ] && sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] [ eventName ] ) sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] [ eventName ] ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( {
sortable : sortable
} , evt ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
initializePlugins : function initializePlugins ( sortable , el , defaults , options ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$plugins . forEach ( function ( plugin ) {
var pluginName = plugin . pluginName ;
if ( ! sortable . options [ pluginName ] && ! plugin . initializeByDefault ) return ;
var initialized = new plugin ( sortable , el , sortable . options ) ;
initialized . sortable = sortable ;
initialized . options = sortable . options ;
sortable [ pluginName ] = initialized ; // Add default options from plugin
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( defaults , initialized . defaults ) ;
} ) ;
for ( var option in sortable . options ) {
if ( ! sortable . options . hasOwnProperty ( option ) ) continue ;
var modified = this . modifyOption ( sortable , option , sortable . options [ option ] ) ;
if ( typeof modified !== "undefined" ) sortable . options [ option ] = modified ;
} ,
getEventProperties : function getEventProperties ( name , sortable ) {
var eventProperties = { } ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$plugins . forEach ( function ( plugin ) {
if ( typeof plugin . eventProperties !== "function" ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( eventProperties , plugin . eventProperties . call ( sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] , name ) ) ;
} ) ;
return eventProperties ;
} ,
modifyOption : function modifyOption ( sortable , name , value ) {
var modifiedValue ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$plugins . forEach ( function ( plugin ) {
// Plugin must exist on the Sortable
if ( ! sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] ) return ; // If static option listener exists for this option, call in the context of the Sortable's instance of this plugin
if ( plugin . optionListeners && typeof plugin . optionListeners [ name ] === "function" ) modifiedValue = plugin . optionListeners [ name ] . call ( sortable [ plugin . pluginName ] , value ) ;
} ) ;
return modifiedValue ;
} ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dispatchEvent ( _ref ) {
var sortable = _ref . sortable , rootEl = _ref . rootEl , name = _ref . name , targetEl = _ref . targetEl , cloneEl = _ref . cloneEl , toEl = _ref . toEl , fromEl = _ref . fromEl , oldIndex = _ref . oldIndex , newIndex = _ref . newIndex , oldDraggableIndex = _ref . oldDraggableIndex , newDraggableIndex = _ref . newDraggableIndex , originalEvent = _ref . originalEvent , putSortable = _ref . putSortable , extraEventProperties = _ref . extraEventProperties ;
sortable = sortable || rootEl && rootEl [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] ;
if ( ! sortable ) return ;
var evt , options = sortable . options , onName = "on" + name . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + name . substr ( 1 ) ; // Support for new CustomEvent feature
if ( window . CustomEvent && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Edge ) evt = new CustomEvent ( name , {
bubbles : true ,
cancelable : true
} ) ;
else {
evt = document . createEvent ( "Event" ) ;
evt . initEvent ( name , true , true ) ;
evt . to = toEl || rootEl ;
evt . from = fromEl || rootEl ;
evt . item = targetEl || rootEl ;
evt . clone = cloneEl ;
evt . oldIndex = oldIndex ;
evt . newIndex = newIndex ;
evt . oldDraggableIndex = oldDraggableIndex ;
evt . newDraggableIndex = newDraggableIndex ;
evt . originalEvent = originalEvent ;
evt . pullMode = putSortable ? putSortable . lastPutMode : undefined ;
var allEventProperties = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( { } , extraEventProperties ) , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PluginManager . getEventProperties ( name , sortable ) ) ;
for ( var option in allEventProperties ) evt [ option ] = allEventProperties [ option ] ;
if ( rootEl ) rootEl . dispatchEvent ( evt ) ;
if ( options [ onName ] ) options [ onName ] . call ( sortable , evt ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _excluded = [
] ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent = function pluginEvent ( eventName , sortable ) {
var _ref = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : { } , originalEvent = _ref . evt , data = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectWithoutProperties ( _ref , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _excluded ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$PluginManager . pluginEvent . bind ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 ) ( eventName , sortable , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( {
dragEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ,
parentEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
ghostEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ,
rootEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl ,
nextEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl ,
lastDownEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDownEl ,
cloneEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl ,
cloneHidden : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden ,
dragStarted : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$moved ,
putSortable : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable ,
activeSortable : $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active ,
originalEvent : originalEvent ,
oldIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldIndex ,
oldDraggableIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldDraggableIndex ,
newIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex ,
newDraggableIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex ,
hideGhostForTarget : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _hideGhostForTarget ,
unhideGhostForTarget : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _unhideGhostForTarget ,
cloneNowHidden : function cloneNowHidden ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden = true ;
} ,
cloneNowShown : function cloneNowShown ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden = false ;
} ,
dispatchSortableEvent : function dispatchSortableEvent ( name ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : sortable ,
name : name ,
originalEvent : originalEvent
} ) ;
} , data ) ) ;
} ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( info ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dispatchEvent ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( {
putSortable : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable ,
cloneEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl ,
targetEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ,
rootEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl ,
oldIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldIndex ,
oldDraggableIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldDraggableIndex ,
newIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex ,
newDraggableIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex
} , info ) ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDownEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldIndex , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldDraggableIndex , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$activeGroup , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$awaitingDragStarted = false , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ignoreNextClick = false , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$sortables = [ ] , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDx , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDy , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapDistanceLeft , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapDistanceTop , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$moved , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastTarget , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDirection , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pastFirstInvertThresh = false , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isCircumstantialInvert = false , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$targetMoveDistance , // For positioning ghost absolutely
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll = [ ] , // (left, top)
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _silent = false , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$savedInputChecked = [ ] ;
/** @const */ var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$documentExists = typeof document !== "undefined" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PositionGhostAbsolutely = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IOS , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$CSSFloatProperty = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Edge || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess ? "cssFloat" : "float" , // This will not pass for IE9, because IE9 DnD only works on anchors
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$supportDraggable = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$documentExists && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ChromeForAndroid && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IOS && "draggable" in document . createElement ( "div" ) , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$supportCssPointerEvents = function ( ) {
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$documentExists ) return ; // false when <= IE11
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess ) return false ;
var el = document . createElement ( "x" ) ;
el . style . cssText = "pointer-events:auto" ;
return el . style . pointerEvents === "auto" ;
} ( ) , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _detectDirection = function _detectDirection ( el , options ) {
var elCSS = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el ) , elWidth = parseInt ( elCSS . width ) - parseInt ( elCSS . paddingLeft ) - parseInt ( elCSS . paddingRight ) - parseInt ( elCSS . borderLeftWidth ) - parseInt ( elCSS . borderRightWidth ) , child1 = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getChild ( el , 0 , options ) , child2 = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getChild ( el , 1 , options ) , firstChildCSS = child1 && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( child1 ) , secondChildCSS = child2 && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( child2 ) , firstChildWidth = firstChildCSS && parseInt ( firstChildCSS . marginLeft ) + parseInt ( firstChildCSS . marginRight ) + $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( child1 ) . width , secondChildWidth = secondChildCSS && parseInt ( secondChildCSS . marginLeft ) + parseInt ( secondChildCSS . marginRight ) + $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( child2 ) . width ;
if ( elCSS . display === "flex" ) return elCSS . flexDirection === "column" || elCSS . flexDirection === "column-reverse" ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ;
if ( elCSS . display === "grid" ) return elCSS . gridTemplateColumns . split ( " " ) . length <= 1 ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ;
if ( child1 && firstChildCSS [ "float" ] && firstChildCSS [ "float" ] !== "none" ) {
var touchingSideChild2 = firstChildCSS [ "float" ] === "left" ? "left" : "right" ;
return child2 && ( secondChildCSS . clear === "both" || secondChildCSS . clear === touchingSideChild2 ) ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ;
return child1 && ( firstChildCSS . display === "block" || firstChildCSS . display === "flex" || firstChildCSS . display === "table" || firstChildCSS . display === "grid" || firstChildWidth >= elWidth && elCSS [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$CSSFloatProperty ] === "none" || child2 && elCSS [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$CSSFloatProperty ] === "none" && firstChildWidth + secondChildWidth > elWidth ) ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ;
} , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dragElInRowColumn = function _dragElInRowColumn ( dragRect , targetRect , vertical ) {
var dragElS1Opp = vertical ? dragRect . left : dragRect . top , dragElS2Opp = vertical ? dragRect . right : dragRect . bottom , dragElOppLength = vertical ? dragRect . width : dragRect . height , targetS1Opp = vertical ? targetRect . left : targetRect . top , targetS2Opp = vertical ? targetRect . right : targetRect . bottom , targetOppLength = vertical ? targetRect . width : targetRect . height ;
return dragElS1Opp === targetS1Opp || dragElS2Opp === targetS2Opp || dragElS1Opp + dragElOppLength / 2 === targetS1Opp + targetOppLength / 2 ;
} , / * *
* Detects first nearest empty sortable to X and Y position using emptyInsertThreshold .
* @ param { Number } x X position
* @ param { Number } y Y position
* @ return { HTMLElement } Element of the first found nearest Sortable
* / $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ _ d e t e c t N e a r e s t E m p t y S o r t a b l e = f u n c t i o n _ d e t e c t N e a r e s t E m p t y S o r t a b l e ( x , y ) {
var ret ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$sortables . some ( function ( sortable ) {
var threshold = sortable [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] . options . emptyInsertThreshold ;
if ( ! threshold || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastChild ( sortable ) ) return ;
var rect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( sortable ) , insideHorizontally = x >= rect . left - threshold && x <= rect . right + threshold , insideVertically = y >= rect . top - threshold && y <= rect . bottom + threshold ;
if ( insideHorizontally && insideVertically ) return ret = sortable ;
} ) ;
return ret ;
} , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _prepareGroup = function _prepareGroup ( options ) {
function toFn ( value , pull ) {
return function ( to , from , dragEl , evt ) {
var sameGroup = to . options . group . name && from . options . group . name && to . options . group . name === from . options . group . name ;
if ( value == null && ( pull || sameGroup ) ) // Default pull value
// Default pull and put value if same group
return true ;
else if ( value == null || value === false ) return false ;
else if ( pull && value === "clone" ) return value ;
else if ( typeof value === "function" ) return toFn ( value ( to , from , dragEl , evt ) , pull ) ( to , from , dragEl , evt ) ;
else {
var otherGroup = ( pull ? to : from ) . options . group . name ;
return value === true || typeof value === "string" && value === otherGroup || value . join && value . indexOf ( otherGroup ) > - 1 ;
} ;
var group = { } ;
var originalGroup = options . group ;
if ( ! originalGroup || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _typeof ( originalGroup ) != "object" ) originalGroup = {
name : originalGroup
} ;
group . name = originalGroup . name ;
group . checkPull = toFn ( originalGroup . pull , true ) ;
group . checkPut = toFn ( originalGroup . put ) ;
group . revertClone = originalGroup . revertClone ;
options . group = group ;
} , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _hideGhostForTarget = function _hideGhostForTarget ( ) {
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$supportCssPointerEvents && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "display" , "none" ) ;
} , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _unhideGhostForTarget = function _unhideGhostForTarget ( ) {
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$supportCssPointerEvents && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "display" , "" ) ;
} ; // #1184 fix - Prevent click event on fallback if dragged but item not changed position
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$documentExists && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ChromeForAndroid ) document . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( evt ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ignoreNextClick ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
evt . stopPropagation && evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
evt . stopImmediatePropagation && evt . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ignoreNextClick = false ;
return false ;
} , true ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent = function nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ( evt ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) {
evt = evt . touches ? evt . touches [ 0 ] : evt ;
var nearest = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _detectNearestEmptySortable ( evt . clientX , evt . clientY ) ;
if ( nearest ) {
// Create imitation event
var event = { } ;
for ( var i in evt ) if ( evt . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) event [ i ] = evt [ i ] ;
event . target = event . rootEl = nearest ;
event . preventDefault = void 0 ;
event . stopPropagation = void 0 ;
nearest [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] . _onDragOver ( event ) ;
} ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _checkOutsideTargetEl = function _checkOutsideTargetEl ( evt ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] . _isOutsideThisEl ( evt . target ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ class Sortable
* @ param { HTMLElement } el
* @ param { Object } [ options ]
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ e x p o r t $ 3 1 b 3 c a 7 0 d 8 f 5 7 4 2 3 ( e l , o p t i o n s ) {
if ( ! ( el && el . nodeType && el . nodeType === 1 ) ) throw "Sortable: `el` must be an HTMLElement, not " . concat ( ( { } ) . toString . call ( el ) ) ;
this . el = el ; // root element
this . options = options = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( { } , options ) ; // Export instance
el [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] = this ;
var defaults = {
group : null ,
sort : true ,
disabled : false ,
store : null ,
handle : null ,
draggable : /^[uo]l$/i . test ( el . nodeName ) ? ">li" : ">*" ,
swapThreshold : 1 ,
// percentage; 0 <= x <= 1
invertSwap : false ,
// invert always
invertedSwapThreshold : null ,
// will be set to same as swapThreshold if default
removeCloneOnHide : true ,
direction : function direction ( ) {
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _detectDirection ( el , this . options ) ;
} ,
ghostClass : "sortable-ghost" ,
chosenClass : "sortable-chosen" ,
dragClass : "sortable-drag" ,
ignore : "a, img" ,
filter : null ,
preventOnFilter : true ,
animation : 0 ,
easing : null ,
setData : function setData ( dataTransfer , dragEl ) {
dataTransfer . setData ( "Text" , dragEl . textContent ) ;
} ,
dropBubble : false ,
dragoverBubble : false ,
dataIdAttr : "data-id" ,
delay : 0 ,
delayOnTouchOnly : false ,
touchStartThreshold : ( Number . parseInt ? Number : window ) . parseInt ( window . devicePixelRatio , 10 ) || 1 ,
forceFallback : false ,
fallbackClass : "sortable-fallback" ,
fallbackOnBody : false ,
fallbackTolerance : 0 ,
fallbackOffset : {
x : 0 ,
y : 0
} ,
supportPointer : $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . supportPointer !== false && "PointerEvent" in window && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Safari ,
emptyInsertThreshold : 5
} ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$PluginManager . initializePlugins ( this , el , defaults ) ; // Set default options
for ( var name in defaults ) ! ( name in options ) && ( options [ name ] = defaults [ name ] ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _prepareGroup ( options ) ; // Bind all private methods
for ( var fn in this ) if ( fn . charAt ( 0 ) === "_" && typeof this [ fn ] === "function" ) this [ fn ] = this [ fn ] . bind ( this ) ;
// Setup drag mode
this . nativeDraggable = options . forceFallback ? false : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$supportDraggable ;
if ( this . nativeDraggable ) // Touch start threshold cannot be greater than the native dragstart threshold
this . options . touchStartThreshold = 1 ;
// Bind events
if ( options . supportPointer ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( el , "pointerdown" , this . _onTapStart ) ;
else {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( el , "mousedown" , this . _onTapStart ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( el , "touchstart" , this . _onTapStart ) ;
if ( this . nativeDraggable ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( el , "dragover" , this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( el , "dragenter" , this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$sortables . push ( this . el ) ; // Restore sorting
options . store && options . store . get && this . sort ( options . store . get ( this ) || [ ] ) ; // Add animation state manager
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( this , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$AnimationStateManager ( ) ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . prototype = /** @lends Sortable.prototype */ {
constructor : $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 ,
_isOutsideThisEl : function _isOutsideThisEl ( target ) {
if ( ! this . el . contains ( target ) && target !== this . el ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastTarget = null ;
} ,
_getDirection : function _getDirection ( evt , target ) {
