Turned on the new preliminary search on the index page. Still pretty
raw but wanted to make sure all the plumbing was there.
Next stage is to clean it up a bit and make it sexy
Added additional pages About, Listings, and Location as well as
implementing the corresponding functionality for those pages to be able
to pull the data they need from the DB.
Also continued layout clean up and adjusted some gloabal font sizing
Brought over the old form for adding new location to the db and the
plugged everything back up using Laravel's eloquent orm (which is pretty
fucking sweet) to re-active that process
NOTE: larvel gets a twitchy when sequencing isn't explicitly set some
minor edits needed to be made to the development DB to prevent a null id
error when inserting new records. this should be done to production when
it's ready as well
Added the necessary template files for every page needed. Most are still
empty but all are accounted for from the previous version.
Also organized all routes to the dashboard, named the den for better security
Rebuilt member authorization and session handling within Laravel's
envirnoment. Sticking with bcrypt encryption for passwords to make the
transistion simple.
Added some controllers and template pages to test connection with the db
and begin the process of porting over functionality to this version.
Also made some minor tweaks to formatting configs and updated a color in
the css
Archived previous version to switch codebase to Laravel framework for
the sake of reducing complexity to lower the barrier for entry for
potential contributers. Because easier is always better.