return typeof this . options . direction === "function" ? this . options . direction . call ( this , evt , target , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) : this . options . direction ;
} ,
_onTapStart : function _onTapStart ( /** Event|TouchEvent */ evt ) {
if ( ! evt . cancelable ) return ;
var _this = this , el = this . el , options = this . options , preventOnFilter = options . preventOnFilter , type = evt . type , touch = evt . touches && evt . touches [ 0 ] || evt . pointerType && evt . pointerType === "touch" && evt , target = ( touch || evt ) . target , originalTarget = evt . target . shadowRoot && ( evt . path && evt . path [ 0 ] || evt . composedPath && evt . composedPath ( ) [ 0 ] ) || target , filter = options . filter ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _saveInputCheckedState ( el ) ; // Don't trigger start event when an element is been dragged, otherwise the evt.oldindex always wrong when set
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) return ;
if ( /mousedown|pointerdown/ . test ( type ) && evt . button !== 0 || options . disabled ) return ; // only left button and enabled
// cancel dnd if original target is content editable
if ( originalTarget . isContentEditable ) return ;
// Safari ignores further event handling after mousedown
if ( ! this . nativeDraggable && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Safari && target && target . tagName . toUpperCase ( ) === "SELECT" ) return ;
target = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( target , options . draggable , el , false ) ;
if ( target && target . animated ) return ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDownEl === target ) // Ignoring duplicate `down`
return ;
// Get the index of the dragged element within its parent
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( target ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldDraggableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( target , options . draggable ) ; // Check filter
if ( typeof filter === "function" ) {
if ( filter . call ( this , evt , target , this ) ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : _this ,
rootEl : originalTarget ,
name : "filter" ,
targetEl : target ,
toEl : el ,
fromEl : el
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "filter" , _this , {
evt : evt
} ) ;
preventOnFilter && evt . cancelable && evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
return ; // cancel dnd
} else if ( filter ) {
filter = filter . split ( "," ) . some ( function ( criteria ) {
criteria = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( originalTarget , criteria . trim ( ) , el , false ) ;
if ( criteria ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : _this ,
rootEl : criteria ,
name : "filter" ,
targetEl : target ,
fromEl : el ,
toEl : el
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "filter" , _this , {
evt : evt
} ) ;
return true ;
} ) ;
if ( filter ) {
preventOnFilter && evt . cancelable && evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
return ; // cancel dnd
if ( options . handle && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( originalTarget , options . handle , el , false ) ) return ;
// Prepare `dragstart`
this . _prepareDragStart ( evt , touch , target ) ;
} ,
_prepareDragStart : function _prepareDragStart ( /** Event */ evt , /** Touch */ touch , /** HTMLElement */ target ) {
var _this = this , el = _this . el , options = _this . options , ownerDocument = el . ownerDocument , dragStartFn ;
if ( target && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl && target . parentNode === el ) {
var dragRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( target ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl = el ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl = target ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . nextSibling ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDownEl = target ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$activeGroup = options . group ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . dragged = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt = {
target : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ,
clientX : ( touch || evt ) . clientX ,
clientY : ( touch || evt ) . clientY
} ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapDistanceLeft = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt . clientX - dragRect . left ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapDistanceTop = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt . clientY - dragRect . top ;
this . _lastX = ( touch || evt ) . clientX ;
this . _lastY = ( touch || evt ) . clientY ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . style [ "will-change" ] = "all" ;
dragStartFn = function dragStartFn ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "delayEnded" , _this , {
evt : evt
} ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) {
_this . _onDrop ( ) ;
return ;
} // Delayed drag has been triggered
// we can re-enable the events: touchmove/mousemove
_this . _disableDelayedDragEvents ( ) ;
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$FireFox && _this . nativeDraggable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . draggable = true ;
// Bind the events: dragstart/dragend
_this . _triggerDragStart ( evt , touch ) ; // Drag start event
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : _this ,
name : "choose" ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ; // Chosen item
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . chosenClass , true ) ;
} ; // Disable "draggable"
options . ignore . split ( "," ) . forEach ( function ( criteria ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$find ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , criteria . trim ( ) , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _disableDraggable ) ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "dragover" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "mousemove" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "touchmove" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "mouseup" , _this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "touchend" , _this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "touchcancel" , _this . _onDrop ) ; // Make dragEl draggable (must be before delay for FireFox)
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$FireFox && this . nativeDraggable ) {
this . options . touchStartThreshold = 4 ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . draggable = true ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "delayStart" , this , {
evt : evt
} ) ; // Delay is impossible for native DnD in Edge or IE
if ( options . delay && ( ! options . delayOnTouchOnly || touch ) && ( ! this . nativeDraggable || ! ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Edge || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess ) ) ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) {
this . _onDrop ( ) ;
return ;
} // If the user moves the pointer or let go the click or touch
// before the delay has been reached:
// disable the delayed drag
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "mouseup" , _this . _disableDelayedDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "touchend" , _this . _disableDelayedDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "touchcancel" , _this . _disableDelayedDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "mousemove" , _this . _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "touchmove" , _this . _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler ) ;
options . supportPointer && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( ownerDocument , "pointermove" , _this . _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler ) ;
_this . _dragStartTimer = setTimeout ( dragStartFn , options . delay ) ;
} else dragStartFn ( ) ;
} ,
_delayedDragTouchMoveHandler : function _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler ( /** TouchEvent|PointerEvent **/ e ) {
var touch = e . touches ? e . touches [ 0 ] : e ;
if ( Math . max ( Math . abs ( touch . clientX - this . _lastX ) , Math . abs ( touch . clientY - this . _lastY ) ) >= Math . floor ( this . options . touchStartThreshold / ( this . nativeDraggable && window . devicePixelRatio || 1 ) ) ) this . _disableDelayedDrag ( ) ;
} ,
_disableDelayedDrag : function _disableDelayedDrag ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _disableDraggable ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
clearTimeout ( this . _dragStartTimer ) ;
this . _disableDelayedDragEvents ( ) ;
} ,
_disableDelayedDragEvents : function _disableDelayedDragEvents ( ) {
var ownerDocument = this . el . ownerDocument ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "mouseup" , this . _disableDelayedDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "touchend" , this . _disableDelayedDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "touchcancel" , this . _disableDelayedDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "mousemove" , this . _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "touchmove" , this . _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "pointermove" , this . _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler ) ;
} ,
_triggerDragStart : function _triggerDragStart ( /** Event */ evt , /** Touch */ touch ) {
touch = touch || evt . pointerType == "touch" && evt ;
if ( ! this . nativeDraggable || touch ) {
if ( this . options . supportPointer ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "pointermove" , this . _onTouchMove ) ;
else if ( touch ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "touchmove" , this . _onTouchMove ) ;
else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "mousemove" , this . _onTouchMove ) ;
} else {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , "dragend" , this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl , "dragstart" , this . _onDragStart ) ;
try {
if ( document . selection ) // Timeout neccessary for IE9
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _nextTick ( function ( ) {
document . selection . empty ( ) ;
} ) ;
else window . getSelection ( ) . removeAllRanges ( ) ;
} catch ( err ) { }
} ,
_dragStarted : function _dragStarted ( fallback , evt ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$awaitingDragStarted = false ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "dragStarted" , this , {
evt : evt
} ) ;
if ( this . nativeDraggable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "dragover" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _checkOutsideTargetEl ) ;
var options = this . options ; // Apply effect
! fallback && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . dragClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . ghostClass , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active = this ;
fallback && this . _appendGhost ( ) ; // Drag start event
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this ,
name : "start" ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
} else this . _nulling ( ) ;
} ,
_emulateDragOver : function _emulateDragOver ( ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt ) {
this . _lastX = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientX ;
this . _lastY = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientY ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _hideGhostForTarget ( ) ;
var target = document . elementFromPoint ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientX , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientY ) ;
var parent = target ;
while ( target && target . shadowRoot ) {
target = target . shadowRoot . elementFromPoint ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientX , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientY ) ;
if ( target === parent ) break ;
parent = target ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] . _isOutsideThisEl ( target ) ;
if ( parent ) do {
if ( parent [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] ) {
var inserted = void 0 ;
inserted = parent [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] . _onDragOver ( {
clientX : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientX ,
clientY : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt . clientY ,
target : target ,
rootEl : parent
} ) ;
if ( inserted && ! this . options . dragoverBubble ) break ;
target = parent ; // store last element
} while ( parent = parent . parentNode ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _unhideGhostForTarget ( ) ;
} ,
_onTouchMove : function _onTouchMove ( /**TouchEvent*/ evt ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt ) {
var options = this . options , fallbackTolerance = options . fallbackTolerance , fallbackOffset = options . fallbackOffset , touch = evt . touches ? evt . touches [ 0 ] : evt , ghostMatrix = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , true ) , scaleX = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl && ghostMatrix && ghostMatrix . a , scaleY = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl && ghostMatrix && ghostMatrix . d , relativeScrollOffset = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PositionGhostAbsolutely && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRelativeScrollOffset ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent ) , dx = ( touch . clientX - $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt . clientX + fallbackOffset . x ) / ( scaleX || 1 ) + ( relativeScrollOffset ? relativeScrollOffset [ 0 ] - $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll [ 0 ] : 0 ) / ( scaleX || 1 ) , dy = ( touch . clientY - $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt . clientY + fallbackOffset . y ) / ( scaleY || 1 ) + ( relativeScrollOffset ? relativeScrollOffset [ 1 ] - $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll [ 1 ] : 0 ) / ( scaleY || 1 ) ; // only set the status to dragging, when we are actually dragging
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$awaitingDragStarted ) {
if ( fallbackTolerance && Math . max ( Math . abs ( touch . clientX - this . _lastX ) , Math . abs ( touch . clientY - this . _lastY ) ) < fallbackTolerance ) return ;
this . _onDragStart ( evt , true ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ) {
if ( ghostMatrix ) {
ghostMatrix . e += dx - ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDx || 0 ) ;
ghostMatrix . f += dy - ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDy || 0 ) ;
} else ghostMatrix = {
a : 1 ,
b : 0 ,
c : 0 ,
d : 1 ,
e : dx ,
f : dy
} ;
var cssMatrix = "matrix(" . concat ( ghostMatrix . a , "," ) . concat ( ghostMatrix . b , "," ) . concat ( ghostMatrix . c , "," ) . concat ( ghostMatrix . d , "," ) . concat ( ghostMatrix . e , "," ) . concat ( ghostMatrix . f , ")" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "webkitTransform" , cssMatrix ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "mozTransform" , cssMatrix ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "msTransform" , cssMatrix ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "transform" , cssMatrix ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDx = dx ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDy = dy ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt = touch ;
evt . cancelable && evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ,
_appendGhost : function _appendGhost ( ) {
// Bug if using scale():
// Not being adjusted for
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ) {
var container = this . options . fallbackOnBody ? document . body : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl , rect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , true , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PositionGhostAbsolutely , true , container ) , options = this . options ; // Position absolutely
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PositionGhostAbsolutely ) {
// Get relatively positioned parent
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent = container ;
while ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent , "position" ) === "static" && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent , "transform" ) === "none" && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent !== document ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent . parentNode ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent !== document . body && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent !== document . documentElement ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent === document ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ;
rect . top += $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent . scrollTop ;
rect . left += $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent . scrollLeft ;
} else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParentInitialScroll = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRelativeScrollOffset ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostRelativeParent ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . cloneNode ( true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , options . ghostClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , options . fallbackClass , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , options . dragClass , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "transition" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "transform" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "box-sizing" , "border-box" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "margin" , 0 ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "top" , rect . top ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "left" , rect . left ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "width" , rect . width ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "height" , rect . height ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "opacity" , "0.8" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "position" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PositionGhostAbsolutely ? "absolute" : "fixed" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "zIndex" , "100000" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "pointerEvents" , "none" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . ghost = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ;
container . appendChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ) ; // Set transform-origin
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl , "transform-origin" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapDistanceLeft / parseInt ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl . style . width ) * 100 + "% " + $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapDistanceTop / parseInt ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl . style . height ) * 100 + "%" ) ;
} ,
_onDragStart : function _onDragStart ( /**Event*/ evt , /**boolean*/ fallback ) {
var _this = this ;
var dataTransfer = evt . dataTransfer ;
var options = _this . options ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "dragStart" , this , {
evt : evt
} ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) {
this . _onDrop ( ) ;
return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "setupClone" , this ) ;
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clone ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl . removeAttribute ( "id" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl . draggable = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl . style [ "will-change" ] = "" ;
this . _hideClone ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl , this . options . chosenClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . clone = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl ;
} // #1143: IFrame support workaround
_this . cloneId = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _nextTick ( function ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "clone" , _this ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) return ;
if ( ! _this . options . removeCloneOnHide ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl . insertBefore ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
_this . _hideClone ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : _this ,
name : "clone"
} ) ;
} ) ;
! fallback && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . dragClass , true ) ; // Set proper drop events
if ( fallback ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ignoreNextClick = true ;
_this . _loopId = setInterval ( _this . _emulateDragOver , 50 ) ;
} else {
// Undo what was set in _prepareDragStart before drag started
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "mouseup" , _this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "touchend" , _this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "touchcancel" , _this . _onDrop ) ;
if ( dataTransfer ) {
dataTransfer . effectAllowed = "move" ;
options . setData && options . setData . call ( _this , dataTransfer , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "drop" , _this ) ; // #1276 fix:
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , "transform" , "translateZ(0)" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$awaitingDragStarted = true ;
_this . _dragStartId = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _nextTick ( _this . _dragStarted . bind ( _this , fallback , evt ) ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "selectstart" , _this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$moved = true ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Safari ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( document . body , "user-select" , "none" ) ;
} ,
// Returns true - if no further action is needed (either inserted or another condition)
_onDragOver : function _onDragOver ( /**Event*/ evt ) {
var el = this . el , target = evt . target , dragRect , targetRect , revert , options = this . options , group = options . group , activeSortable = $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active , isOwner = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$activeGroup === group , canSort = options . sort , fromSortable = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable || activeSortable , vertical , _this = this , completedFired = false ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _silent ) return ;
function dragOverEvent ( name , extra ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( name , _this , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( {
evt : evt ,
isOwner : isOwner ,
axis : vertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ,
revert : revert ,
dragRect : dragRect ,
targetRect : targetRect ,
canSort : canSort ,
fromSortable : fromSortable ,
target : target ,
completed : completed ,
onMove : function onMove ( target , after ) {
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _onMove ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl , el , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , dragRect , target , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( target ) , evt , after ) ;
} ,
changed : changed
} , extra ) ) ;
} // Capture animation state
function capture ( ) {
dragOverEvent ( "dragOverAnimationCapture" ) ;
_this . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
if ( _this !== fromSortable ) fromSortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
} // Return invocation when dragEl is inserted (or completed)
function completed ( insertion ) {
dragOverEvent ( "dragOverCompleted" , {
insertion : insertion
} ) ;
if ( insertion ) {
// Clones must be hidden before folding animation to capture dragRectAbsolute properly
if ( isOwner ) activeSortable . _hideClone ( ) ;
else activeSortable . _showClone ( _this ) ;
if ( _this !== fromSortable ) {
// Set ghost class to new sortable's ghost class
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable ? $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable . options . ghostClass : activeSortable . options . ghostClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . ghostClass , true ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable !== _this && _this !== $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable = _this ;
else if ( _this === $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable = null ;
// Animation
if ( fromSortable === _this ) _this . _ignoreWhileAnimating = target ;
_this . animateAll ( function ( ) {
dragOverEvent ( "dragOverAnimationComplete" ) ;
_this . _ignoreWhileAnimating = null ;
} ) ;
if ( _this !== fromSortable ) {
fromSortable . animateAll ( ) ;
fromSortable . _ignoreWhileAnimating = null ;
} // Null lastTarget if it is not inside a previously swapped element
if ( target === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . animated || target === el && ! target . animated ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastTarget = null ;
// no bubbling and not fallback
if ( ! options . dragoverBubble && ! evt . rootEl && target !== document ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] . _isOutsideThisEl ( evt . target ) ; // Do not detect for empty insert if already inserted
! insertion && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ( evt ) ;
! options . dragoverBubble && evt . stopPropagation && evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
return completedFired = true ;
} // Call when dragEl has been inserted
function changed ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . draggable ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : _this ,
name : "change" ,
toEl : el ,
newIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex ,
newDraggableIndex : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
if ( evt . preventDefault !== void 0 ) evt . cancelable && evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
target = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( target , options . draggable , el , true ) ;
dragOverEvent ( "dragOver" ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) return completedFired ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . contains ( evt . target ) || target . animated && target . animatingX && target . animatingY || _this . _ignoreWhileAnimating === target ) return completed ( false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ignoreNextClick = false ;
if ( activeSortable && ! options . disabled && ( isOwner ? canSort || ( revert = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl // Reverting item into the original list
) : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable === this || ( this . lastPutMode = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$activeGroup . checkPull ( this , activeSortable , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , evt ) ) && group . checkPut ( this , activeSortable , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , evt ) ) ) {
vertical = this . _getDirection ( evt , target ) === "vertical" ;
dragRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
dragOverEvent ( "dragOverValid" ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) return completedFired ;
if ( revert ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl ; // actualization
capture ( ) ;
this . _hideClone ( ) ;
dragOverEvent ( "revert" ) ;
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl . insertBefore ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl ) ;
else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl . appendChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
return completed ( true ) ;
var elLastChild = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastChild ( el , options . draggable ) ;
if ( ! elLastChild || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _ghostIsLast ( evt , vertical , this ) && ! elLastChild . animated ) {
// Insert to end of list
// If already at end of list: Do not insert
if ( elLastChild === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) return completed ( false ) ;
// if there is a last element, it is the target
if ( elLastChild && el === evt . target ) target = elLastChild ;
if ( target ) targetRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( target ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _onMove ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl , el , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , dragRect , target , targetRect , evt , ! ! target ) !== false ) {
capture ( ) ;
if ( elLastChild && elLastChild . nextSibling ) // the last draggable element is not the last node
el . insertBefore ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , elLastChild . nextSibling ) ;
else el . appendChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl = el ; // actualization
changed ( ) ;
return completed ( true ) ;
} else if ( elLastChild && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _ghostIsFirst ( evt , vertical , this ) ) {
// Insert to start of list
var firstChild = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getChild ( el , 0 , options , true ) ;
if ( firstChild === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) return completed ( false ) ;
target = firstChild ;
targetRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( target ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _onMove ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl , el , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , dragRect , target , targetRect , evt , false ) !== false ) {
capture ( ) ;
el . insertBefore ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , firstChild ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl = el ; // actualization
changed ( ) ;
return completed ( true ) ;
} else if ( target . parentNode === el ) {
targetRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( target ) ;
var direction = 0 , targetBeforeFirstSwap , differentLevel = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode !== el , differentRowCol = ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dragElInRowColumn ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . animated && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . toRect || dragRect , target . animated && target . toRect || targetRect , vertical ) , side1 = vertical ? "top" : "left" , scrolledPastTop = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isScrolledPast ( target , "top" , "top" ) || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isScrolledPast ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , "top" , "top" ) , scrollBefore = scrolledPastTop ? scrolledPastTop . scrollTop : void 0 ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastTarget !== target ) {
targetBeforeFirstSwap = targetRect [ side1 ] ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pastFirstInvertThresh = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$isCircumstantialInvert = ! differentRowCol && options . invertSwap || differentLevel ;
direction = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _getSwapDirection ( evt , target , targetRect , vertical , differentRowCol ? 1 : options . swapThreshold , options . invertedSwapThreshold == null ? options . swapThreshold : options . invertedSwapThreshold , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isCircumstantialInvert , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastTarget === target ) ;
var sibling ;
if ( direction !== 0 ) {
// Check if target is beside dragEl in respective direction (ignoring hidden elements)
var dragIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
do {
dragIndex -= direction ;
sibling = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl . children [ dragIndex ] ;
} while ( sibling && ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( sibling , "display" ) === "none" || sibling === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ) ) ;
} // If dragEl is already beside target: Do not insert
if ( direction === 0 || sibling === target ) return completed ( false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastTarget = target ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDirection = direction ;
var nextSibling = target . nextElementSibling , after = false ;
after = direction === 1 ;
var moveVector = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _onMove ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl , el , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , dragRect , target , targetRect , evt , after ) ;
if ( moveVector !== false ) {
if ( moveVector === 1 || moveVector === - 1 ) after = moveVector === 1 ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _silent = true ;
setTimeout ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _unsilent , 30 ) ;
capture ( ) ;
if ( after && ! nextSibling ) el . appendChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
else target . parentNode . insertBefore ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , after ? nextSibling : target ) ;
// Undo chrome's scroll adjustment (has no effect on other browsers)
if ( scrolledPastTop ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollBy ( scrolledPastTop , 0 , scrollBefore - scrolledPastTop . scrollTop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode ; // actualization
// must be done before animation
if ( targetBeforeFirstSwap !== undefined && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$isCircumstantialInvert ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$targetMoveDistance = Math . abs ( targetBeforeFirstSwap - $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( target ) [ side1 ] ) ;
changed ( ) ;
return completed ( true ) ;
if ( el . contains ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ) return completed ( false ) ;
return false ;
} ,
_ignoreWhileAnimating : null ,
_offMoveEvents : function _offMoveEvents ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "mousemove" , this . _onTouchMove ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "touchmove" , this . _onTouchMove ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "pointermove" , this . _onTouchMove ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "dragover" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "mousemove" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "touchmove" , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nearestEmptyInsertDetectEvent ) ;
} ,
_offUpEvents : function _offUpEvents ( ) {
var ownerDocument = this . el . ownerDocument ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "mouseup" , this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "touchend" , this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "pointerup" , this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( ownerDocument , "touchcancel" , this . _onDrop ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "selectstart" , this ) ;
} ,
_onDrop : function _onDrop ( /**Event*/ evt ) {
var el = this . el , options = this . options ; // Get the index of the dragged element within its parent
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . draggable ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "drop" , this , {
evt : evt
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode ; // Get again after plugin event
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , options . draggable ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) {
this . _nulling ( ) ;
return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$awaitingDragStarted = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$isCircumstantialInvert = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pastFirstInvertThresh = false ;
clearInterval ( this . _loopId ) ;
clearTimeout ( this . _dragStartTimer ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _cancelNextTick ( this . cloneId ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _cancelNextTick ( this . _dragStartId ) ; // Unbind events
if ( this . nativeDraggable ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "drop" , this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( el , "dragstart" , this . _onDragStart ) ;
this . _offMoveEvents ( ) ;
this . _offUpEvents ( ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Safari ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( document . body , "user-select" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , "transform" , "" ) ;
if ( evt ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$moved ) {
evt . cancelable && evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
! options . dropBubble && evt . stopPropagation ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl . parentNode && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl . parentNode . removeChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable . lastPutMode !== "clone" ) // Remove clone(s)
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl . parentNode && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl . parentNode . removeChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) {
if ( this . nativeDraggable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , "dragend" , this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _disableDraggable ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . style [ "will-change" ] = "" ; // Remove classes
// ghostClass is added in dragStarted
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$moved && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$awaitingDragStarted ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable ? $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable . options . ghostClass : this . options . ghostClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , this . options . chosenClass , false ) ; // Drag stop event
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this ,
name : "unchoose" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
newIndex : null ,
newDraggableIndex : null ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex >= 0 ) {
// Add event
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
rootEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
name : "add" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
fromEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ; // Remove event
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this ,
name : "remove" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ; // drag from one list and drop into another
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
rootEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
name : "sort" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
fromEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this ,
name : "sort" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable . save ( ) ;
} else {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldIndex ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex >= 0 ) {
// drag & drop within the same list
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this ,
name : "update" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this ,
name : "sort" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active ) {
/* jshint eqnull:true */ if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex == null || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex === - 1 ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldIndex ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldDraggableIndex ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this ,
name : "end" ,
toEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ; // Save sorting
this . save ( ) ;
this . _nulling ( ) ;
} ,
_nulling : function _nulling ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "nulling" , this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$parentEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ghostEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDownEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$tapEvt = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$moved = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$newDraggableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$oldDraggableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastTarget = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDirection = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$putSortable = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$activeGroup = $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . dragged = $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . ghost = $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . clone = $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active = null ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$savedInputChecked . forEach ( function ( el ) {
el . checked = true ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$savedInputChecked . length = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDx = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDy = 0 ;
} ,
handleEvent : function handleEvent ( /**Event*/ evt ) {
switch ( evt . type ) {
case "drop" :
case "dragend" :
this . _onDrop ( evt ) ;
break ;
case "dragenter" :
case "dragover" :
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) {
this . _onDragOver ( evt ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _globalDragOver ( evt ) ;
break ;
case "selectstart" :
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
break ;
} ,
/ * *
* Serializes the item into an array of string .
* @ returns { String [ ] }
* / t o A r r a y : f u n c t i o n t o A r r a y ( ) {
var order = [ ] , el , children = this . el . children , i = 0 , n = children . length , options = this . options ;
for ( ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
el = children [ i ] ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( el , options . draggable , this . el , false ) ) order . push ( el . getAttribute ( options . dataIdAttr ) || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _generateId ( el ) ) ;
return order ;
} ,
/ * *
* Sorts the elements according to the array .
* @ param { String [ ] } order order of the items
* / s o r t : f u n c t i o n s o r t ( o r d e r , u s e A n i m a t i o n ) {
var items = { } , rootEl = this . el ;
this . toArray ( ) . forEach ( function ( id , i ) {
var el = rootEl . children [ i ] ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( el , this . options . draggable , rootEl , false ) ) items [ id ] = el ;
} , this ) ;
useAnimation && this . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
order . forEach ( function ( id ) {
if ( items [ id ] ) {
rootEl . removeChild ( items [ id ] ) ;
rootEl . appendChild ( items [ id ] ) ;
} ) ;
useAnimation && this . animateAll ( ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Save the current sorting
* / s a v e : f u n c t i o n s a v e ( ) {
var store = this . options . store ;
store && store . set && store . set ( this ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* For each element in the set , get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree .
* @ param { HTMLElement } el
* @ param { String } [ selector ] default : ` options.draggable `
* @ returns { HTMLElement | null }
* / c l o s e s t : f u n c t i o n c l o s e s t $ 1 ( e l , s e l e c t o r ) {
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( el , selector || this . options . draggable , this . el , false ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Set / get option
* @ param { string } name
* @ param { * } [ value ]
* @ returns { * }
* / o p t i o n : f u n c t i o n o p t i o n ( n a m e , v a l u e ) {
var options = this . options ;
if ( value === void 0 ) return options [ name ] ;
else {
var modifiedValue = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$PluginManager . modifyOption ( this , name , value ) ;
if ( typeof modifiedValue !== "undefined" ) options [ name ] = modifiedValue ;
else options [ name ] = value ;
if ( name === "group" ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _prepareGroup ( options ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Destroy
* / d e s t r o y : f u n c t i o n d e s t r o y ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "destroy" , this ) ;
var el = this . el ;
el [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] = null ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( el , "mousedown" , this . _onTapStart ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( el , "touchstart" , this . _onTapStart ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( el , "pointerdown" , this . _onTapStart ) ;
if ( this . nativeDraggable ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( el , "dragover" , this ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( el , "dragenter" , this ) ;
} // Remove draggable attributes
Array . prototype . forEach . call ( el . querySelectorAll ( "[draggable]" ) , function ( el ) {
el . removeAttribute ( "draggable" ) ;
} ) ;
this . _onDrop ( ) ;
this . _disableDelayedDragEvents ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$sortables . splice ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$sortables . indexOf ( this . el ) , 1 ) ;
this . el = el = null ;
} ,
_hideClone : function _hideClone ( ) {
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "hideClone" , this ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl , "display" , "none" ) ;
if ( this . options . removeCloneOnHide && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl . parentNode ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl . parentNode . removeChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden = true ;
} ,
_showClone : function _showClone ( putSortable ) {
if ( putSortable . lastPutMode !== "clone" ) {
this . _hideClone ( ) ;
return ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pluginEvent ( "showClone" , this ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . eventCanceled ) return ; // show clone at dragEl or original position
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl . parentNode == $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl && ! this . options . group . revertClone ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl . insertBefore ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) ;
else if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl . insertBefore ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$nextEl ) ;
else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$rootEl . appendChild ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl ) ;
if ( this . options . group . revertClone ) this . animate ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneEl , "display" , "" ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cloneHidden = false ;
} ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _globalDragOver ( /**Event*/ evt ) {
if ( evt . dataTransfer ) evt . dataTransfer . dropEffect = "move" ;
evt . cancelable && evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _onMove ( fromEl , toEl , dragEl , dragRect , targetEl , targetRect , originalEvent , willInsertAfter ) {
var evt , sortable = fromEl [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] , onMoveFn = sortable . options . onMove , retVal ; // Support for new CustomEvent feature
if ( window . CustomEvent && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Edge ) evt = new CustomEvent ( "move" , {
bubbles : true ,
cancelable : true
} ) ;
else {
evt = document . createEvent ( "Event" ) ;
evt . initEvent ( "move" , true , true ) ;
evt . to = toEl ;
evt . from = fromEl ;
evt . dragged = dragEl ;
evt . draggedRect = dragRect ;
evt . related = targetEl || toEl ;
evt . relatedRect = targetRect || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( toEl ) ;
evt . willInsertAfter = willInsertAfter ;
evt . originalEvent = originalEvent ;
fromEl . dispatchEvent ( evt ) ;
if ( onMoveFn ) retVal = onMoveFn . call ( sortable , evt , originalEvent ) ;
return retVal ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _disableDraggable ( el ) {
el . draggable = false ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _unsilent ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _silent = false ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _ghostIsFirst ( evt , vertical , sortable ) {
var rect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getChild ( sortable . el , 0 , sortable . options , true ) ) ;
var spacer = 10 ;
return vertical ? evt . clientX < rect . left - spacer || evt . clientY < rect . top && evt . clientX < rect . right : evt . clientY < rect . top - spacer || evt . clientY < rect . bottom && evt . clientX < rect . left ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _ghostIsLast ( evt , vertical , sortable ) {
var rect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastChild ( sortable . el , sortable . options . draggable ) ) ;
var spacer = 10 ;
return vertical ? evt . clientX > rect . right + spacer || evt . clientX <= rect . right && evt . clientY > rect . bottom && evt . clientX >= rect . left : evt . clientX > rect . right && evt . clientY > rect . top || evt . clientX <= rect . right && evt . clientY > rect . bottom + spacer ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _getSwapDirection ( evt , target , targetRect , vertical , swapThreshold , invertedSwapThreshold , invertSwap , isLastTarget ) {
var mouseOnAxis = vertical ? evt . clientY : evt . clientX , targetLength = vertical ? targetRect . height : targetRect . width , targetS1 = vertical ? targetRect . top : targetRect . left , targetS2 = vertical ? targetRect . bottom : targetRect . right , invert = false ;
if ( ! invertSwap ) {
// Never invert or create dragEl shadow when target movemenet causes mouse to move past the end of regular swapThreshold
if ( isLastTarget && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$targetMoveDistance < targetLength * swapThreshold ) {
// multiplied only by swapThreshold because mouse will already be inside target by (1 - threshold) * targetLength / 2
// check if past first invert threshold on side opposite of lastDirection
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pastFirstInvertThresh && ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDirection === 1 ? mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 : mouseOnAxis < targetS2 - targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 ) ) // past first invert threshold, do not restrict inverted threshold to dragEl shadow
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pastFirstInvertThresh = true ;
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pastFirstInvertThresh ) {
// dragEl shadow (target move distance shadow)
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDirection === 1 ? mouseOnAxis < targetS1 + $64afbd09cd65a300$var$targetMoveDistance // over dragEl shadow
: mouseOnAxis > targetS2 - $64afbd09cd65a300$var$targetMoveDistance ) return - $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastDirection ;
} else invert = true ;
} else {
// Regular
if ( mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength * ( 1 - swapThreshold ) / 2 && mouseOnAxis < targetS2 - targetLength * ( 1 - swapThreshold ) / 2 ) return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _getInsertDirection ( target ) ;
invert = invert || invertSwap ;
if ( invert ) {
// Invert of regular
if ( mouseOnAxis < targetS1 + targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 || mouseOnAxis > targetS2 - targetLength * invertedSwapThreshold / 2 ) return mouseOnAxis > targetS1 + targetLength / 2 ? 1 : - 1 ;
return 0 ;
/ * *
* Gets the direction dragEl must be swapped relative to target in order to make it
* seem that dragEl has been "inserted" into that element ' s position
* @ param { HTMLElement } target The target whose position dragEl is being inserted at
* @ return { Number } Direction dragEl must be swapped
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ _ g e t I n s e r t D i r e c t i o n ( t a r g e t ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl ) < $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( target ) ) return 1 ;
else return - 1 ;
/ * *
* Generate id
* @ param { HTMLElement } el
* @ returns { String }
* @ private
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ _ g e n e r a t e I d ( e l ) {
var str = el . tagName + el . className + el . src + el . href + el . textContent , i = str . length , sum = 0 ;
while ( i -- ) sum += str . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
return sum . toString ( 36 ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _saveInputCheckedState ( root ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$savedInputChecked . length = 0 ;
var inputs = root . getElementsByTagName ( "input" ) ;
var idx = inputs . length ;
while ( idx -- ) {
var el = inputs [ idx ] ;
el . checked && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$savedInputChecked . push ( el ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _nextTick ( fn ) {
return setTimeout ( fn , 0 ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _cancelNextTick ( id ) {
return clearTimeout ( id ) ;
} // Fixed #973:
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$documentExists ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "touchmove" , function ( evt ) {
if ( ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$awaitingDragStarted ) && evt . cancelable ) evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
// Export utils
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . utils = {
on : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ,
off : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ,
css : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ,
find : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$find ,
is : function is ( el , selector ) {
return ! ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( el , selector , el , false ) ;
} ,
extend : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$extend ,
throttle : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$throttle ,
closest : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ,
toggleClass : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ,
clone : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clone ,
index : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ,
nextTick : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _nextTick ,
cancelNextTick : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _cancelNextTick ,
detectDirection : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _detectDirection ,
getChild : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getChild
} ;
/ * *
* Get the Sortable instance of an element
* @ param { HTMLElement } element The element
* @ return { Sortable | undefined } The instance of Sortable
* / $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ e x p o r t $ 3 1 b 3 c a 7 0 d 8 f 5 7 4 2 3 . g e t = f u n c t i o n ( e l e m e n t ) {
return element [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Mount a plugin to Sortable
* @ param { ... SortablePlugin | SortablePlugin [ ] } plugins Plugins being mounted
* / $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ e x p o r t $ 3 1 b 3 c a 7 0 d 8 f 5 7 4 2 3 . m o u n t = f u n c t i o n ( ) {
for ( var _len = arguments . length , plugins = new Array ( _len ) , _key = 0 ; _key < _len ; _key ++ ) plugins [ _key ] = arguments [ _key ] ;
if ( plugins [ 0 ] . constructor === Array ) plugins = plugins [ 0 ] ;
plugins . forEach ( function ( plugin ) {
if ( ! plugin . prototype || ! plugin . prototype . constructor ) throw "Sortable: Mounted plugin must be a constructor function, not " . concat ( ( { } ) . toString . call ( plugin ) ) ;
if ( plugin . utils ) $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . utils = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _objectSpread2 ( { } , $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . utils ) , plugin . utils ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$PluginManager . mount ( plugin ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Create sortable instance
* @ param { HTMLElement } el
* @ param { Object } [ options ]
* / $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ e x p o r t $ 3 1 b 3 c a 7 0 d 8 f 5 7 4 2 3 . c r e a t e = f u n c t i o n ( e l , o p t i o n s ) {
return new $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 ( el , options ) ;
} ; // Export
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . version = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$version ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls = [ ] , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollRootEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrolling = false , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollX , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollY , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt$1 , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pointerElemChangedInterval ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$AutoScrollPlugin ( ) {
function AutoScroll ( ) {
this . defaults = {
scroll : true ,
forceAutoScrollFallback : false ,
scrollSensitivity : 30 ,
scrollSpeed : 10 ,
bubbleScroll : true
} ; // Bind all private methods
for ( var fn in this ) if ( fn . charAt ( 0 ) === "_" && typeof this [ fn ] === "function" ) this [ fn ] = this [ fn ] . bind ( this ) ;
AutoScroll . prototype = {
dragStarted : function dragStarted ( _ref ) {
var originalEvent = _ref . originalEvent ;
if ( this . sortable . nativeDraggable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "dragover" , this . _handleAutoScroll ) ;
else {
if ( this . options . supportPointer ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "pointermove" , this . _handleFallbackAutoScroll ) ;
else if ( originalEvent . touches ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "touchmove" , this . _handleFallbackAutoScroll ) ;
else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "mousemove" , this . _handleFallbackAutoScroll ) ;
} ,
dragOverCompleted : function dragOverCompleted ( _ref2 ) {
var originalEvent = _ref2 . originalEvent ;
// For when bubbling is canceled and using fallback (fallback 'touchmove' always reached)
if ( ! this . options . dragOverBubble && ! originalEvent . rootEl ) this . _handleAutoScroll ( originalEvent ) ;
} ,
drop : function drop ( ) {
if ( this . sortable . nativeDraggable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "dragover" , this . _handleAutoScroll ) ;
else {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "pointermove" , this . _handleFallbackAutoScroll ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "touchmove" , this . _handleFallbackAutoScroll ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "mousemove" , this . _handleFallbackAutoScroll ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearPointerElemChangedInterval ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearAutoScrolls ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$cancelThrottle ( ) ;
} ,
nulling : function nulling ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt$1 = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollRootEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrolling = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pointerElemChangedInterval = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollX = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollY = null ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls . length = 0 ;
} ,
_handleFallbackAutoScroll : function _handleFallbackAutoScroll ( evt ) {
this . _handleAutoScroll ( evt , true ) ;
} ,
_handleAutoScroll : function _handleAutoScroll ( evt , fallback ) {
var _this = this ;
var x = ( evt . touches ? evt . touches [ 0 ] : evt ) . clientX , y = ( evt . touches ? evt . touches [ 0 ] : evt ) . clientY , elem = document . elementFromPoint ( x , y ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt$1 = evt ; // IE does not seem to have native autoscroll,
// Edge's autoscroll seems too conditional,
// MACOS Safari does not have autoscroll,
// Firefox and Chrome are good
if ( fallback || this . options . forceAutoScrollFallback || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Edge || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$IE11OrLess || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Safari ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScroll ( evt , this . options , elem , fallback ) ; // Listener for pointer element change
var ogElemScroller = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( elem , true ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrolling && ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pointerElemChangedInterval || x !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollX || y !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollY ) ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pointerElemChangedInterval && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearPointerElemChangedInterval ( ) ; // Detect for pointer elem change, emulating native DnD behaviour
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$pointerElemChangedInterval = setInterval ( function ( ) {
var newElem = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( document . elementFromPoint ( x , y ) , true ) ;
if ( newElem !== ogElemScroller ) {
ogElemScroller = newElem ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearAutoScrolls ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScroll ( evt , _this . options , newElem , fallback ) ;
} , 10 ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollX = x ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastAutoScrollY = y ;
} else {
// if DnD is enabled (and browser has good autoscrolling), first autoscroll will already scroll, so get parent autoscroll of first autoscroll
if ( ! this . options . bubbleScroll || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( elem , true ) === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearAutoScrolls ( ) ;
return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScroll ( evt , this . options , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( elem , false ) , false ) ;
} ;
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( AutoScroll , {
pluginName : "scroll" ,
initializeByDefault : true
} ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearAutoScrolls ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls . forEach ( function ( autoScroll ) {
clearInterval ( autoScroll . pid ) ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls = [ ] ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearPointerElemChangedInterval ( ) {
clearInterval ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$pointerElemChangedInterval ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScroll = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$throttle ( function ( evt , options , rootEl , isFallback ) {
// Bug:
if ( ! options . scroll ) return ;
var x = ( evt . touches ? evt . touches [ 0 ] : evt ) . clientX , y = ( evt . touches ? evt . touches [ 0 ] : evt ) . clientY , sens = options . scrollSensitivity , speed = options . scrollSpeed , winScroller = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getWindowScrollingElement ( ) ;
var scrollThisInstance = false , scrollCustomFn ; // New scroll root, set scrollEl
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollRootEl !== rootEl ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollRootEl = rootEl ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clearAutoScrolls ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollEl = options . scroll ;
scrollCustomFn = options . scrollFn ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollEl === true ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( rootEl , true ) ;
var layersOut = 0 ;
var currentParent = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollEl ;
do {
var el = currentParent , rect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( el ) , top = rect . top , bottom = rect . bottom , left = rect . left , right = rect . right , width = rect . width , height = rect . height , canScrollX = void 0 , canScrollY = void 0 , scrollWidth = el . scrollWidth , scrollHeight = el . scrollHeight , elCSS = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( el ) , scrollPosX = el . scrollLeft , scrollPosY = el . scrollTop ;
if ( el === winScroller ) {
canScrollX = width < scrollWidth && ( elCSS . overflowX === "auto" || elCSS . overflowX === "scroll" || elCSS . overflowX === "visible" ) ;
canScrollY = height < scrollHeight && ( elCSS . overflowY === "auto" || elCSS . overflowY === "scroll" || elCSS . overflowY === "visible" ) ;
} else {
canScrollX = width < scrollWidth && ( elCSS . overflowX === "auto" || elCSS . overflowX === "scroll" ) ;
canScrollY = height < scrollHeight && ( elCSS . overflowY === "auto" || elCSS . overflowY === "scroll" ) ;
var vx = canScrollX && ( Math . abs ( right - x ) <= sens && scrollPosX + width < scrollWidth ) - ( Math . abs ( left - x ) <= sens && ! ! scrollPosX ) ;
var vy = canScrollY && ( Math . abs ( bottom - y ) <= sens && scrollPosY + height < scrollHeight ) - ( Math . abs ( top - y ) <= sens && ! ! scrollPosY ) ;
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i <= layersOut ; i ++ ) if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ i ] ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ i ] = { } ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . vx != vx || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . vy != vy || $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . el !== el ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . el = el ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . vx = vx ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . vy = vy ;
clearInterval ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . pid ) ;
if ( vx != 0 || vy != 0 ) {
scrollThisInstance = true ;
/* jshint loopfunc:true */ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ layersOut ] . pid = setInterval ( ( function ( ) {
// emulate drag over during autoscroll (fallback), emulating native DnD behaviour
if ( isFallback && this . layer === 0 ) $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . active . _onTouchMove ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt$1 ) ; // To move ghost if it is positioned absolutely
var scrollOffsetY = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ this . layer ] . vy ? $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ this . layer ] . vy * speed : 0 ;
var scrollOffsetX = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ this . layer ] . vx ? $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ this . layer ] . vx * speed : 0 ;
if ( typeof scrollCustomFn === "function" ) {
if ( scrollCustomFn . call ( $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . dragged . parentNode [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] , scrollOffsetX , scrollOffsetY , evt , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$touchEvt$1 , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ this . layer ] . el ) !== "continue" ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrollBy ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$autoScrolls [ this . layer ] . el , scrollOffsetX , scrollOffsetY ) ;
} ) . bind ( {
layer : layersOut
} ) , 24 ) ;
layersOut ++ ;
} while ( options . bubbleScroll && currentParent !== winScroller && ( currentParent = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getParentAutoScrollElement ( currentParent , false ) ) ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$scrolling = scrollThisInstance ; // in case another function catches scrolling as false in between when it is not
} , 30 ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$drop = function drop ( _ref ) {
var originalEvent = _ref . originalEvent , putSortable = _ref . putSortable , dragEl = _ref . dragEl , activeSortable = _ref . activeSortable , dispatchSortableEvent = _ref . dispatchSortableEvent , hideGhostForTarget = _ref . hideGhostForTarget , unhideGhostForTarget = _ref . unhideGhostForTarget ;
if ( ! originalEvent ) return ;
var toSortable = putSortable || activeSortable ;
hideGhostForTarget ( ) ;
var touch = originalEvent . changedTouches && originalEvent . changedTouches . length ? originalEvent . changedTouches [ 0 ] : originalEvent ;
var target = document . elementFromPoint ( touch . clientX , touch . clientY ) ;
unhideGhostForTarget ( ) ;
if ( toSortable && ! toSortable . el . contains ( target ) ) {
dispatchSortableEvent ( "spill" ) ;
this . onSpill ( {
dragEl : dragEl ,
putSortable : putSortable
} ) ;
} ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Revert ( ) { }
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$Revert . prototype = {
startIndex : null ,
dragStart : function dragStart ( _ref2 ) {
var oldDraggableIndex = _ref2 . oldDraggableIndex ;
this . startIndex = oldDraggableIndex ;
} ,
onSpill : function onSpill ( _ref3 ) {
var dragEl = _ref3 . dragEl , putSortable = _ref3 . putSortable ;
this . sortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
if ( putSortable ) putSortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
var nextSibling = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getChild ( this . sortable . el , this . startIndex , this . options ) ;
if ( nextSibling ) this . sortable . el . insertBefore ( dragEl , nextSibling ) ;
else this . sortable . el . appendChild ( dragEl ) ;
this . sortable . animateAll ( ) ;
if ( putSortable ) putSortable . animateAll ( ) ;
} ,
drop : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$drop
} ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Revert , {
pluginName : "revertOnSpill"
} ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Remove ( ) { }
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$Remove . prototype = {
onSpill : function onSpill ( _ref4 ) {
var dragEl = _ref4 . dragEl , putSortable = _ref4 . putSortable ;
var parentSortable = putSortable || this . sortable ;
parentSortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
dragEl . parentNode && dragEl . parentNode . removeChild ( dragEl ) ;
parentSortable . animateAll ( ) ;
} ,
drop : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$drop
} ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Remove , {
pluginName : "removeOnSpill"
} ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$export$bdb5f0a1b77546f4 ( ) {
function Swap ( ) {
this . defaults = {
swapClass : "sortable-swap-highlight"
} ;
Swap . prototype = {
dragStart : function dragStart ( _ref ) {
var dragEl = _ref . dragEl ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl = dragEl ;
} ,
dragOverValid : function dragOverValid ( _ref2 ) {
var completed = _ref2 . completed , target = _ref2 . target , onMove = _ref2 . onMove , activeSortable = _ref2 . activeSortable , changed = _ref2 . changed , cancel = _ref2 . cancel ;
if ( ! activeSortable . options . swap ) return ;
var el = this . sortable . el , options = this . options ;
if ( target && target !== el ) {
var prevSwapEl = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl ;
if ( onMove ( target ) !== false ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( target , options . swapClass , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl = target ;
} else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl = null ;
if ( prevSwapEl && prevSwapEl !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( prevSwapEl , options . swapClass , false ) ;
changed ( ) ;
completed ( true ) ;
cancel ( ) ;
} ,
drop : function drop ( _ref3 ) {
var activeSortable = _ref3 . activeSortable , putSortable = _ref3 . putSortable , dragEl = _ref3 . dragEl ;
var toSortable = putSortable || this . sortable ;
var options = this . options ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl , options . swapClass , false ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl && ( options . swap || putSortable && putSortable . options . swap ) ) {
if ( dragEl !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl ) {
toSortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
if ( toSortable !== activeSortable ) activeSortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$swapNodes ( dragEl , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl ) ;
toSortable . animateAll ( ) ;
if ( toSortable !== activeSortable ) activeSortable . animateAll ( ) ;
} ,
nulling : function nulling ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl = null ;
} ;
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( Swap , {
pluginName : "swap" ,
eventProperties : function eventProperties ( ) {
return {
swapItem : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastSwapEl
} ;
} ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$swapNodes ( n1 , n2 ) {
var p1 = n1 . parentNode , p2 = n2 . parentNode , i1 , i2 ;
if ( ! p1 || ! p2 || p1 . isEqualNode ( n2 ) || p2 . isEqualNode ( n1 ) ) return ;
i1 = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( n1 ) ;
i2 = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( n2 ) ;
if ( p1 . isEqualNode ( p2 ) && i1 < i2 ) i2 ++ ;
p1 . insertBefore ( n2 , p1 . children [ i1 ] ) ;
p2 . insertBefore ( n1 , p2 . children [ i2 ] ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements = [ ] , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones = [ ] , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastMultiDragSelect , // for selection with modifier key down (SHIFT)
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$initialFolding = false , // Initial multi-drag fold when drag started
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding = false , // Folding any other time
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragStarted = false , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesFromRect , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesHidden ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$export$18e5d2a5d1df842d ( ) {
function MultiDrag ( sortable ) {
// Bind all private methods
for ( var fn in this ) if ( fn . charAt ( 0 ) === "_" && typeof this [ fn ] === "function" ) this [ fn ] = this [ fn ] . bind ( this ) ;
if ( ! sortable . options . avoidImplicitDeselect ) {
if ( sortable . options . supportPointer ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "pointerup" , this . _deselectMultiDrag ) ;
else {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "mouseup" , this . _deselectMultiDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "touchend" , this . _deselectMultiDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "keydown" , this . _checkKeyDown ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$on ( document , "keyup" , this . _checkKeyUp ) ;
this . defaults = {
selectedClass : "sortable-selected" ,
multiDragKey : null ,
avoidImplicitDeselect : false ,
setData : function setData ( dataTransfer , dragEl ) {
var data = "" ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable === sortable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement , i ) {
data += ( ! i ? "" : ", " ) + multiDragElement . textContent ;
} ) ;
else data = dragEl . textContent ;
dataTransfer . setData ( "Text" , data ) ;
} ;
MultiDrag . prototype = {
multiDragKeyDown : false ,
isMultiDrag : false ,
delayStartGlobal : function delayStartGlobal ( _ref ) {
var dragged = _ref . dragEl ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 = dragged ;
} ,
delayEnded : function delayEnded ( ) {
this . isMultiDrag = ~ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) ;
} ,
setupClone : function setupClone ( _ref2 ) {
var sortable = _ref2 . sortable , cancel = _ref2 . cancel ;
if ( ! this . isMultiDrag ) return ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length ; i ++ ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones . push ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clone ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements [ i ] ) ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones [ i ] . sortableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements [ i ] . sortableIndex ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones [ i ] . draggable = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones [ i ] . style [ "will-change" ] = "" ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones [ i ] , this . options . selectedClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements [ i ] === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones [ i ] , this . options . chosenClass , false ) ;
sortable . _hideClone ( ) ;
cancel ( ) ;
} ,
clone : function clone ( _ref3 ) {
var sortable = _ref3 . sortable , rootEl = _ref3 . rootEl , dispatchSortableEvent = _ref3 . dispatchSortableEvent , cancel = _ref3 . cancel ;
if ( ! this . isMultiDrag ) return ;
if ( ! this . options . removeCloneOnHide ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable === sortable ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$insertMultiDragClones ( true , rootEl ) ;
dispatchSortableEvent ( "clone" ) ;
cancel ( ) ;
} ,
showClone : function showClone ( _ref4 ) {
var cloneNowShown = _ref4 . cloneNowShown , rootEl = _ref4 . rootEl , cancel = _ref4 . cancel ;
if ( ! this . isMultiDrag ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$insertMultiDragClones ( false , rootEl ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones . forEach ( function ( clone ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( clone , "display" , "" ) ;
} ) ;
cloneNowShown ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesHidden = false ;
cancel ( ) ;
} ,
hideClone : function hideClone ( _ref5 ) {
var _this = this ;
var sortable = _ref5 . sortable , cloneNowHidden = _ref5 . cloneNowHidden , cancel = _ref5 . cancel ;
if ( ! this . isMultiDrag ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones . forEach ( function ( clone ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( clone , "display" , "none" ) ;
if ( _this . options . removeCloneOnHide && clone . parentNode ) clone . parentNode . removeChild ( clone ) ;
} ) ;
cloneNowHidden ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesHidden = true ;
cancel ( ) ;
} ,
dragStartGlobal : function dragStartGlobal ( _ref6 ) {
var sortable = _ref6 . sortable ;
if ( ! this . isMultiDrag && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable . multiDrag . _deselectMultiDrag ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
multiDragElement . sortableIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( multiDragElement ) ;
} ) ; // Sort multi-drag elements
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return a . sortableIndex - b . sortableIndex ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragStarted = true ;
} ,
dragStarted : function dragStarted ( _ref7 ) {
var _this2 = this ;
var sortable = _ref7 . sortable ;
if ( ! this . isMultiDrag ) return ;
if ( this . options . sort ) {
// Capture rects,
// hide multi drag elements (by positioning them absolute),
// set multi drag elements rects to dragRect,
// show multi drag elements,
// animate to rects,
// unset rects & remove from DOM
sortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
if ( this . options . animation ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
if ( multiDragElement === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$css ( multiDragElement , "position" , "absolute" ) ;
} ) ;
var dragRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 , false , true , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
if ( multiDragElement === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$setRect ( multiDragElement , dragRect ) ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding = true ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$initialFolding = true ;
sortable . animateAll ( function ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$initialFolding = false ;
if ( _this2 . options . animation ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$unsetRect ( multiDragElement ) ;
} ) ;
// Remove all auxiliary multidrag items from el, if sorting enabled
if ( _this2 . options . sort ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$removeMultiDragElements ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
dragOver : function dragOver ( _ref8 ) {
var target = _ref8 . target , completed = _ref8 . completed , cancel = _ref8 . cancel ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding && ~ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( target ) ) {
completed ( false ) ;
cancel ( ) ;
} ,
revert : function revert ( _ref9 ) {
var fromSortable = _ref9 . fromSortable , rootEl = _ref9 . rootEl , sortable = _ref9 . sortable , dragRect = _ref9 . dragRect ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length > 1 ) {
// Setup unfold animation
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
sortable . addAnimationState ( {
target : multiDragElement ,
rect : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding ? $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( multiDragElement ) : dragRect
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$unsetRect ( multiDragElement ) ;
multiDragElement . fromRect = dragRect ;
fromSortable . removeAnimationState ( multiDragElement ) ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$insertMultiDragElements ( ! this . options . removeCloneOnHide , rootEl ) ;
} ,
dragOverCompleted : function dragOverCompleted ( _ref10 ) {
var sortable = _ref10 . sortable , isOwner = _ref10 . isOwner , insertion = _ref10 . insertion , activeSortable = _ref10 . activeSortable , parentEl = _ref10 . parentEl , putSortable = _ref10 . putSortable ;
var options = this . options ;
if ( insertion ) {
// Clones must be hidden before folding animation to capture dragRectAbsolute properly
if ( isOwner ) activeSortable . _hideClone ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$initialFolding = false ; // If leaving sort:false root, or already folding - Fold to new location
if ( options . animation && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length > 1 && ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding || ! isOwner && ! activeSortable . options . sort && ! putSortable ) ) {
// Fold: Set all multi drag elements's rects to dragEl's rect when multi-drag elements are invisible
var dragRectAbsolute = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 , false , true , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
if ( multiDragElement === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$setRect ( multiDragElement , dragRectAbsolute ) ; // Move element(s) to end of parentEl so that it does not interfere with multi-drag clones insertion if they are inserted
// while folding, and so that we can capture them again because old sortable will no longer be fromSortable
parentEl . appendChild ( multiDragElement ) ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding = true ;
} // Clones must be shown (and check to remove multi drags) after folding when interfering multiDragElements are moved out
if ( ! isOwner ) {
// Only remove if not folding (folding will remove them anyways)
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$removeMultiDragElements ( ) ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length > 1 ) {
var clonesHiddenBefore = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesHidden ;
activeSortable . _showClone ( sortable ) ; // Unfold animation for clones if showing from hidden
if ( activeSortable . options . animation && ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesHidden && clonesHiddenBefore ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones . forEach ( function ( clone ) {
activeSortable . addAnimationState ( {
target : clone ,
rect : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesFromRect
} ) ;
clone . fromRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesFromRect ;
clone . thisAnimationDuration = null ;
} ) ;
} else activeSortable . _showClone ( sortable ) ;
} ,
dragOverAnimationCapture : function dragOverAnimationCapture ( _ref11 ) {
var dragRect = _ref11 . dragRect , isOwner = _ref11 . isOwner , activeSortable = _ref11 . activeSortable ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
multiDragElement . thisAnimationDuration = null ;
} ) ;
if ( activeSortable . options . animation && ! isOwner && activeSortable . multiDrag . isMultiDrag ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesFromRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( { } , dragRect ) ;
var dragMatrix = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$matrix ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesFromRect . top -= dragMatrix . f ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$clonesFromRect . left -= dragMatrix . e ;
} ,
dragOverAnimationComplete : function dragOverAnimationComplete ( ) {
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$removeMultiDragElements ( ) ;
} ,
drop : function drop ( _ref12 ) {
var evt = _ref12 . originalEvent , rootEl = _ref12 . rootEl , parentEl = _ref12 . parentEl , sortable = _ref12 . sortable , dispatchSortableEvent = _ref12 . dispatchSortableEvent , oldIndex = _ref12 . oldIndex , putSortable = _ref12 . putSortable ;
var toSortable = putSortable || this . sortable ;
if ( ! evt ) return ;
var options = this . options , children = parentEl . children ; // Multi-drag selection
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragStarted ) {
if ( options . multiDragKey && ! this . multiDragKeyDown ) this . _deselectMultiDrag ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 , options . selectedClass , ! ~ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) ) ;
if ( ! ~ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . push ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : sortable ,
rootEl : rootEl ,
name : "select" ,
targetEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ; // Modifier activated, select from last to dragEl
if ( evt . shiftKey && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastMultiDragSelect && sortable . el . contains ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastMultiDragSelect ) ) {
var lastIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastMultiDragSelect ) , currentIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) ;
if ( ~ lastIndex && ~ currentIndex && lastIndex !== currentIndex ) {
// Must include lastMultiDragSelect (select it), in case modified selection from no selection
// (but previous selection existed)
var n , i ;
if ( currentIndex > lastIndex ) {
i = lastIndex ;
n = currentIndex ;
} else {
i = currentIndex ;
n = lastIndex + 1 ;
for ( ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
if ( ~ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( children [ i ] ) ) continue ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( children [ i ] , options . selectedClass , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . push ( children [ i ] ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : sortable ,
rootEl : rootEl ,
name : "select" ,
targetEl : children [ i ] ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
} else $64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastMultiDragSelect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable = toSortable ;
} else {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . splice ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) , 1 ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$lastMultiDragSelect = null ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : sortable ,
rootEl : rootEl ,
name : "deselect" ,
targetEl : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
} // Multi-drag drop
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragStarted && this . isMultiDrag ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding = false ; // Do not "unfold" after around dragEl if reverted
if ( ( parentEl [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] . options . sort || parentEl !== rootEl ) && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length > 1 ) {
var dragRect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) , multiDragIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 , ":not(." + this . options . selectedClass + ")" ) ;
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$initialFolding && options . animation ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 . thisAnimationDuration = null ;
toSortable . captureAnimationState ( ) ;
if ( ! $64afbd09cd65a300$var$initialFolding ) {
if ( options . animation ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 . fromRect = dragRect ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
multiDragElement . thisAnimationDuration = null ;
if ( multiDragElement !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) {
var rect = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding ? $64afbd09cd65a300$var$getRect ( multiDragElement ) : dragRect ;
multiDragElement . fromRect = rect ; // Prepare unfold animation
toSortable . addAnimationState ( {
target : multiDragElement ,
rect : rect
} ) ;
} ) ;
} // Multi drag elements are not necessarily removed from the DOM on drop, so to reinsert
// properly they must all be removed
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$removeMultiDragElements ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
if ( children [ multiDragIndex ] ) parentEl . insertBefore ( multiDragElement , children [ multiDragIndex ] ) ;
else parentEl . appendChild ( multiDragElement ) ;
multiDragIndex ++ ;
} ) ; // If initial folding is done, the elements may have changed position because they are now
// unfolding around dragEl, even though dragEl may not have his index changed, so update event
// must be fired here as Sortable will not.
if ( oldIndex === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) ) {
var update = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
if ( multiDragElement . sortableIndex !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( multiDragElement ) ) {
update = true ;
return ;
} ) ;
if ( update ) dispatchSortableEvent ( "update" ) ;
} // Must be done after capturing individual rects (scroll bar)
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$unsetRect ( multiDragElement ) ;
} ) ;
toSortable . animateAll ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable = toSortable ;
} // Remove clones if necessary
if ( rootEl === parentEl || putSortable && putSortable . lastPutMode !== "clone" ) $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones . forEach ( function ( clone ) {
clone . parentNode && clone . parentNode . removeChild ( clone ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
nullingGlobal : function nullingGlobal ( ) {
this . isMultiDrag = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragStarted = false ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones . length = 0 ;
} ,
destroyGlobal : function destroyGlobal ( ) {
this . _deselectMultiDrag ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "pointerup" , this . _deselectMultiDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "mouseup" , this . _deselectMultiDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "touchend" , this . _deselectMultiDrag ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "keydown" , this . _checkKeyDown ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$off ( document , "keyup" , this . _checkKeyUp ) ;
} ,
_deselectMultiDrag : function _deselectMultiDrag ( evt ) {
if ( typeof $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragStarted !== "undefined" && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragStarted ) return ; // Only deselect if selection is in this sortable
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable !== this . sortable ) return ; // Only deselect if target is not item in this sortable
if ( evt && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$closest ( evt . target , this . options . draggable , this . sortable . el , false ) ) return ; // Only deselect if left click
if ( evt && evt . button !== 0 ) return ;
while ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . length ) {
var el = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements [ 0 ] ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( el , this . options . selectedClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . shift ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$dispatchEvent ( {
sortable : this . sortable ,
rootEl : this . sortable . el ,
name : "deselect" ,
targetEl : el ,
originalEvent : evt
} ) ;
} ,
_checkKeyDown : function _checkKeyDown ( evt ) {
if ( evt . key === this . options . multiDragKey ) this . multiDragKeyDown = true ;
} ,
_checkKeyUp : function _checkKeyUp ( evt ) {
if ( evt . key === this . options . multiDragKey ) this . multiDragKeyDown = false ;
} ;
return $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _extends ( MultiDrag , {
// Static methods & properties
pluginName : "multiDrag" ,
utils : {
/ * *
* Selects the provided multi - drag item
* @ param { HTMLElement } el The element to be selected
* / s e l e c t : f u n c t i o n s e l e c t ( e l ) {
var sortable = el . parentNode [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] ;
if ( ! sortable || ! sortable . options . multiDrag || ~ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( el ) ) return ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable && $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable !== sortable ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable . multiDrag . _deselectMultiDrag ( ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragSortable = sortable ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( el , sortable . options . selectedClass , true ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . push ( el ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Deselects the provided multi - drag item
* @ param { HTMLElement } el The element to be deselected
* / d e s e l e c t : f u n c t i o n d e s e l e c t ( e l ) {
var sortable = el . parentNode [ $64afbd09cd65a300$var$expando ] , index = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . indexOf ( el ) ;
if ( ! sortable || ! sortable . options . multiDrag || ! ~ index ) return ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$toggleClass ( el , sortable . options . selectedClass , false ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
} ,
eventProperties : function eventProperties ( ) {
var _this3 = this ;
var oldIndicies = [ ] , newIndicies = [ ] ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
oldIndicies . push ( {
multiDragElement : multiDragElement ,
index : multiDragElement . sortableIndex
} ) ; // multiDragElements will already be sorted if folding
var newIndex ;
if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding && multiDragElement !== $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) newIndex = - 1 ;
else if ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$folding ) newIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( multiDragElement , ":not(." + _this3 . options . selectedClass + ")" ) ;
else newIndex = $64afbd09cd65a300$var$index ( multiDragElement ) ;
newIndicies . push ( {
multiDragElement : multiDragElement ,
index : newIndex
} ) ;
} ) ;
return {
items : $64afbd09cd65a300$var$ _toConsumableArray ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements ) ,
clones : [ ] . concat ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones ) ,
oldIndicies : oldIndicies ,
newIndicies : newIndicies
} ;
} ,
optionListeners : {
multiDragKey : function multiDragKey ( key ) {
key = key . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( key === "ctrl" ) key = "Control" ;
else if ( key . length > 1 ) key = key . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + key . substr ( 1 ) ;
return key ;
} ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$insertMultiDragElements ( clonesInserted , rootEl ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement , i ) {
var target = rootEl . children [ multiDragElement . sortableIndex + ( clonesInserted ? Number ( i ) : 0 ) ] ;
if ( target ) rootEl . insertBefore ( multiDragElement , target ) ;
else rootEl . appendChild ( multiDragElement ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Insert multi - drag clones
* @ param { [ Boolean ] } elementsInserted Whether the multi - drag elements are inserted
* @ param { HTMLElement } rootEl
* / f u n c t i o n $ 6 4 a f b d 0 9 c d 6 5 a 3 0 0 $ v a r $ i n s e r t M u l t i D r a g C l o n e s ( e l e m e n t s I n s e r t e d , r o o t E l ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragClones . forEach ( function ( clone , i ) {
var target = rootEl . children [ clone . sortableIndex + ( elementsInserted ? Number ( i ) : 0 ) ] ;
if ( target ) rootEl . insertBefore ( clone , target ) ;
else rootEl . appendChild ( clone ) ;
} ) ;
function $64afbd09cd65a300$var$removeMultiDragElements ( ) {
$64afbd09cd65a300$var$multiDragElements . forEach ( function ( multiDragElement ) {
if ( multiDragElement === $64afbd09cd65a300$var$dragEl$1 ) return ;
multiDragElement . parentNode && multiDragElement . parentNode . removeChild ( multiDragElement ) ;
} ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . mount ( new $64afbd09cd65a300$var$AutoScrollPlugin ( ) ) ;
$64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 . mount ( $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Remove , $64afbd09cd65a300$var$Revert ) ;
var $64afbd09cd65a300$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $64afbd09cd65a300$export$31b3ca70d8f57423 ;
const $832f4be7bc001332$var$notify = new ( 0 , $accfb6154319a04b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
class $832f4be7bc001332$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( upload , input , imageList , fileList ) {
this . mm = new ( 0 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( null , null , document . getElementById ( "notify-progress" ) ) ;
this . upload = upload ;
this . input = input ;
this . imageList = imageList ;
this . fileList = fileList ;
this . accetableFiles = [
"image/jpeg" ,
"image/gif" ,
"image/png" ,
"image/svg" ,
"audio/mpeg" ,
"video/mp4" ,
"application/pdf" ,
"text/plain" ,
] ;
this . files = [ ] ;
this . sortedFiles = [ ] ;
this . storage = [ ] ;
this . mediaSort = ( 0 , $64afbd09cd65a300$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) . create ( this . imageList , {
animation : 150 ,
onUpdate : ( ) => {
//notify.alert('REINDEXING MEDIA', null);
} ) ;
this . fileSort = ( 0 , $64afbd09cd65a300$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) . create ( this . fileList , {
animation : 150 ,
onUpdate : ( ) => {
//notify.alert('REINDEXING FILES', null);
} ) ;
this . start ( ) ;
// methods
start ( ) {
this . upload . addEventListener ( "dragover" , ( e ) => this . handleFileActions ( e ) , false ) ;
this . upload . addEventListener ( "drop" , ( e ) => this . handleFileActions ( e ) , false ) ;
this . input . addEventListener ( "change" , ( e ) => this . handleFileActions ( e ) , false ) ;
var removeMedia = document . querySelectorAll ( ".media-remove" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = removeMedia . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) removeMedia [ i ] . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . removeFile ( e , "media" ) , false ) ;
getFileOrder ( ) {
let imgList = "" ;
let fileList = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = this . imageList . childNodes . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
let div = this . imageList . childNodes [ i ] ;
imgList = imgList + div . getAttribute ( "data-source" ) + "," ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = this . fileList . childNodes . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
let div = this . fileList . childNodes [ i ] ;
fileList = fileList + div . getAttribute ( "data-source" ) + "," ;
let media = {
images : imgList ,
files : fileList
} ;
return media ;
sortFiles ( files ) {
var self = this ;
for ( var i = 0 , file ; file = files [ i ] ; i ++ ) {
var reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
// Closure to capture the file information
reader . onload = ( ( theFile ) => {
return function ( f ) {
//create remove button object
var remove = document . createElement ( "button" ) ;
var removeIcon = document . createElement ( "i" ) ;
removeIcon . classList . add ( "ti" , "ti-x" ) ;
remove . className = "media-remove" ;
remove . appendChild ( removeIcon ) ;
//remove.setAttribute('id', mediaCount);
remove . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => self . removeFile ( e , "media" ) , false ) ;
//upload the file
let upload = new FormData ( ) ;
upload . enctype = "multipart/form-data" ;
upload . append ( "upload_files[]" , theFile , theFile . name ) ;
let item = null ;
let progress = null ;
// sort files
switch ( theFile . type ) {
case "image/jpg" :
case "image/jpeg" :
case "image/gif" :
case "image/svg" :
case "image/png" :
item = self . itemFactory ( "img-item" ) ;
progress = document . getElementById ( "pgs" + item . getAttribute ( "id" ) ) ;
self . mm . filesUpload ( theFile . type , upload , progress ) . then ( ( result ) => {
item . setAttribute ( "data-source" , result . filePath ) ;
item . style . background = "url(" + f . target . result + ") no-repeat center center / cover" ;
( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : progress ,
width : 0 ,
easing : "easeInOutQuint" ,
duration : 1000 ,
complete : ( ) => {
item . removeChild ( progress ) ;
item . appendChild ( remove ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "video/mp4" :
item = self . itemFactory ( "video-item" ) ;
progress = document . getElementById ( "pgs" + item . getAttribute ( "id" ) ) ;
self . mm . filesUpload ( theFile . type , upload , progress ) . then ( ( result ) => {
item . setAttribute ( "data-source" , result . filePath ) ;
let video = document . createElement ( "video" ) ;
let source = document . createElement ( "source" ) ;
source . src = f . target . result ;
video . appendChild ( source ) ;
item . appendChild ( video ) ;
( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : progress ,
width : 0 ,
easing : "easeInOutQuint" ,
duration : 1000 ,
complete : ( ) => {
item . removeChild ( progress ) ;
item . appendChild ( remove ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "audio/mpeg" :
item = self . itemFactory ( "audio-item" ) ;
progress = document . getElementById ( "pgs" + item . getAttribute ( "id" ) ) ;
self . mm . filesUpload ( theFile . type , upload , progress ) . then ( ( result ) => {
item . setAttribute ( "data-source" , result . filePath ) ;
let audio = document . createElement ( "audio" ) ;
audio . setAttribute ( "controls" , true ) ;
let source = document . createElement ( "source" ) ;
source . src = f . target . result ;
audio . appendChild ( source ) ;
item . appendChild ( audio ) ;
( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : progress ,
width : 0 ,
easing : "easeInOutQuint" ,
duration : 1000 ,
complete : ( ) => {
item . removeChild ( progress ) ;
item . appendChild ( remove ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "application/pdf" :
case "text/plain" :
case "text/rtf" :
item = self . itemFactory ( "file-item" ) ;
progress = document . getElementById ( "pgs" + item . getAttribute ( "id" ) ) ;
self . mm . filesUpload ( theFile . type , upload , progress ) . then ( ( result ) => {
item . setAttribute ( "data-source" , result . filePath ) ;
let link = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
link . href = result . filePath ;
link . innerHTML = result . fileName ;
item . appendChild ( link ) ;
( 0 , $8b9e2899b2e82f52$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( {
targets : progress ,
width : 0 ,
easing : "easeInOutQuint" ,
duration : 1000 ,
complete : ( ) => {
item . removeChild ( progress ) ;
item . appendChild ( remove ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
} ;
} ) ( file ) ;
// Read in the image file as a data URL.
reader . readAsDataURL ( file ) ;
itemFactory ( type = null ) {
//get counts for lists
var mediaCount = this . imageList . childNodes . length ;
var fileCount = this . fileList . childNodes . length ;
if ( mediaCount < 0 ) mediaCount = 0 ;
if ( fileCount < 0 ) fileCount = 0 ;
var item = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
item . className = type ;
var progress = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
progress . className = "item-progress" ;
item . appendChild ( progress ) ;
if ( type == "img-item" || type == "video-item" ) {
this . imageList . appendChild ( item ) ;
progress . setAttribute ( "id" , "pgs" + mediaCount ) ;
item . setAttribute ( "id" , mediaCount ) ;
} else {
this . fileList . appendChild ( item ) ;
progress . setAttribute ( "id" , "pgs" + fileCount ) ;
item . setAttribute ( "id" , fileCount ) ;
return item ;
// event handlers
removeFile ( e ) {
var item = e . target . parentNode . parentNode ;
switch ( item . className ) {
case "img-item" :
case "video-item" :
this . imageList . removeChild ( item ) ;
break ;
case "audio-item" :
case "file-item" :
this . fileList . removeChild ( item ) ;
break ;
$832f4be7bc001332$var$notify . alert ( "File Removed!" , true ) ;
handleFileActions ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let self = this ;
let rawList = [ ] ;
let sortedList = [ ] ;
let notOnTheList = [ ] ;
switch ( e . type ) {
case "dragover" :
e . dataTransfer . dropEffect = "copy" ; // Explicitly show this is a copy.
break ;
case "change" :
case "drop" :
e . type == "drop" ? rawList = e . dataTransfer . files : rawList = e . target . files ;
for ( var i = 0 , f ; f = rawList [ i ] ; i ++ ) // check witch files are cool to upload
if ( this . accetableFiles . includes ( f . type ) ) sortedList . push ( f ) ;
else notOnTheList . push ( f ) ;
//send for sorting
self . sortFiles ( sortedList ) ;
break ;
const $371d2518d50c1748$var$notify = new ( 0 , $accfb6154319a04b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
class $371d2518d50c1748$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) {
this . processing = false ;
let self = "this" ;
this . admin = new ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( null , document . getElementById ( "notify-progress" ) ) ;
this . mm = new ( 0 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( null , null ) ;
this . urlPieces = document . URL . split ( "/" ) ;
this . post = [ ] ;
this . postID = null ;
this . postUUID = null ;
this . postLayout = null ;
this . fm = null ;
if ( document . querySelector ( '[role="file-manager"]' ) . getAttribute ( "data-index" ) ) {
this . postID = document . querySelector ( '[role="file-manager"]' ) . getAttribute ( "data-index" ) ;
this . postUUID = document . querySelector ( '[role="file-manager"]' ) . getAttribute ( "data-uuid" ) ;
this . postLayout = document . querySelector ( '[role="file-manager"]' ) . getAttribute ( "data-layout" ) ;
if ( document . getElementById ( "edit" ) ) {
this . editor = new ( 0 , $e6c02983873e6cdf$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( document . getElementById ( "edit" ) , document . querySelector ( '[role="file-manager"]' ) . offsetHeight + document . querySelector ( '[role="page-meta"]' ) . offsetHeight + document . querySelector ( '[role="text-editor"]' ) . offsetHeight ) ;
this . editor . addListener ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$e0c06b1ddd9992cc , ( ) => this . handleEditorOptions ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$e0c06b1ddd9992cc ) , false ) ;
this . editor . addListener ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$80082ca64f03d0e9 , ( ) => this . handleEditorOptions ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$80082ca64f03d0e9 ) , false ) ;
this . editor . addListener ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$14580fc61246740 , ( ) => this . handleEditorOptions ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$14580fc61246740 ) , false ) ;
this . editor . addListener ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$1844db352cf5aef3 , ( ) => this . handleEditorOptions ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$1844db352cf5aef3 ) , false ) ;
document . getElementById ( "post-image-upload" ) . addEventListener ( "change" , ( e ) => {
this . handleImageUpload ( e . target . id , e . target . files ) ;
} , false ) ;
/ *
TinyDatePicker ( document . getElementById ( 'post-date' ) , {
mode : 'dp-below' ,
format ( ) {
//return self.dateUtils.getDate('origin', date);
} ) ;
* / t h i s . s t a r t ( ) ;
// methods
start ( ) {
if ( document . querySelector ( '[role="file-drop"]' ) ) {
//insert fileManager here
this . fm = new ( 0 , $832f4be7bc001332$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( document . querySelector ( '[role="file-drop"]' ) , document . getElementById ( "page-files-upload" ) , document . querySelector ( '[role="page-images-list"]' ) , document . querySelector ( '[role="page-files-list"]' ) ) ;
var optionButtons = document . querySelectorAll ( ".post-option-btn" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = optionButtons . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) optionButtons [ i ] . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handlePostOptions ( e ) , false ) ;
// event handlers
handlePostOptions ( e ) {
let currentOption = null ;
switch ( e . target . id ) {
case "option-page-icon" :
case "option-menu-pin" :
currentOption = document . getElementById ( "option-menu-pin" ) ;
break ;
case "option-feature-icon" :
case "option-feature" :
currentOption = document . getElementById ( "option-feature" ) ;
break ;
case "option-published-icon" :
case "option-published" :
currentOption = document . getElementById ( "option-published" ) ;
break ;
if ( currentOption != null ) {
let active = currentOption . getAttribute ( "data-active" ) ;
active == "false" ? currentOption . setAttribute ( "data-active" , "true" ) : currentOption . setAttribute ( "data-active" , "false" ) ;
handleEditorOptions ( e ) {
if ( this . processing ) return ;
let self = this ;
switch ( e ) {
case $0d6abf40542266b3$export$1844db352cf5aef3 :
case $0d6abf40542266b3$export$14580fc61246740 :
var task = "" ;
e === $0d6abf40542266b3$export$1844db352cf5aef3 ? task = ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$f06e28eb004ce525 ) : task = ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$a01fefcc831953fa ) ;
new ( 0 , $de01a7e5b1773530$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) . collectInfo ( this . fm . getFileOrder ( ) ) . then ( ( page ) => {
self . processing = true ;
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( "Writing down changes" , null ) ;
self . admin . pageActions ( task , page ) . then ( ( r ) => {
self . processing = false ;
if ( r . type === $995f55a4eccd256d$export$a9707c9559ca4612 || r . type === $995f55a4eccd256d$export$8829e15ac416fcee ) $371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( r . message , false ) ;
else if ( r . type === $995f55a4eccd256d$export$f88aea22a746eab ) $371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
else {
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
window . location = "/dashboard/page/edit/" + r . id ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( err , false ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case $0d6abf40542266b3$export$e0c06b1ddd9992cc :
if ( this . postLayout === "index" ) {
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( "Index cannot be deleted" , false ) ;
return ;
if ( confirm ( "AYE! You know you're deleting this post, right?" ) ) new ( 0 , $de01a7e5b1773530$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) . collectInfo ( this . fm . getFileOrder ( ) ) . then ( ( page ) => {
self . processing = true ;
this . admin . pageActions ( ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$f9aea0c55bfa15c9 ) , page ) . then ( ( ) => {
self . processing = false ;
window . location = "/dashboard/pages" ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( err , false ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ) => { } ) ;
break ;
case $0d6abf40542266b3$export$80082ca64f03d0e9 :
document . getElementById ( "post-image-upload" ) . click ( ) ;
break ;
handleImageUpload ( type , files ) {
let self = this ;
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( "Uploading Image" , null ) ;
let upload = new FormData ( ) ;
upload . enctype = "multipart/form-data" ;
upload . append ( "upload_files[]" , files [ 0 ] , files [ 0 ] . name ) ;
this . mm . filesUpload ( files [ 0 ] . type , upload ) . then ( ( result ) => {
if ( result . message == "File Uploaded. Great!" ) {
self . editor . notify ( $0d6abf40542266b3$export$80082ca64f03d0e9 , result . filePath ) ;
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( "Image Added to Entry" , true ) ;
} else $371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( "Uh oh. Image not added" , false ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ) => {
$371d2518d50c1748$var$notify . alert ( "Uh oh. Image not added" , false ) ;
} ) ;
class $00028bbb7da2e80b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( page ) {
this . currentPage = null ;
this . choosePage ( page ) ;
this . start ( ) ;
// methods
start ( ) { }
choosePage ( page ) {
this . currentPage = "" ;
switch ( page ) {
case "edit" :
case "add" :
this . currentPage = new ( 0 , $371d2518d50c1748$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
class $8a9e11caee7219b1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) { }
// methods
getInfo ( ) {
let handle = document . getElementById ( "settings-handle" ) . value ;
let email = document . getElementById ( "settings-email" ) . value ;
let url = document . getElementById ( "settings-url" ) . value ;
let title = document . getElementById ( "settings-title" ) . value ;
let desc = document . getElementById ( "settings-desc" ) . value ;
//let privacy = document.getElementById('privacy-toggle').getAttribute('data-private');
let render = document . getElementById ( "render-toggle" ) . getAttribute ( "data-render" ) ;
let background = document . querySelector ( '[role="background"]' ) . style . backgroundImage . slice ( 4 , - 1 ) . replace ( /"/g , "" ) ;
let selected = "" ;
let selects = document . querySelectorAll ( ".theme-select" ) ;
let smtpDomain = document . getElementById ( "smtp-domain" ) . value ;
let smtpEmail = document . getElementById ( "smtp-email" ) . value ;
let smtpPass = document . getElementById ( "smtp-pass" ) . value ;
let mgDomain = document . getElementById ( "mg-domain" ) . value ;
let mgKey = document . getElementById ( "mg-key" ) . value ;
let mailActive = "" ;
let mailOptions = document . querySelectorAll ( ".mail-option" ) ;
let apiStatus = document . getElementById ( "api-access-toggle" ) . getAttribute ( "data-enabled" ) ;
let dynamicRenderStatus = document . getElementById ( "dynamic-render-toggle" ) . getAttribute ( "data-enabled" ) ;
var i , count ;
for ( i = 0 , count = selects . length ; i < count ; i ++ ) if ( selects [ i ] . getAttribute ( "data-enabled" ) == "true" ) selected = selects [ i ] . id ;
for ( i = 0 , count = mailOptions . length ; i < count ; i ++ ) if ( mailOptions [ i ] . getAttribute ( "data-enabled" ) == "true" ) mailActive = mailOptions [ i ] . id ;
let settingsData = {
global : {
base _url : url ,
title : title ,
descriptions : desc ,
background : background ,
private : false ,
renderOnSave : render ,
theme : selected ,
externalAPI : apiStatus ,
dynamicRender : dynamicRenderStatus
} ,
member : {
handle : handle ,
email : email
} ,
email : {
active : mailActive ,
smtp : {
domain : smtpDomain ,
email : smtpEmail ,
password : smtpPass
} ,
mailgun : {
domain : mgDomain ,
key : mgKey
} ;
return new Promise ( function ( resolve ) {
resolve ( settingsData ) ;
} ) ;
const $18b11b34820682a5$var$notify = new ( 0 , $accfb6154319a04b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
class $18b11b34820682a5$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) { }
// methods
sendMail ( ) {
let mailData = {
content : "This is a test email"
} ;
let admin = new ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
admin . sendMail ( mailData ) . then ( ( result ) => {
$18b11b34820682a5$var$notify . alert ( result . message , true ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
$18b11b34820682a5$var$notify . alert ( err . message , false ) ;
} ) ;
testMail ( ) {
let mailData = {
content : "This is a test email" ,
mail _task : "TESTING"
} ;
let admin = new ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
admin . sendMail ( mailData ) . then ( ( result ) => {
$18b11b34820682a5$var$notify . alert ( result . message , true ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
$18b11b34820682a5$var$notify . alert ( err . message , false ) ;
} ) ;
const $b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify = new ( 0 , $accfb6154319a04b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
class $b33d1a942dce8554$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) {
this . processing = false ;
this . start ( ) ;
this . admin = new ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( null ) ;
this . mm = new ( 0 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( null , null ) ;
// methods
start ( ) {
let self = this ;
//handle save button
document . getElementById ( "save-toggle" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( ) => new ( 0 , $8a9e11caee7219b1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) . getInfo ( ) . then ( ( data ) => {
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( "Saving Settings" , null ) ;
self . admin . sync ( ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$ff4a0df6152bf850 ) , data ) . then ( ( r ) => {
if ( r . type == $995f55a4eccd256d$export$5dd76fd38bbe7841 ) $b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
else $b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ) => {
} ) ) ;
//handle set up image uploads
document . querySelector ( ".avatar" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( ) => {
document . getElementById ( "avatar-upload" ) . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . querySelector ( ".background" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( ) => {
document . getElementById ( "background-upload" ) . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "avatar-upload" ) . addEventListener ( "change" , ( e ) => {
self . handleImageUpload ( e . target . id , e . target . files ) ;
} , false ) ;
document . getElementById ( "background-upload" ) . addEventListener ( "change" , ( e ) => {
self . handleImageUpload ( e . target . id , e . target . files ) ;
} , false ) ;
//handle api access toggle
var apiButton = document . getElementById ( "api-access-toggle" ) ;
var apiStatus = document . getElementById ( "api-status" ) ;
apiButton . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( apiButton . getAttribute ( "data-enabled" ) == "false" ) {
apiButton . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "true" ) ;
apiStatus . innerHTML = "API ACCESS IS ENABLED" ;
} else {
apiButton . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
apiStatus . innerHTML = "API ACCESS IS DISABLED" ;
} ) ;
//handle dynamic page rendering
var dynamicRenderButton = document . getElementById ( "dynamic-render-toggle" ) ;
var dynamicRenderStatus = document . getElementById ( "dynamic-render-status" ) ;
dynamicRenderButton . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( dynamicRenderButton . getAttribute ( "data-enabled" ) == "false" ) {
dynamicRenderButton . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "true" ) ;
dynamicRenderStatus . innerHTML = "DYNAMIC PAGE RENDERING" ;
} else {
dynamicRenderButton . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
dynamicRenderStatus . innerHTML = "STATIC PAGE RENDERING" ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( "send-mail" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleMailer ( e ) ) ;
document . getElementById ( "publish-pages" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handlePublished ( e ) ) ;
//handle page render on save toggle
document . getElementById ( "render-toggle" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . toggleRender ( e ) ) ;
//handle theme toggle
let themeBtns = document . querySelectorAll ( ".theme-select" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = themeBtns . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) themeBtns [ i ] . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleThemes ( e ) ) ;
//handle mail options
let mailBtn = document . querySelectorAll ( ".mail-option" ) ;
for ( i = 0 , length = mailBtn . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) mailBtn [ i ] . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleMailOptions ( e ) ) ;
//handle backup from settings [disabled]
document . getElementById ( "create-backup" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleBackup ( e ) ) ;
/ *
. getElementById ( "reindex-pages" )
. addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleReindex ( e ) ) ;
* / }
// event handlers
togglePrivacy ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( e . target . getAttribute ( "data-private" ) == "false" ) {
e . target . setAttribute ( "data-private" , "true" ) ;
e . target . innerHTML = "SITE IS PUBLIC" ;
} else {
e . target . setAttribute ( "data-private" , "false" ) ;
e . target . innerHTML = "SITE IS PRIVATE" ;
toggleRender ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let button = document . getElementById ( "render-toggle" ) ;
if ( button . getAttribute ( "data-render" ) == "false" ) button . setAttribute ( "data-render" , "true" ) ;
else button . setAttribute ( "data-render" , "false" ) ;
handleMailer ( ) {
let mailer = new ( 0 , $18b11b34820682a5$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
mailer . testMail ( ) ;
handleThemes ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let themes = document . querySelectorAll ( ".theme-select" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = themes . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) e . target . id == themes [ i ] . id ? themes [ i ] . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "true" ) : themes [ i ] . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
handleMailOptions ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
let smtp = document . getElementById ( "mail-smtp" ) ;
let mailgun = document . getElementById ( "mail-mg" ) ;
let mail = document . querySelectorAll ( ".mail-option" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = mail . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) if ( e . target . id == mail [ i ] . id ) {
mail [ i ] . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "true" ) ;
if ( e . target . id == "option-smtp" ) {
smtp . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "true" ) ;
mailgun . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
} else if ( e . target . id == "option-none" ) {
smtp . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
mailgun . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
} else {
smtp . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
mailgun . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "true" ) ;
} else mail [ i ] . setAttribute ( "data-enabled" , "false" ) ;
handleImageUpload ( type , files ) {
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( "Uploading Image... " , null ) ;
let self = this ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( "Uploading Image" , null ) ;
let upload = new FormData ( ) ;
upload . enctype = "multipart/form-data" ;
upload . append ( "source" , type ) ;
upload . append ( "upload_files[]" , files [ 0 ] , files [ 0 ] . name ) ;
this . mm . filesUpload ( files [ 0 ] . type , upload ) . then ( ( r ) => {
if ( type == "avatar-upload" ) {
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
document . querySelector ( '[role="avatar"]' ) . style . background = "url(" + r . filePath + ") no-repeat center center / cover" ;
} else {
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
document . querySelector ( '[role="background"]' ) . style . background = "url(" + r . filePath + ") no-repeat center center / cover" ;
} ) . catch ( ( ) => {
} ) ;
handlePublished ( e ) {
if ( this . processing ) return ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
let self = this ;
let task = {
task : "PUBLISH_ALL"
} ;
this . processing = true ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( "Publishing site..." , null ) ;
this . admin . publish ( task ) . then ( ( r ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( err , false ) ;
} ) ;
handleBackup ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( "Creating backup" , null ) ;
this . mm . backup ( ) . then ( ( r ) => {
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( err , false ) ;
} ) ;
handleReindex ( e ) {
if ( this . processing ) return ;
let self = this ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
let task = {
task : "cleanup pages indexes"
} ;
this . processing = true ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( "Cleaning up page indexes" , null ) ;
this . admin . handleReindex ( task ) . then ( ( r ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$b33d1a942dce8554$var$notify . alert ( err , false ) ;
} ) ;
class $24d614592ba94b67$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) { }
// methods
syncMenu ( ) {
let navData = [ ] ;
let items = document . getElementById ( "nav-items" ) . children ;
for ( let index = 0 ; index < items . length ; index ++ ) navData . push ( {
title : items [ index ] . getElementsByTagName ( "label" ) [ 0 ] . innerHTML ,
id : items [ index ] . id ,
slug : items [ index ] . getAttribute ( "data-slug" ) ,
uuid : items [ index ] . getAttribute ( "data-uuid" ) ,
path : items [ index ] . getAttribute ( "data-path" )
} ) ;
let data = {
menu : navData ,
remove : null
} ;
return new Promise ( function ( resolve ) {
resolve ( data ) ;
} ) ;
removeItem ( id ) {
document . getElementById ( "nav-items" ) . removeChild ( document . getElementById ( id ) ) ;
const $18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$var$notify = new ( 0 , $accfb6154319a04b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
class $18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) {
this . processing = false ;
this . admin = new ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( null ) ;
this . start ( ) ;
// methods
start ( ) {
//grabs elements and makes them sortables
let self = this ;
( 0 , $64afbd09cd65a300$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) . create ( document . getElementById ( "nav-items" ) , {
onUpdate : ( ) => {
new ( 0 , $24d614592ba94b67$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) . syncMenu ( ) . then ( ( data ) => {
$18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$var$notify . alert ( "Updating Menu" , null ) ;
self . admin . sync ( ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$67799ce3e3352ee1 ) , data ) . then ( ( r ) => {
if ( r . type == $995f55a4eccd256d$export$d4fd546d3456ff85 ) $18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
else $18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var nav = document . querySelectorAll ( ".nav-btn" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , length = nav . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) nav [ i ] . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleNavButton ( e ) , false ) ;
// event handlers
handleNavButton ( e ) {
if ( this . processing ) return ;
let id = "" ;
let self = this ;
switch ( e . target . id ) {
case "remove-item" :
id = e . target . getAttribute ( "data-id" ) ;
new ( 0 , $24d614592ba94b67$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) . removeItem ( id ) ;
new ( 0 , $24d614592ba94b67$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) . syncMenu ( ) . then ( ( data ) => {
data . remove = e . target . getAttribute ( "data-uuid" ) ;
$18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$var$notify . alert ( "Editing Menu" , null ) ;
self . processing = true ;
self . admin . sync ( ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$67799ce3e3352ee1 ) , data ) . then ( ( r ) => {
self . processing = false ;
if ( r . type == $995f55a4eccd256d$export$d4fd546d3456ff85 ) $18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
else $18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$var$notify . alert ( r . message , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case "edit-item" :
self . processing = false ;
window . location = "/dashboard/page/edit/" + e . target . getAttribute ( "data-id" ) ;
break ;
class $f32c20539eb29606$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) {
this . mobile = false ;
this . mobileMenu = document . querySelector ( ".mobile-menu" ) ;
document . querySelector ( ".menu-toggle" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleMobile ( e ) ) ;
// methods
start ( ) { }
// event handlers
handleMobile ( e ) {
if ( this . mobile ) {
this . mobile = false ;
this . mobileMenu . style . display = "none" ;
} else {
this . mobile = true ;
this . mobileMenu . style . display = "inline" ;
class $129a4dc28afb9101$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) {
this . currentDisplay = "" ;
this . urlPieces = document . URL . split ( "/" ) ;
this . chooseDisplay ( this . urlPieces [ 4 ] , this . urlPieces [ 5 ] ) ;
//start main menu handler
new ( 0 , $f32c20539eb29606$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
// methods
start ( ) { }
chooseDisplay ( section , page ) {
this . currentDisplay = "" ;
switch ( section ) {
case "page" :
this . currentDisplay = new ( 0 , $00028bbb7da2e80b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( page ) ;
break ;
case "settings" :
this . currentDisplay = new ( 0 , $b33d1a942dce8554$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
break ;
case "navigation" :
this . currentDisplay = new ( 0 , $18c0afb4f3b7cd5c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
this . start ( ) ;
const $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$data = new ( 0 , $f177b50aa405d296$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
const $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify = new ( 0 , $accfb6154319a04b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
class $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 {
// constructor
constructor ( ) {
this . processing = false ;
this . start ( ) ;
// methods
//TODO: Move init functions and set up to their own class
start ( ) {
if ( document . getElementById ( "login" ) || document . querySelector ( '[role="site-restore"]' ) ) {
var options = document . getElementsByClassName ( "init-option" ) ;
for ( let index = 0 ; index < options . length ; index ++ ) options [ index ] . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleOptions ( e ) ) ;
if ( document . getElementById ( "login" ) ) document . getElementById ( "login-btn" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleLogin ( e ) ) ;
else {
document . getElementById ( "init-blog" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleSetup ( e ) ) ;
document . getElementById ( "blog-restore" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleRestore ( e ) ) ;
} else if ( document . getElementById ( "dash-reset" ) ) {
document . getElementById ( "get-secret-btn" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleReset ( e ) ) ;
document . getElementById ( "reset-btn" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , ( e ) => this . handleReset ( e ) ) ;
} else new ( 0 , $129a4dc28afb9101$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
// event handlers
handleLogin ( e ) {
if ( this . processing ) return ;
let self = this ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let authForm = $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$data . formDataToJSON ( document . getElementById ( "login" ) ) ;
//notify.alert('Looking, hold up', null);
let api = new ( 0 , $cbea55afea03b976$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
this . processing = true ;
api . login ( authForm ) . then ( ( response ) => {
self . processing = false ;
if ( response . type === $995f55a4eccd256d$export$f99ec790401d28da ) e . target . innerHTML = response . message ;
else {
e . target . innerHTML = response . message ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
window . location = "/dashboard" ;
} , 500 ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
} ) ;
handleSetup ( e ) {
if ( this . processing ) return ;
let self = this ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let setUpForm = $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$data . formDataToJSON ( document . getElementById ( "init-form" ) ) ;
let mm = new ( 0 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
this . processing = true ;
mm . create ( setUpForm ) . then ( ( response ) => {
if ( response . type === $995f55a4eccd256d$export$74a5c30fa9753d80 ) {
self . processing = false ;
e . target . innerHTML = response . message ;
} else {
self . processing = false ;
e . target . innerHTML = response . message ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
window . location = "/dashboard" ;
} , 700 ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
//notify.alert(err, false);
} ) ;
handleRestore ( e ) {
if ( this . processing ) return ;
let self = this ;
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let mm = new ( 0 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
var form = document . getElementById ( "init-restore" ) ;
this . processing = true ;
mm . restore ( form ) . then ( ( response ) => {
if ( response . type === $995f55a4eccd256d$export$f99ec790401d28da ) {
self . processing = false ;
e . target . innerHTML = response . message ;
} else {
self . processing = false ;
e . target . innerHTML = response . message ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
window . location = "/dashboard" ;
} , 1500 ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
e . target . innerHTML = err ;
} ) ;
handleReset ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let self = this ;
let mm = new ( 0 , $7e781a188206b2b3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
if ( e . target . id == "get-secret-btn" ) {
let data = {
email : document . getElementById ( "email" ) . value ,
task : "retrieveSecret"
} ;
this . processing = true ;
mm . secret ( data ) . then ( ( response ) => {
self . processing = false ;
if ( response . secret ) {
document . getElementById ( "secret" ) . value = response . secret ;
$5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify . alert ( response . message , true ) ;
} else if ( response . type == "mailSent" ) $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify . alert ( response . message , true ) ;
else $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify . alert ( response . message , false ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify . alert ( err , false ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
let data = {
newPass : document . getElementById ( "new_password" ) . value ,
newPassConfirm : document . getElementById ( "new_password2" ) . value ,
secret : document . getElementById ( "secret" ) . value
} ;
mm . newPass ( data ) . then ( ( response ) => {
self . processing = false ;
if ( response . type == "passNotCreated" ) $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify . alert ( response . message , false ) ;
else {
$5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify . alert ( response . message , true ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
window . location = "/dashboard" ;
} , 1000 ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( err ) => {
self . processing = false ;
$5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$var$notify . alert ( err , false ) ;
} ) ;
handleOptions ( e ) {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
let init = document . querySelector ( '[role="restore-fresh"]' ) ;
let restore = document . querySelector ( '[role="restore-backup"]' ) ;
if ( e . target . id === "init-switch-restore" ) {
init . style . display = "none" ;
init . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
restore . style . display = "grid" ;
restore . style . visibility = "visible" ;
} else {
init . style . display = "grid" ;
init . style . visibility = "visible" ;
restore . style . display = "none" ;
restore . style . visibility = "hidden" ;
document . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , function ( ) {
new ( 0 , $5ec7c34d3cbf8bc6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 ) ( ) ;
} , false ) ;